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Music & Other Recordings

CDs with: Claire, Jean

Apostles, martyrs & virgins
Liturgy of apostles. Introit: Mihi autem (1:50) ; Introit: Iudicant (2:02) ; Gradual: Constitues (3:40) ; Alleluia: Te gloriosus (1:45) ; Offertory: In omnem (1:12) ; Commumion: Amen (1:05) ; Communion: Ego vos (0:44) ; Lauds antiphons (2:39) ; Vespers antiphons (1:35) ; Hymn: Exsultet (3:51) -- Liturgy of martyrs. Introit: Iusti epulentur (1:24) ; Introit: Salus autem (1:48) ; Introit: Sapientiam (2:05) ; Offertory: Exsultabunt (1:18) ; Communion: Dico autem (0:42) ; Communion: Et si coram (1:12) ; Communion: Iustorum (0:53) ; Alleluia: Tu es sacerdos (2:08) ; Communion: Laetabitur (2:48) ; Lauds antiphons, Eastertide (2:20) ; Antiphon: Vestri capillli (0:31) ; Antiphon: Gaudent (0:55) ; Hymn: Sanctorum (2:19) -- Liturgy of virgins. Introit: Dilexisti (2:35) ; Introit. Me expectaverunt (2:27) ; Alleluia: Quinque (2:36) ; Gradual: Dilexisti (2:10) ; Offertory: Afferentur [modes 1 and 4] (0:55; 1:23) ; Communion: Optimam (1:29) ; Communion: Unam petii (2:24) ; Communion: Quinque (2:34) ; Lauds antiphons (1:55).
CD 963
Bishops, doctors of the church and saints
Liturgy of bishops. Introit: Statuit (2:05) ; Introit: Sacerdotes tui (3:10) ; Introit: Sacerdotes elus (1:43) ; Gradual: Ecce sacerdos (3:02) ; Alleluia: Amavit (2:42) ; Ofertory: Inveni (1:15) ; Offertory: Bonum est (1:04) ; Lauds antiphons (1:54) ; Hymn: Iste confessor (2:37) -- Doctors of the Church. Introit: In medio (2:12) ; Introit: Os iusti (1:59) ; Introit: Lex donini (1:51) ; Introit: Meditatio (1:40) ; Gradual: Venite (2:17) ; Alleluia:Spirtus (1:18) ; Alleluia: Disposui (1:56) ; Offertory: Veritas (0:57) ; Communion: Tu mandasti: (2:02) ; Communion: Quoddico (0:33) ; Communion: Qui meditabitur (0:49) ; Antiphon: O doctor (0:42) ; Hymn: Aeterne sol (1:54)-- Saints. Introit: Laetabitur (2:12) ; Introit: In virtute tua (2:35) : Graudal: Venite filii (2:16) ; Communion: Qui mihi (1:58) ; Introit: Laetetur cor (2:06) ; Alleluia: Laetabitur (2:40) ; Alleluia: Haec est (2:17) ; Offertory: In virtute (1:28) ; Communion: Narrabo (1:49) ; Lauds antiphons (2:18).
CD 964
Christ in Gethsemane
Tenebrae, First nocturne -- Tenebrae, Second nocturne -- Tenebrae, Third nocturne -- Lauds -- Ceremony of foot-washing.
CD 1114
Christmas : the night office: vigils.
Laissez paistre vos bestes / Nicholas Lebègue (Dom Claude Gay, organ) (2:14) -- Versicle : Domine, labia mea (0:14) -- Invitatory : Christus ; Psalm 94 [KJV 95] (8:25) -- Hymn: Candor aeternae (3:06) -- Antiphon : Dominus dixit ; Psalm 2 (3:37) -- Antiphon : Tamquam sponsus ; Psalm 18a (1:59) -- Antiphon : Diffusa est ; Psalm 44 [KJV 45] (4:44) -- Versicle : Verbum caro factum est (0:22) -- Reading from Isaiah 11:1-10 (3:55) -- Responsory : Hodie nobis caelorum rex (3:06) -- Reading from St. Leo the Great (5:06) -- Responsory : Hodie nobis de caelo (2:18) -- Gospel of the genealogy, Matthew 1:1-16 (6:10) -- Hymn : Te Deum (5:20) -- Collect & Benedicamus Domino (1:20) -- Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 599) / J.S. Bach (Dom Claude Gay, organ) (4:40).
CD 1112
Christmas, Midnight Mass and Mass of the day
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Christmas: vigils
Laissez paistre vos bestes / Nicholas Lebègue (Dom Claude Gay, organ) (2:14) -- Versicle : Domine, labia mea (0:14) -- Invitatory : Christus ; Psalm 94 [KJV 95] (8:25) -- Hymn: Candor aeternae (3:06) -- Antiphon : Dominus dixit ; Psalm 2 (3:37) -- Antiphon : Tamquam sponsus ; Psalm 18a (1:59) -- Antiphon : Diffusa est ; Psalm 44 [KJV 45] (4:44) -- Versicle : Verbum caro factum est (0:22) -- Reading from Isaiah 11:1-10 (3:55) -- Responsory : Hodie nobis caelorum rex (3:06) -- Reading from St. Leo the Great (5:06) -- Responsory : Hodie nobis de caelo (2:18) -- Gospel of the genealogy, Matthew 1:1-16 (6:10) -- Hymn : Te Deum (5:20) -- Collect & Benedicamus Domino (1:20) -- Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 599) / J.S. Bach (Dom Claude Gay, organ) (4:40).
CD 1112
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Feasts of our Lady : Gregorian chant.
Introit: Salve -- Gradual: Benedicta -- Alleluia: Virga iesse -- Sequence: Ave Maria -- Offertory: Beata es -- Communion: Beata viscera -- The four antiphons to the Blessed Virgin (solemn tone): Alma ; Regina caeli ; Ave Regina caelorum ; Salve Regina -- Introit: Vultum tuum ; Kyrie IX ; Gloria IX -- Gradual: Concupivit -- Alleluia: Ave Maria -- Offertory: Recordare -- Communion: Diffusa est -- The four antiphons to the Blessed Virgin (simple tone): Salve Regina ; Ave Regina caelorum ; Alma ; Regina caeli.
CD 1110
Gregorian chant : Easter.
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Gregorian chant : Vespers and Compline at the Abbey of Solesmes.
Sunday vespers : Tolling of the bell (1:01) -- Antiphon & psalm 109 (2:22) -- Antiphon & psalm 110 (3:11) -- Antiphon & psalm 111 (2:38) -- Antiphon & psalm 112 (2:25) -- Reading and brief response (1:46) -- Hymn & versicle (2:42) -- Antiphon Si offers and magnificat canticle (5:17) -- Litany and chanting of Our Father (3:20) -- Collect and conclusion (1:41) -- Compline : Ringing of the bells (1:54) -- Introduction (1:28) -- Psalm 4 (2:06) -- Psalm 90 (3:18) -- Psalm 133 (0:53) -- Hymn (1:21) -- Conclusion (2:33) -- Antiphon, Salve Regina (2:34) -- Chiming of the Angelus (2:25).
CD 1106
Gregorian chant, Christ in Gethsemane.
Tenebrae, First nocturne -- Tenebrae, Second nocturne -- Tenebrae, Third nocturne -- Lauds -- Ceremony of foot-washing.
CD 1114
Gregorian chant, Christmas.
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Gregorian chant, Maundy Thursday.
Introit Nos autem -- Greeting and penitential rite -- Kyrie III -- Gloria II -- Collect -- First reading -- Gradual Oculi omnium -- Second reading -- Tract Ab ortu solis -- Gospel -- General intercession -- Offertory Ubi caritas -- Prayer over the gifts and preface for Eucharist I -- Sanctus V -- Eucharistic prayer I, Roman canon -- Pater noster and Communion rite -- Agnus Dei V -- Communion Hoc corpus -- Prayer after Communion -- Procession and hymn Pange lingua.
CD 1109
Mass for Easter Sunday
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Mass for the first Sunday after Easter
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Mass of the day
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Mass, Christmas (Pre-Vatican II : In nocte)
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Mass, Day of death or burial (Pre-Vatican II)
CD 1108
Mass, Easter (Pre-Vatican II)
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Mass, Maundy Thursday
Introit Nos autem -- Greeting and penitential rite -- Kyrie III -- Gloria II -- Collect -- First reading -- Gradual Oculi omnium -- Second reading -- Tract Ab ortu solis -- Gospel -- General intercession -- Offertory Ubi caritas -- Prayer over the gifts and preface for Eucharist I -- Sanctus V -- Eucharistic prayer I, Roman canon -- Pater noster and Communion rite -- Agnus Dei V -- Communion Hoc corpus -- Prayer after Communion -- Procession and hymn Pange lingua.
CD 1109
Maundy Thursday
Introit Nos autem -- Greeting and penitential rite -- Kyrie III -- Gloria II -- Collect -- First reading -- Gradual Oculi omnium -- Second reading -- Tract Ab ortu solis -- Gospel -- General intercession -- Offertory Ubi caritas -- Prayer over the gifts and preface for Eucharist I -- Sanctus V -- Eucharistic prayer I, Roman canon -- Pater noster and Communion rite -- Agnus Dei V -- Communion Hoc corpus -- Prayer after Communion -- Procession and hymn Pange lingua.
CD 1109
Midnight Mass and Mass of the day
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Requiem Mass ; and, Office for the dead recording] : Gregorian chant.
CD 1108
Saint Benedict : [Gregorian chant and organ].
Prière / Jean Langlais (2:28) -- Mass proper to the Benedictine Order. Introit: Gaudeamus (mode 1) (4:12) ; Gradual: Domine Prævenisti (mode 4) (3:43) ; Alleluia: Vir Dei Benedictus (mode 6) (3:07) Sequence: Læta Dies (mode 6) (2:22) ; Communion: Semel Iuravi (mode 4) (3:50) ; Hymn: Claris Coniubila (mode 3) (1:39) -- Lied: Herr Jesu, was für Seelenweh, BWV 487 / J.S. Bach (1:45) -- Chorale: Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 63 / J.S. Bach (2:33) -- Mass of the ancient Common of abbots. Introit: Os Iusti (mode 6) (3:08) ; Alleluia: Iustus Ut Palma (mode 4) (3:00) ; Offertory: Desiderium (mode 6) (1:37) ; Communion: Fidelis Servus (mode 7) (3:14) -- Office of Saint Benedict. Lauds antiphons (3:39) ; Antiphon: Sanctissime (mode 4) (0:41) ; Antiphon: O Cælestis Norma (mode 1) (1:16) ; Antiphon: Hodie S. Benedictus (mode 2) (1:03) -- Pavane in D minor / Henri Dumont (3:36).
CD 1107
The church sings her saints. 1. Apostles, martyrs & virgins
Liturgy of apostles. Introit: Mihi autem (1:50) ; Introit: Iudicant (2:02) ; Gradual: Constitues (3:40) ; Alleluia: Te gloriosus (1:45) ; Offertory: In omnem (1:12) ; Commumion: Amen (1:05) ; Communion: Ego vos (0:44) ; Lauds antiphons (2:39) ; Vespers antiphons (1:35) ; Hymn: Exsultet (3:51) -- Liturgy of martyrs. Introit: Iusti epulentur (1:24) ; Introit: Salus autem (1:48) ; Introit: Sapientiam (2:05) ; Offertory: Exsultabunt (1:18) ; Communion: Dico autem (0:42) ; Communion: Et si coram (1:12) ; Communion: Iustorum (0:53) ; Alleluia: Tu es sacerdos (2:08) ; Communion: Laetabitur (2:48) ; Lauds antiphons, Eastertide (2:20) ; Antiphon: Vestri capillli (0:31) ; Antiphon: Gaudent (0:55) ; Hymn: Sanctorum (2:19) -- Liturgy of virgins. Introit: Dilexisti (2:35) ; Introit. Me expectaverunt (2:27) ; Alleluia: Quinque (2:36) ; Gradual: Dilexisti (2:10) ; Offertory: Afferentur [modes 1 and 4] (0:55; 1:23) ; Communion: Optimam (1:29) ; Communion: Unam petii (2:24) ; Communion: Quinque (2:34) ; Lauds antiphons (1:55).
CD 963
The church sings her saints. 2. Bishops, doctors of the church and saints
Liturgy of bishops. Introit: Statuit (2:05) ; Introit: Sacerdotes tui (3:10) ; Introit: Sacerdotes elus (1:43) ; Gradual: Ecce sacerdos (3:02) ; Alleluia: Amavit (2:42) ; Ofertory: Inveni (1:15) ; Offertory: Bonum est (1:04) ; Lauds antiphons (1:54) ; Hymn: Iste confessor (2:37) -- Doctors of the Church. Introit: In medio (2:12) ; Introit: Os iusti (1:59) ; Introit: Lex donini (1:51) ; Introit: Meditatio (1:40) ; Gradual: Venite (2:17) ; Alleluia:Spirtus (1:18) ; Alleluia: Disposui (1:56) ; Offertory: Veritas (0:57) ; Communion: Tu mandasti: (2:02) ; Communion: Quoddico (0:33) ; Communion: Qui meditabitur (0:49) ; Antiphon: O doctor (0:42) ; Hymn: Aeterne sol (1:54)-- Saints. Introit: Laetabitur (2:12) ; Introit: In virtute tua (2:35) : Graudal: Venite filii (2:16) ; Communion: Qui mihi (1:58) ; Introit: Laetetur cor (2:06) ; Alleluia: Laetabitur (2:40) ; Alleluia: Haec est (2:17) ; Offertory: In virtute (1:28) ; Communion: Narrabo (1:49) ; Lauds antiphons (2:18).
CD 964
Vespers, Sunday
Sunday vespers : Tolling of the bell (1:01) -- Antiphon & psalm 109 (2:22) -- Antiphon & psalm 110 (3:11) -- Antiphon & psalm 111 (2:38) -- Antiphon & psalm 112 (2:25) -- Reading and brief response (1:46) -- Hymn & versicle (2:42) -- Antiphon Si offers and magnificat canticle (5:17) -- Litany and chanting of Our Father (3:20) -- Collect and conclusion (1:41) -- Compline : Ringing of the bells (1:54) -- Introduction (1:28) -- Psalm 4 (2:06) -- Psalm 90 (3:18) -- Psalm 133 (0:53) -- Hymn (1:21) -- Conclusion (2:33) -- Antiphon, Salve Regina (2:34) -- Chiming of the Angelus (2:25).
CD 1106