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Music & Other Recordings

CD titles starting with M

M-G-M's Kismet
Main title ( Not since Nineveh ; Stranger in Paradise) (2:26) -- Rhymes have I (outtake) (3:21) -- Fate (5:00) -- Bazaar of the caravans (:52) -- Not since Nineveh (5:32) -- Dabba (Stranger in Paradise) (1:04) -- Baubles, bangles and beads (4:19) -- I am a gardener (3:05) -- Stranger in paradise (5:20) -- Gesticulate (4:06) -- Bored (3:43) -- Fate (reprise) (2:57) -- Night of my nights (2:44) -- Olive tree (2:42) -- Rahadlakum (complete version) (4:18) -- Marsinah arrives at castle/I'm in love/Certain young women (Baubles, bangles, and beads, Stranger in Paradise) (2:55) -- And this is my beloved (3:06) -- Innocent amusement (Medley: And this is my beloved/Rahadlakum) (2:23) -- Diwan dances part one (Rahadlakum) (2:06) -- Diwan dances part two (Night of my nights) (1:29) -- Drowning scene/Sentence (Fate) (4:40) -- Sands of time/End title (1:50).
CD 2758
Ma la sola, ohimè! son io
Die Schöpfung. On mighty pens / Franz Joseph Haydn -- Beatrice di Tenda. Oh! mie fedeli! ; Ma la sola, ohimè! son io / Vincenzo Bellini -- Il flauto magico. Non paventar amabil figlio ... ; Infelice sconsolata ... / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Il turco in Italia. Per piacere alla signora / Gioacchino Rossini -- Variations on a theme from Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore / Adolph Von Henselt -- Auld Robin Gray : traditional Scottish ballad -- The bird song / Karl Taubert -- Home sweet home / Sir Henry Bishop --Greetings to America / Julius Benedict ; [words by] Bayard Taylor -- Take this lute / Julius Benedict -- 'Tis the last rose of summer : traditional Irish folk song.
CD 3394
Ma mere l'oye; arranged
Prelude -- Forlane -- Menuet -- Rigaudon.
CD 1
Ma mere l'oye ; Pavane pour une infante defunte ; Le tombeau de Couperin ; Valses nobles et sentimentales.
Prelude -- Forlane -- Menuet -- Rigaudon.
CD 1
Ma Rainey.
Jealous hearted blues (3:13) -- See see rider blues (3:20) -- Jelly bean blues (3:22) -- Countin' the blues (3:23) -- Slave to the blues (2:41) -- Chain gang blues (3:08) -- Bessemer bound blues (2:47) -- Wringin' and twistin' blues (2:54) -- Mountain Jack blues (2:41) -- Trust no man (3:11) -- Morning hour blues (2:37) -- Ma Rainey's black bottom (3:11) -- New boweavil blues (2:52) -- Black cat, hoot owl blues (2:31) -- Hear me talking to you (3:02) -- Prove it on me (2:42) -- Victim of the blues (2:35) -- Sleep talking blues (3:14) -- Blame it on the blues (3:03) -- Daddy, goodbye blues (3:14) -- Sweet rough man (3:08) -- Black eye blues (3:11) -- Leavin' this morning (3:09) -- Runaway blues (2:26).
CD 3339
Má vlast
Vyšehrad-- Vltava -- Šárka -- From Bohemia's woods and fields -- Tábor -- Blaník.
CD 863
Macbeth / Giuseppe Verdi.
CD 2155
Macbeth overture ; Cello concerto ; Te Deum (1872) / Sullivan.
Macbeth overture recorded live at the BBC Prom at the Royal Albert Hall, London, 24 July 2000 -- Cello concerto recorded at BBC Maida Vale Studios, 15 May, 2000 -- Te Deum recorded at BBC Maida Vale Studios, 8 December, 1988.
CD 2304
Madagascar : awakening the spirits : music in tromba and bilo trance rituals.
Soloho mahavelo = Prayer for healing (3:12) -- Revoro (4:00) -- Saribara = As the bara (6:20) -- Sezimary = Sitting still (2:46) -- Evorona (4:21) -- Vinda (1:25) -- Marare (2:15) -- Mamoha bilo = Awakening the bilo (1:54) -- Rombolava = Non-stop clapping (2:55) -- Mangalahosy = Lose the chord (4:30) -- Trafony amin'ny atiny = Hump and liver (6:07) -- Sezirina (4:55) -- Fandignisa = Waiting (2:57) -- Tsy anambalia = There is no reason to marry (2:57) -- Toliara tsimiroro = Toliara never sleeps (4:29) -- Balantsy (5:59).
CD 1789
Madama Butterfly / Giacomo Puccini.
CD-1 Act 1 Act II (beginning) CD-2 Act II (conclusion).
CD 3438
Madama Butterfly / Puccini.
CD 2863
Made in the USA : a showcase of American symphonic music.
Rodeo. Buckaroo holiday : excerpts / Copland -- Symphony no. 3. Second movement : excerpts / Hanson -- Symphony no. 4. Second movement / Piston -- Through the looking glass. Introduction : excerpt / Taylor -- School for scandal. Overture : excerpts / Barber -- Lament for Beowulf : excerpt ; Symphony no. 4, "Requiem". Fourth movement : Lux aeterna : excerpt / Hanson -- New England triptych. Chester / Schuman -- Music to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Juliet and her nurse / Diamond -- Partita for flute, violin and strings. Second movement, Sarabande / Creston -- Serenata. Third movement, "Con spirito" / Piston -- Merry mount. Suite. Love duet / Hanson -- Symphony no. 3. Third movement / Diamond. -- Grand Canyon suite. On the trail : excerpts / Grofé -- An American in Paris : excerpt / Gershwin -- Bacchanale / Griffes.
CD 1891
Madrigali a quatro voci. Libro primo / Luca Marenzio.
Non vidi mai dopo notturna pioggia (3:19) -- Dissi a l'amata mia lucida stella (3:01) -- Veggo, dolce mio bene (2:49) -- O bella man, che mi distringi 'l core [prima parte] ; Candido leggiadretto e caro guanto [seconda parte] (3:51) -- Non al suo amante piú Diana piacque (1:42) -- Hor vedi, Amor, che giovinetta donna (1:36) -- Apollo, s'ancor vive il bel desio [primo parte] ; E per virtú de l'amorosa speme [seconda parte] (3:51) -- Nova angeletta sovra l'ale accorta (1:20) -- Vedi le valli e i campi che si smaltano (1:19) -- Chi vòl udire i miei sospiri in rime (2:59) -- Madonna, sua mercè, pur una sera (2:06) -- Vezzosi augelli, in fra le verdi fronde (2:36) -- Ahi dispietata morte, ahi crudel vita! (2:28) -- Dolce son le quadrella ond'Amor punge [prima parte] ; Come doglia fin qui fu meco et pianto [seconda parte] (5:40) -- Menando un giorno gl'agni presso un fiume (1:02) -- I lieti amanti e le fanciulle tenere (1:36) -- Tutto 'l di piango [prima parte] ; Lasso che pur da l'ino a l'altro sole [seconda parte] (6:31) -- Zefiro torna, e 'l bel tempo rimena [prima parte] ; Ma per me, lasso, tornano i piú gravi [seconda parte] (4:37) -- Sul carro de la mente auriga siedi [prima parte] ; Vedi ch'egli ama il suon de la cervice [seconda parte] (3:38) -- Lasso, dicea Perchè venisti Amore (1:30) -- Dialogo fra Ofelia, Elenco e Montano (4:28).
CD 2732
Prima parte: O primavera, gioventù de l'anno -- Seconda parte: O dolcezze amarissime d'amore -- Selve beate, se sospirando -- Alma afflita che fai? -- Così morir debb'io -- D'orrida selce alpina -- Ride la primavera -- Fuggi, fuggio o mio core -- Feritevi, ferite, viprette mordaci -- Fiamma ch'allaccia -- Quella damma son io -- Mi saluta costei -- Io moro, ecco ch'io moro -- Sospir che del bel petto -- Dunque addio, care selve -- Tornate, o cari baci -- Di marmo siete voi -- Giunto è pur, Lidia -- Vasto mar, nel cui seno.
CD 554
Madrigals, book 4
Ah dolente partita (3:33) -- Cor mio, mentre vi miro (2:14) -- Cor mio, non mori? e mori! (2:44) -- Sfogava con le stelle (3:28) -- Volgea l'anima mia soavemente (3:48) -- Anima mia perdona : prima parte (2:55) -- Che se tu se'il cor mio : seconda parte (3:21) -- Luci serene e chiare (3:29) -- La piaga c'ho nel core (2:26) -- Voi pur da me partite, anima dura (4:06) -- A un giro sol de' begl'occhi lucenti (2:14) -- Ohimè, se tanto amate (2:53) -- Io mi son giovinetta (2:15) -- Quel augellin che canta (1:52) -- Non più guerra pietate (2:36) -- Si ch'io vorrei morire (4:07) -- Anima dolorosa che vivendo (3:07) -- Anima del cor mio (2:20) -- Longe da te cor mio (2:41) -- Piagn' e sospira (4:54).
CD 1266
Madrigals, book 5
T'amo mia vita (3:09) -- Ecco Silvio (3:08) -- Ma se con la pietà (2:53) -- Dorinda ah dirò (2:12) -- Ecco piegando (2:24) -- Ferir quel petto (4:01) -- Troppo ben può (2:58) -- Ahi come a un vago sol (4:46) -- Ch'io t'ami (2:11) -- Deh bella e cara (2:43) -- Ma tu più che mai (3:07) -- E cosi à poco à poco (3:30) -- Cruda Amarilli (2:53) -- O Mirtillo anima mia (2:48) -- Era l'anima mia (3:46) -- Amor se giusto sei (3:30) -- Che dar più vi poss'io (2:59) -- M'è più dolce il penar (3:26) -- Questi vaghi (6:56).
CD 3543
Madrigals, book 7
Sorgi e rischiara (6:05) -- Misera, che farò (3:28) -- Donna, se ben le chiome (5:19) -- Vive doglioso il core (2:29) -- Vani e sciocchi (2:06) -- Vaghi boschetti (2:12) -- Io mi vivea del mio languir (5:42) -- Solo e pensoso (5:16) -- Giunto alla tomba (5:55) -- Voi volete ch'io muoia (4:11) -- Grazie ch'a pochi il ciel (5:52) -- Tirsi morir volea (4:00) -- In qual parte sì ratto (4:05).
CD 245
Madrigals, book 7-8. Selections
Altri canti di Marte : Perchè t'en fuggi o Fillide -- Chiome d'oro -- Hor ch'el ciel e la terra) -- Non havea Febo ancora -- Gira il nemico insidioso -- Amor che deggio far : -- Tirsi e Clori.
CD 522
Madrigals, book 8. Selections
Volgendo il ciel: Volgendo il ciel per l'immortal sentiero (5:11) ; Movete al mio bel suon (1:59) ; Ei l'armi cinse (10:17) -- Il combattimento di tancredi e clorinda: Tancredi, che Clorinda un homo stima (5:43) ; Non schivar, non parar, on pur ritarsi (1:29) ; Tre volte il cavalier la donna stringe (5:53) ; Torna l'ira nei cori, e li trasporta (3:22) ; Amico, hai vinto: io ti perdon ... perdona (5:19) -- Il ballo delle ingrate: De l'implacabil Dio (5:34) ; Bella madre d'Amor (12:50) ; Ecco ver noi l'adolorate squadre (2:30) ; Dal t4enebroso orror (12:21) ; Ahi troppo (5:28).
CD 564
Madrigals. Selections
Non voglio amare (1:42) -- Ah che non si conviene (3:11) -- Zefiro torna (5:58) -- S'el vostro cor Madonna (3:39) -- Eccomi pronta ai baci (2:17) -- Lamento della Ninfa. Part 1, Non havea Febo ancora (1:27) ; Part 2, Amor dov'è la fe' (3:41) ; Part 3, Si tra sdegnosi pianti (:44) -- Soave libertate (3:39) -- O come sei gentile (4:02) -- Bel Pastor (4:56) -- O sia tranquillo il mare (4:24) -- Se vittorie sì belle (2:48) -- Gira il nemico. Part 1, Gira il nemico (1:12) ; Part 2, Nol lasciamo accostar (:35) ; Part 3, Armi false non son (:52) ; Part 4, Vuol degl'occhi attaccar (1:18) ; Part 5, Non è più tempo (:42) ; Part 6, Cor mio, non val fuggir (1:32).
CD 3544
Madrigals. Selections
Come inanti de l'alba : à 6 voix (3:18) -- Venuta era : à 5 voix (3:48) -- Del cibo onde il signor : à 6 voix (4:27) -- Strider faceva : à 5 voix (1:42) -- Rimanti in pace : à 5 voix (4:02) -- Vezzosi augelli : à 4 voix (2:30) -- Crudele acerba : à 5 voix (3:21) -- Sestina, Sola angioletta : à 5 voix (9:44) -- Tirsi morir volea : à 5 voix (5:46) -- Giunta a la tomba : à 5 voix (9:16).
CD 483
Madrigals, voices (4), book 1
Non vidi mai dopo notturna pioggia (3:19) -- Dissi a l'amata mia lucida stella (3:01) -- Veggo, dolce mio bene (2:49) -- O bella man, che mi distringi 'l core [prima parte] ; Candido leggiadretto e caro guanto [seconda parte] (3:51) -- Non al suo amante piú Diana piacque (1:42) -- Hor vedi, Amor, che giovinetta donna (1:36) -- Apollo, s'ancor vive il bel desio [primo parte] ; E per virtú de l'amorosa speme [seconda parte] (3:51) -- Nova angeletta sovra l'ale accorta (1:20) -- Vedi le valli e i campi che si smaltano (1:19) -- Chi vòl udire i miei sospiri in rime (2:59) -- Madonna, sua mercè, pur una sera (2:06) -- Vezzosi augelli, in fra le verdi fronde (2:36) -- Ahi dispietata morte, ahi crudel vita! (2:28) -- Dolce son le quadrella ond'Amor punge [prima parte] ; Come doglia fin qui fu meco et pianto [seconda parte] (5:40) -- Menando un giorno gl'agni presso un fiume (1:02) -- I lieti amanti e le fanciulle tenere (1:36) -- Tutto 'l di piango [prima parte] ; Lasso che pur da l'ino a l'altro sole [seconda parte] (6:31) -- Zefiro torna, e 'l bel tempo rimena [prima parte] ; Ma per me, lasso, tornano i piú gravi [seconda parte] (4:37) -- Sul carro de la mente auriga siedi [prima parte] ; Vedi ch'egli ama il suon de la cervice [seconda parte] (3:38) -- Lasso, dicea Perchè venisti Amore (1:30) -- Dialogo fra Ofelia, Elenco e Montano (4:28).
CD 2732
Madrigaux à 5 et 6 voix / Luca Marenzio.
Come inanti de l'alba : à 6 voix (3:18) -- Venuta era : à 5 voix (3:48) -- Del cibo onde il signor : à 6 voix (4:27) -- Strider faceva : à 5 voix (1:42) -- Rimanti in pace : à 5 voix (4:02) -- Vezzosi augelli : à 4 voix (2:30) -- Crudele acerba : à 5 voix (3:21) -- Sestina, Sola angioletta : à 5 voix (9:44) -- Tirsi morir volea : à 5 voix (5:46) -- Giunta a la tomba : à 5 voix (9:16).
CD 483
Madrigaux à 5 voix / Carlo Gesualdo.
Ahi, disperata vita (1:21) -- Sospirava il mio core (1:35) -- O malnati messaggi (2:05) -- Non t'amo, o voce ingrata (3:29) -- Canzon francese del Principe : [pour] harpe (6:00) -- Luce serene e chiare (3:14) -- Sparge la morte al mio Signor (4:12) -- Arde il mio cor (2:09) -- Io tacerò ; Invan dunque : [pour] harpe et lyrone (4:12) -- Occhi del mio cor vita (3:25) -- Mercè grido piangendo (4:11) -- Asciugate i begli occhi (3:05) -- Correte, amanti : [pour] harpe et théorbe (2:49) -- Se la mia morte brami (3:01) -- Io parto (2:52) -- Ardita zanzaretta (3:06) -- Ardo per te, mio bene (3:04).
CD 34
Madrigaux des VIIe et VIIIe livres / Claudio Monteverdi.
Altri canti di Marte : Perchè t'en fuggi o Fillide -- Chiome d'oro -- Hor ch'el ciel e la terra) -- Non havea Febo ancora -- Gira il nemico insidioso -- Amor che deggio far : -- Tirsi e Clori.
CD 522
Maestro! : Gotthard Arnér playing at old organs.
Allegro / Carvalho (3:06) -- Siciliano (1:56) ; Volontary (8:38) / Stanley -- Fuga / Czernohorsky (2:42) -- Allein Gott (4:32) ; Jesu, meine Freude (3:58) ; Christ lag in Todesbanden (3:04) / Krebs -- Marche / Lemmens (5:39) -- Fuga / Mendelssohn (4:42) -- Grand choeur / Franck (5:00) -- Bereden väg för Herran (1:55) ; Var hälsad sköna morgonstund (4:06) ; Si, Jesus är ett tröstrikt namn (2:18) ; Förlossningen är vunnen (3:18) ; Vad ljus över griften (3:12) ; Min själ skall lova Herran (3:15) / Otto Olsson.
CD 2501
Magnificat / Bach. Gloria / Vivaldi. Stabat Mater / Caldara.
Gloria in D major, RV. 589 / Antonio Vivaldi -- Stabat mater / Antonio Caldara -- Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 / Johann Sebastian Bach.
CD 2438
Magnificat / Bernardi [and others].
Magnificat voce sola (versets impairs [odd versicles]) / Steffano Bernardi [in alternation with] ; Magnificat VI toni (versets pairs [even versicles]) / Samuel Scheidt -- Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, BWV 648 ; Fuga sopra il Magnificat, BMV 733 / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Salve Regina / Bonifatio Gratiani -- Salve Regina / Pieter Cornet -- Salve Regina / Pietro Terziani -- Ave maris stella / Felix Mendelssohn -- Ave maris stella (16ème siècle) (Anonymous) -- Ave maris stella (dans le style de Bach) / Marcel Dupré -- Ave maris stella / Jean Langlais -- Vocalise dorienne / Jehan Alain -- Les Angélus / Louis Vierne -- Magnificat / Ulrich Schauerte.
CD 2475
Magnificat, BWV 243, D major
Gloria in D major, RV. 589 / Antonio Vivaldi -- Stabat mater / Antonio Caldara -- Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 / Johann Sebastian Bach.
CD 2438
Magnificat fugues. Toni 1-4 / Johann Pachelbel.
Magnificat primi toni [no. I.2, 3, 16, 5, 6, 13, 9 from the 1901 ed. of the fugues (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich : Bd. 17, Jahrg. VIII/2)] (13:50) -- Magnificat secondi toni [no. II. 7, 9, 3, 10, 2, 6, 8] (13:15) -- Magnificat terti toni [no. III. 9, 7, 8, 5, 6, 4, 3] (12:03) -- Magnificat quarti toni [no. IV. 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 7, 4] (10:42).
CD 1993
Magnificat fugues. Toni 5-8 / Johann Pachelbel.
Magnificat quinti toni [no. V.3, 4, 2, 1, 8, 10, 11 from the 1901 ed. of the fugues (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich : Bd. 17, Jahrg. VIII/2)] (9:42) -- Magnificat sexti toni [no. VI. 6, 5, 7, 3, 8, 4, 2] (11:30) -- Magnificat septimi toni [no. VII. 6, 7, 2, 8, 5, 4, 3] (12:34) -- Magnificat octavi toni [no. VIII. 1, 3, 5, 2, 9, 7, 6] (11:00).
CD 2894
Magnificat fugues. V-VIII (vol. 2)
Magnificat quinti toni [no. V.3, 4, 2, 1, 8, 10, 11 from the 1901 ed. of the fugues (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich : Bd. 17, Jahrg. VIII/2)] (9:42) -- Magnificat sexti toni [no. VI. 6, 5, 7, 3, 8, 4, 2] (11:30) -- Magnificat septimi toni [no. VII. 6, 7, 2, 8, 5, 4, 3] (12:34) -- Magnificat octavi toni [no. VIII. 1, 3, 5, 2, 9, 7, 6] (11:00).
CD 2894
Magnificat : settings of the Magnificat plainsong for organ.
Magnificat primi toni / D. Buxtehude -- Magnificat septimi toni / J. Pachelbel -- Suite du second ton / J.A. Guilain -- Magnificat quarti toni / G. Cavazzoni -- Magnificat ii. toni / M. Weckmann -- Magnificat v. toni / S. Scheidt -- Meine Seel' erhebt den Herren, BWV 648 ; Fuga sopra il Magnificat, BWV 733 / J.S. Bach.
CD 2480
Magnificatfugen. Nr. I-IV. Selections
Magnificat primi toni [no. I.2, 3, 16, 5, 6, 13, 9 from the 1901 ed. of the fugues (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich : Bd. 17, Jahrg. VIII/2)] (13:50) -- Magnificat secondi toni [no. II. 7, 9, 3, 10, 2, 6, 8] (13:15) -- Magnificat terti toni [no. III. 9, 7, 8, 5, 6, 4, 3] (12:03) -- Magnificat quarti toni [no. IV. 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 7, 4] (10:42).
CD 1993
Magnificatfugen. Nr. V-VIII. Selections
Magnificat quinti toni [no. V.3, 4, 2, 1, 8, 10, 11 from the 1901 ed. of the fugues (Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich : Bd. 17, Jahrg. VIII/2)] (9:42) -- Magnificat sexti toni [no. VI. 6, 5, 7, 3, 8, 4, 2] (11:30) -- Magnificat septimi toni [no. VII. 6, 7, 2, 8, 5, 4, 3] (12:34) -- Magnificat octavi toni [no. VIII. 1, 3, 5, 2, 9, 7, 6] (11:00).
CD 2894
MagnifiCathy : the many voices of Cathy Berberian.
La lettera amorosa / Claudio Monteverdi (6:33) -- Chansons de Bilitis. La flûte de Pan (2:37) ; La chevelure (3:07) ; Le tombeau des naïades (2:44) / Claude Debussy -- A flower (3:40) ; The wonderful widow of eighteen springs (2:24) / John Cage -- "O" : atti vocali (aus "La passion selon Sade") / Sylvano Bussotti (8:54) -- Surabaya-Johnny : (aus "Happy end") / Kurt Weill (4:37) -- A ticket to ride / Paul McCartney-John Lennon (2:01) -- Summertime : (aus "Porgy and Bess") / George Gershwin (2:17) -- Stripsody / Cathy Berberian (4:33).
CD 1669
Mahagonny Songspiel
CD 791
Mahalia Jackson
Dig a little deeper -- Move on up a little higher (part 1) -- Move on up a little higher (part 2) -- I have a friend -- Get away Jordan -- There's not a friend like Jesus -- (I'm going to) wait until my chance comes -- Oh my Lord -- God shall wipe all tears away -- Walk with me -- I''m going to tell God -- I want to rest -- What could I do? -- Keep me every day -- God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares -- A child of the King -- Tired -- Even me -- I can put my trust in Jesus -- Since the fire started burning in my soul -- Prayer changes things -- Amazing grace.
CD 2213
Maiden voyage / Herbie Hancock.
Maiden voyage -- The eye of the hurricane -- The little one -- Survival of the fittest -- Dolphin dance.
CD 1982
Le maître de la mélodie / Hugues Cuenod.
Le bachelier de Salamanque (1:41) ; Jazz dans la nuit (4:24) ; Coeur en péril (2:08) / Albert Roussel -- Trois fables de la Fontaine / Marcelle de Manziarly (5:15) -- Bleuet (2:51) ; C (2:42) ; A sa guitare (2:48) ; Priez pour paix (2:45) ; La Grenouillère (1:56) / Francis Poulenc -- Cinq ballades françaises / André Caplet (14:31) -- Trois interludes / Georges Auric (6:27) -- Catalogue de fleurs (6:10) ; Quatre poèmes de Léo Latil (16:45) / Darius Milhaud -- L'île heureuse / Emmanuel Chabrier (4:05).
CD 2221
The major works of John Coltrane / John Coltrane.
Ascension (edition I) (Archie Shepp, Pharoah Sanders, tenor saxophones ; John Tchicai, Marion Brown, alto saxophones ; Freddie Hubbard, Dewey Johnson, trumpets ; Art Davis, bass) (38:37) -- Om (Pharoah Sanders, tenor saxophone, percussion ; Donald Garrett, bass clarinet, bass, percussion ; Joe Brazil, flute, percussion) (28:49) -- Ascension (edition II) (Archie Shepp, Pharoah Sanders, tenor saxophones ; John Tchicai, Marion Brown, alto saxophones ; Freddie Hubbard, Dewey Johnson, trumpets ; Art Davis, drums) (40:31) -- Kulu se mama / Juno Lewis (Pharoah Sanders, tenor saxophone ; Donald Garrett, bass clarinet, bass ; Frank Butler, drums, percussion ; Juno Lewis, percussion, vocals) (18:57) -- Selflessness (Pharoah Sanders, tenor saxophone ; Donald Garrett, bass clarinet, bass ; Frank Butler, drums, percussion ; Juno Lewis, percussion, vocals) (15:09).
CD 1978
Making a difference / W. Robert Connor, Richard Schramm. History up close and personal / Fritz Stern, Leo Spitzer.
CD 1151
Making music / Zakir Hussain ; Chaurasia ; McLaughlin ; Garbarek.
Making music / Hussain (12:27) -- Zakir / McLaughlin (6:18) -- Water girl (3:49) ; Toni (3:47) ; Anisa (9:09) ; Sunjog (7:33) / Hussain -- You and me / Hussain, McLaughlin (2:07) -- Sabah / Hussain (3:35).
CD 1723
Makropulos case
CD 2874
Le malade imaginaire / [music by] Marc-Antoine Charpentier ; [text by] Molière.
CD 1171
Malambo : works for piano and piano chamber ensemble, vol. 2 / Alberto Ginastera.
Pampeana no. 1, op. 16 (9:50) -- Milonga : from Dos canciones, op. 3 (1:59) -- Tres danzas from Estancia, op. 8 (7:00) -- Toccata / Zipoli ; transcribed by A. Ginastera (6:23) -- Quintet for piano and string quartet, op. 29 (18:40) -- Pampeana no. 2, op. 21 (8:32) -- Sonata for cello and piano, op. 49 (18:58).
CD 803
Malouf tunisien
Waṣlah Aṣbaʻayn -- Waṣlah Rāst al-dhīl -- Waṣlah Sīkāh.
CD 1023
Maltby and Shire's Closer than ever : song by song : original cast recording / [music by David Shire ; lyrics by Richard Maltby, Jr.].
Doors -- She loves me not -- You want to be my friend? -- What am I doin'? -- The bear, the tiger, the hamster and the mole -- Like a baby -- Miss Byrd -- The sound of Muzak -- One of the good guys -- There's nothing like it -- Life story -- Next time ; I wouldn't go back -- Three friends -- Fandango -- There -- Patterns -- Another wedding song -- If I sing -- Back on base -- The march of time -- Fathers of fathers -- It's never that easy ; I've been here before -- Closer than ever.
CD 713
Mālūf Tūnisī = Malouf tunisien / Luṭfī Būshnāk = Lotfi Bouchnak.
Waṣlah Aṣbaʻayn -- Waṣlah Rāst al-dhīl -- Waṣlah Sīkāh.
CD 1023
Mamma mia! (Musical)
Overture/Prologue -- Honey, honey -- Money, money, money -- Thank you for the music -- Mamma mia -- Chiquitita -- Dancing queen -- Lay all your love on me -- Super trouper -- Gimme! gimme! gimme! -- The name of the game -- Voulez-vous -- Entr'acte -- Under attack -- One of us -- S.O.S. -- Does your mother know -- Knowing me, knowing you -- Our last summer -- Slipping through my fingers -- The winner takes it all -- Take a chance on me -- I do, I do, I do, I do, I do -- I have a dream.
CD 1320
Mamma mia! : the musical based on the songs of ABBA.
Overture/Prologue -- Honey, honey -- Money, money, money -- Thank you for the music -- Mamma mia -- Chiquitita -- Dancing queen -- Lay all your love on me -- Super trouper -- Gimme! gimme! gimme! -- The name of the game -- Voulez-vous -- Entr'acte -- Under attack -- One of us -- S.O.S. -- Does your mother know -- Knowing me, knowing you -- Our last summer -- Slipping through my fingers -- The winner takes it all -- Take a chance on me -- I do, I do, I do, I do, I do -- I have a dream.
CD 1320
The man and his music / Sam Cooke.
Touch the hem of His garment -- That's heaven to me -- I'll come running back to you -- You send me -- Win your love for me -- Just for you -- Chain gang -- When a boy falls in love -- Only sixteen -- Wonderful world -- Cupid -- Nothing can change this love -- Rome wasn't built in a day -- Love will find a way -- Everybody loves to cha cha cha -- Another Saturday night -- Meet me at Mary's place -- Having a party -- Good times -- Twistin' the night away -- Shake -- Somebody have mercy -- Sad mood -- Ain't that good news -- Bring it on home to me -- Soothe me -- That's where it's at -- A change is gonna come.
CD 3083
Cinq danses rituelles : (1939). Danse initiatique ; Danse des héros ; Danse nuptiale ; Danse du rapt ; Danse funéraire (27:00) -- Mana : (1935) : 6 pièces pour piano dédiées à Louise Varèse. Beaujolais ; L'oiseau ; La princesse de Bali ; La chèvre ; La vache ; Pégase (15:00).
CD 94
CD 2941
Manfred symphony / Tchaikovsky.
CD 2941
Männerchöre / Franz Schubert.
Ständchen -- Frühlingsgesang, op. 16, Nr. 1 -- Naturgenuss, op. 16, Nr. 2 -- Sehnsucht -- Im Gegenwärtigen Vergangenes -- Der Gondelfahrer, op. 28 -- Widerspruch, op. 105 -- Zur guten Nacht, op. 81, Nr. 3 -- Grab und Mond --Nachthelle, op. posth. 134 -- Mondenschein, op. 102.
CD 2218
Manon Lescaut / Puccini.
CD 2864
Manuela plays French flute concertos.
Concertino for flute and orchestra, op. 107 / Chaminade, Cécile (8:25) -- Flute concerto / Franc̜aix, Jean (24:09) -- La flûte de Pan : op. 15, for flute and orchestra / Mouquet, Jules (14:52) -- Flute concerto / Ibert, Jacques (20:37).
CD 1816
Many more voices / Luciano Berio.
Thema : Omaggio a Joyce (8:12) -- Visage (21:10) -- A-ronne : documentary for five actors (31:20).
CD 1939
Many voices of Cathy Berberian
La lettera amorosa / Claudio Monteverdi (6:33) -- Chansons de Bilitis. La flûte de Pan (2:37) ; La chevelure (3:07) ; Le tombeau des naïades (2:44) / Claude Debussy -- A flower (3:40) ; The wonderful widow of eighteen springs (2:24) / John Cage -- "O" : atti vocali (aus "La passion selon Sade") / Sylvano Bussotti (8:54) -- Surabaya-Johnny : (aus "Happy end") / Kurt Weill (4:37) -- A ticket to ride / Paul McCartney-John Lennon (2:01) -- Summertime : (aus "Porgy and Bess") / George Gershwin (2:17) -- Stripsody / Cathy Berberian (4:33).
CD 1669
Maplewood Farm / Tom Banjo ; produced by Ethan Azarian.
Ox Driver -- Whoopie-Ki-o -- Rye whiskey -- Jack of Diamonds -- Mississippi Sawyer-- Leatherwing Bat -- Gospel Song -- Pretty Polly -- John Brown's March-- Charlie's Neat -- Man of Constant Sorrow -- Ramblin' Man -- Big Rock Candy Mountain -- Uncloudy Day-- Little Birdie -- Red River Valley.
CD 2682
Mar azul.
Mar azul (3:35) -- Cize (5:19) -- Estanhadinha (2:41) -- Cabo Verde (3:12) -- Belga (4:54) -- Cretcheu di ceu (6:12) -- Cinturao tem mele (Dansa Tcha tcha tcha) (3:31) -- Separaçao (4:49).
CD 1010
Marc-André Hamelin live at the Wigmore Hall.
Piano concerto no. 3 in C minor, op. 37. First movement, Allegro con brio / Beethoven ; transcribed with cadenza by Charles-Valentin Alkan (18:41) -- Piano concerto no. 1 in E minor, op. 11. Romanza, Larghetto / Chopin ; transcribed by Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev (10:25) -- Trois grandes études : op. 76 / Alkan (29:52) -- Sonatina no. 6 : Kammer-Fantasie über Carmen : BV284 / Busoni (7:35) -- Forgotten melodies : Vol I. Danza festiva : op. 38 no 3 / Medtner (5:16).
CD 2019
Marcel Mule : "Le patron" of the saxophone.
Gavotte / Rameau/Mule (3:03) -- Pavane et menuet vif / Roelens (3:08) -- La tyrolienne / Fonse/Marie (3:12) -- Patres / Foret (3:17) -- Variations sur Marlborogh [i.e. Marlborough] / Genin/Combelle (2:57) -- Le carnival de Venise / Demerssman (3:20) -- Concerto, Andante / Vellones (6:24) -- Valse chromatique / Vellones (3:13) -- Quatuor, theme & scherzo / Glazounov (3:05) -- Menuetto / Bolzoni (2:56) -- Serenade comique / Françaix (2:08) -- Concertino de camera / Ibert (4:01, 4:02, 4:04) -- Canzonetta / Pierné (3:36) -- Pièce en forme de habanera / Ravel/Mule (2:46) -- Les millions d'Arléquin / Drigo/Auer (3:12) -- Esquisse / combelle (2:53) -- Concertino / Bozza (3:39, 4:08) -- Sevilla / Albeniz (3:11) -- Cache-cache / Clérisse (3:00) -- Scherzo / Bozza (2:52).
CD 2063
March of the falsettos : original cast recording / William Finn.
Four Jews in a room bitching (2:23) -- A tight-knit family ; Love is blind ; The thrill of first love (8:51) -- Marvin at the psychiatrist (5:38) -- My father's a homo ; Everyone tells Jason to see a psychiatrist ; This had better come to a stop (7:16) -- Please come to my house ; Jason's therapy (5:42) -- A marriage proposal ; A tight-knit family : (reprise) (3:30) -- Trina's song ; March of the falsettos (4:11) -- The chess game (4:16) -- Making a home (3:19) -- The games I play (2:49) -- Marvin hits Trina (1:58) -- I never wanted to love you (2:17) -- Father to son (3:23).
CD 3051
Marche de timbales
Cadet : Marche de timbales / Philidor (1:23) -- Te Deum, H.146 (23:07) : Prélude ; Te Deum laudamus ; Te aeternum Patrem ; Te per orbem terrarum ; Tu devicto mortis aculeo ; Te ergo quaesumus ; Dignare Domine ; Fiat misericordia tua Domine ; In te Domine speravi. Missa "Assumpta est Maria," H.11 (32:06) : Symphonie ; Kyrie I ; Christe ; Kyrie II ; Gloria ; Credo ; Sanctus ; Agnus Dei ; Domine Salvum. Litanies de la Vierge, H.83 (17:46) : Kyrie ; Sancta Maria ; Sancta Maria. Mater Christi. Virgo prudentissima. Speculum justitiae. Vas spirituale. Rosa mystica. Salus infirmorum. Regina angelorum ; Agnus Dei / Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
CD 1192
Colonel Bogey (3:15) -- The great little army (2:54) -- H.M. Jollies (2:22) -- On the quarter deck (2:52) -- The thin red line (3:06) -- Voice of the guns (2:35) -- The standard of St. George (2:08) -- Cavalry of the clouds (3:09) -- The middy (2:48) -- Holyrood (2:54) -- Army of the Nile (3:01) -- Dunedin (2:58) -- The vanished army (2:55) -- Old Panama (2:43) -- Eagle Squadron (3:08) -- The lightning switch : fantasia (7:53) -- By land and sea : slow march (4:32) -- The Vedette (3:28) -- A musical switch : fantasia (10:23) -- The mad major (2:22).
CD 736
Marches, band. Selections
The glory of the Yankee navy (3:15) -- New York Hippodrome (2:54) -- Solid men to the front! (3:03) -- Sabre and spurs (3:06) -- The U.S. Field Artillery march (2:27) -- The pride of Pittsburgh (4:20) -- The free lance (4:11) -- Semper fidelis (2:41) -- The Royal Welch Fusiliers (2:24) -- Untitled march [1930] (3:33) -- Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (3:16) -- Jack Tar (2:54) -- The stars and stripes forever (3:29) -- John Philip Sousa speaks (:35) -- The stars and stripes forever (3:25) -- Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (3:13) -- Dauntless battalion (2:51) -- Sabre and spurs (3:13) -- Solid men to the front! (3:09) -- Liberty loan (3:20) -- The U.S. Field Artillery march (3:24).
CD 924
Marches classiques
Rákóczy march / Berlioz (04:54) -- Turkish march / Beethoven (01:35) -- Coronation march / Meyerbeer (03:40) -- Wedding march / Mendelssohn (04:54) -- Procession of the sardar / Ippolitov-Ivanov (04:05) -- Radetzky march / Johann Strauss, Sr. (02:21) -- Marche des petits faunes / Pierné (02:08)-- March / Tchaikovsky (02:37) -- Pomp and circumstance no. 1 / Elgar (06:24) -- Triumphal march / Verdi (06:20) -- Funeral march of a marionette / Gounod (03:43) -- March / Prokofiev (01:50) -- Intermezzo / Sibelius (03:48) -- The imperial march / Williams (03:02) -- March of the toys / Herbert (03:42)-- Saint Louis Symphony march / Ganz; arr. Hayman (03:11) -- The stars and strips forever / Sousa (03:35).
CD 769
Marches militaires : D 733 ; Variations, D 813 ; Grand duo : D 812 / Schubert.
Trois marches militaires, op. 51, D 733 -- Acht Variationen über ein eigenes Thema in As-dur, op. 35, D 813 (Eight variations on an original theme in A flat major) -- Sonate "Grand duo," op. post. 140, D 812, C major.
CD 2028
Margaret Atwood reads from A handmaid's tale and talks about this futuristic fable of misogyny as compared to Orwell's 1984 / Margaret Atwood.
CD 3654
Maria Theresia
No. 41 in C major, Hob. I:41 (18:35) -- No. 48 in C major, Hob. I:48 : Maria Theresia (22:38) -- No. 65 in A major, Hob. I:65 (16:51).
CD 142
Mariachi Coculense
El toro = The bull -- La ensalada = The salad -- El gavilancillo = The young hawk -- Las cuatro milpas = Four little cornfields -- El suchil = The magnolia -- El jilguerillo = The goldfinch -- El durazno = The peach -- Mariquita = Dearest Mary -- El cuervo = The crow -- La manzanita tierna = The unripe apple -- La chachalaca = The chatter bird -- La pulquera = The pulque vendor -- La canelera = The cinnamon vendor -- Blanca palomita = (Ando en busca) = The white dove = (I'm searching)-- El becerro = The young bull -- La cantinera = (Ando borracho) = The barmaid = (I'm drunk) -- Las gaviotas = The seagulls -- El torero = The bullfighter -- Lupita = Dearest Lupe -- El enamorado = The man in love -- La güerita = The fair-skinned girl -- Las abajeñas = The lowland girls -- El frijolito = The beanstalk -- El tecolote = The owl -- La malagueña = The lady from Málaga, Spain.
CD 1081
Mariachi Coculense de Cirilo Marmolejo.
El toro = The bull -- La ensalada = The salad -- El gavilancillo = The young hawk -- Las cuatro milpas = Four little cornfields -- El suchil = The magnolia -- El jilguerillo = The goldfinch -- El durazno = The peach -- Mariquita = Dearest Mary -- El cuervo = The crow -- La manzanita tierna = The unripe apple -- La chachalaca = The chatter bird -- La pulquera = The pulque vendor -- La canelera = The cinnamon vendor -- Blanca palomita = (Ando en busca) = The white dove = (I'm searching)-- El becerro = The young bull -- La cantinera = (Ando borracho) = The barmaid = (I'm drunk) -- Las gaviotas = The seagulls -- El torero = The bullfighter -- Lupita = Dearest Lupe -- El enamorado = The man in love -- La güerita = The fair-skinned girl -- Las abajeñas = The lowland girls -- El frijolito = The beanstalk -- El tecolote = The owl -- La malagueña = The lady from Málaga, Spain.
CD 1081
Mariachi / Cuco Chávez, Sue Ann Pinner y el Mariachi Sol de México de José Hernández.
Pescador de hombres -- Compasión derramada -- Ave María -- Sol de este pueblo -- Hymn of joy (Himno de la alegría) -- Señor ten piedad : forma 3 y nuevo texto -- Gloria : nuevo texto -- Aleluya -- Santo -- Aclamación conmemorativa -- Amén por siempre -- Padre nuestro y doxología : nuevo texto -- Letanía del pan.
CD 1285
Marian McPartland's Piano jazz with guest Bill Evans : conversation & music as heard on National Public Radio.
Waltz for Debbie (Evans solo) -- Conversation -- All of you (Evans solo) -- Conversation -- All of you (duet) -- Conversation -- In your own sweet way (duet) -- Conversation/demonstration. The touch of your lips (Evans solo) -- The touch of your lips (duet) -- Conversation -- Reflections in D (Evans solo) -- Conversation -- Days of wine and roses (duet) -- Conversation -- This is all I ask (duet) -- Conversation -- While we're young (McPartland solo) -- Conversation -- I love you (duet).
CD 3218
Mariella's dream / Oscar Stagnaro.
Too high / Stevie Wonder -- Rabbi Vallenatowitz / Richie Zellon -- Mariella's dream / Oscar Stagnaro, Alain Mallet -- Yes and no / Wayne Shorter -- La fuga del negro bomba / Richie Zellon -- You've got it bad girl / Stevie Wonder -- Festejo para Tere / Oscar Stagnaro -- Fall / Wayne Shorter -- Le tombeau de Couperin / Maurice Ravel arr. Zellon -- Paulo's mood / Oscar Stagnaro.
CD 3493
Mariengesänge und Hoheliedmotetten / Orlando di Lasso.
Magnificat "Ecco ch'io lasso il core" -- Salve Regina : à 4 -- Ave Maria : à 5 -- Audio dulcis mea : à 4 -- Veni, dilecte mi : à 5 -- Salve Regina : à 5 -- Ave Regina coelorum : à 5 -- Missus est Angelus Gabriel : à 3-6 -- Ave verus [i.e. verum] corpus : à 6 -- Regina coeli laetre : à 5 -- Salve Regina : à 8 -- O Maria, clausus hortus : à 3 -- Tota pulchra es, amica mea : à 4 -- Ave Maria, alta stirps : à 4 -- Salve Regina : à 6 -- Sancta Maria, omnes sancti Dei : à 5.
CD 534
The Marilyn Monroe collection.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend -- River of no return -- Heat wave -- Do it again -- Kiss -- My heart belongs to daddy -- I'm gonna file my claim -- This is a fine romance -- A little girl from Little Rock -- Happy birthday, Mr. President -- After you get what you want -- You'd be surprised --She acts like a woman should -- Lazy -- When love goes wrong nothing goes right -- One silver dollar -- When I fall in love -- Specialization-- Bye bye (duet with Jane Russell) -- Bye bye baby.
CD 259
Marimba masters and sacred songs
Ecuador: Caramba (2:57) ; Caramba (3:04) ; Andarele vamanos (3:57) ; Caderona (3:11) ; Bambuco (3:22) ; Agua larga (4:17) ; Fabrisiano (2:17) / Tierra Caliente -- Ecuador: Arrullos (3:08, 2:46) ; Bunde (Carmela) (2:48) ; Arrullos (3:32, 6:35, 3:04) ; Arrullo (El Niñito de Oro) (2:50) ; Arrullo (3:57) ; Arrullo (Boberito de mi tierra) (5:11) / La Voz de Niño Dios -- Colombia: Currulao (3:46) ; Juga (Mulata a dónde vas) (2:42) ; Bunde (2:56) ; Conuño warm down (0:53) / Groupo Folclorico Alcadia Municipal de Buenaventura.
CD 1802
Marlboro Festival 40th anniversary
CD 1238
Marlene Dietrich collection : 20 golden greats.
Lili Marlene -- The boys in the backroom -- Lola -- Illusions -- Johnny -- I've been in love before -- Black market -- Lazy afternoon -- Another spring another love -- Symphonie -- You do something to me -- Falling in love again -- You go to my head -- You've got that look -- If he swing by the string -- This world of ours -- Near you -- Candles glowing -- Kisses sweeter than wine -- Such trying times.
CD 278
Maroc : musique berbère du Haut-Atlas et de l'Anti-Atlas = Morocco : Berber music from the High-Atlas [sic] and the Anti-Atlas / enregistrements de Miriam Olsen et Bernard Lortat-Jacob.
Bu-ganga (9:06) -- Ddrst (8:25) -- Taskiwin (10:54) -- Aḥwaš n-ayt mgun (13:37) -- Amxllf (5:02) -- Tamssust (20:13).
CD 1016
Marry me a little : original cast recording / songs by Stephen Sondheim ; [conceived and developed by Craig Lucas and Norman René].
Saturday night -- Two fairy tales -- Can that boy foxtrot! -- All things bright and beautiful ; Bang! ; All things bright and beautiful : part 2 -- The girls of summer -- Uptown, downtown -- So many people -- Your eyes are blue -- A moment with you -- Marry me a little -- Happily ever after -- Pour le sport -- Silly people -- There won't be trumpets -- It wasn't meant to happen -- Who could be blue? ; Little white house.
CD 720
Marsalis on music / Wynton Marsalis.
CD 1242
Märta Schéle sings.
Trois chansons de Bilitis / Claude Debussy ; texts, Pierre Louys (9:27) -- Catalogue des fleurs / Darius Milhaud ; texts, Lucien Daudet (5:23) -- Cinq mélodies populaires grecques / Maurice Ravel ; texts [translated into French by] M.D. Calvocoressi (7:28) -- Auf dem Strome : op. 119 / Franz Schubert ; text, Ludwig Rellstab -- Songs from the Chinese : op. 58 / Benjamin Britten ; English translations [of texts], Arthur Waley (11:07) -- Six songs from The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra : op. 207 ; texts, The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra (10:40).
CD 2260
Le marteau sans maître ; Sonatine / Pierre Boulez. 7 Haikai / Olivier Messiaen.
CD 1460
Martin Fröst plays clarinet concertos dedicated to Benny Goodman.
Concerto for clarinet and string orchestra with haro and piano / Copland -- Concerto for clarinet and orchestra/ Hindemith -- Clarinet concerto no. 2, op. 115 / Arnold.
CD 2426
Martin Souter plays the organ of Winchester Cathedral
War march of the priests / Felix Mendelssohn ; arr. by W.T. Best -- Grand march from "Aïda" / Giuseppe Verdi ; arr. by M. Souter -- William Tell overture : finale / Gioacchino Rossini ; arr. by E. Lemare -- Nimrod / Edward Elgar ; arr. by W.H. Harris -- In the hall of the mountain king / Edvard Grieg ; arr. by M. Souter -- Largo / George Frideric Handel ; arr. by M. Souter -- Pilgrim's chorus / Richard Wagner ; arr. by M. Souter -- Finlandia / Jean Sibelius ; arr. by H.A. Fricker -- Pomp & circumstance march no. 1 / Edward Elgar ; arr. by E. Lemare -- Largo from the "New World" symphony / Antonin Dvorak ; arr. by F.G. Shinn -- March on a theme of Handel / Alexander Guilmant -- Londonderry air / traditional ; arr. by M. Souter -- Carillon de Westminster / Louis Vierne.
CD 1185
Martyre de Saint Sébastien
Images. Gigues ; Ibéria ; Rondes de printemps (36:00) -- Le martyre de Saint Sébastien : fragments symphoniques. La cour des lys (3:29) ; Danse extatique et Final du 1er acte (7:22) ; La passion (4:54) ; Le bon Pasteur (6:07).
CD 231
Martyred musicians of the Holocaust
Thème et variations, op. 13 (1910) / Rudolf Karel (26:02) -- Suite, op. 13 (1935) / Pavel Haas (12:58) -- Sonate pour piano (1943) / Gideon Klein (12:05) -- Sonate por piano no. 6, op. 44 (1943) / Viktor Ullmann (14:30).
CD 1697
Mary's music : songs and dances from the time of Mary Queen of Scots.
Depairte, depairte : The Lady Marie's galliard (3:58) -- Richt soir opprest (3:57) -- For love of one = Dont vient cela / Claudin de Sermisy (4:44) -- All sons of Adam (2:28) -- Basse danse Content desir (1:16) -- Le cueur de vous / Claudin de Sermisy (2:15) -- Pavane et gaillarde : La Royne d'Escosse (2:28) -- Galliarda la Royne d'Escosse and Queen of Scots galliard (2:57) -- Je suis un demidieu / Pierre Certon (2:10) -- Branles d'Escosse (1:43) -- The Queine of Ingland's paven (:53) -- Support your servand (4:32) -- Ane exempill of tripla (1:24) -- Susanne un jour / Orlande de Lassus (2:51) --Gaillard of the lang paven / William Kinloch (2:38) -- Adeu, O desie of delyt : the banks of Helicon / Andrew Blackhall (4:54) -- My lord of Marche paven / James Lauder (3:00) -- The noble famous Queene (2:15) -- In angells weede I saw a noble queene / William Byrd (3:40).
CD 862
The mask of night ; Te Deum / Argento.
Variations for orchestra : The mask of night : for orchestra and soprano soloist (30:21) -- Te deum : Verba Domini cum verbis populi : for chorus and orchestra (42:12).
CD 1496
The mask of Orpheus / Harrison Birtwistle.
CD 3136
Mass and vespers for Easter Sunday / Jean-François Dandrieu.
Messe: Hymne, Salve festa dies / [Venantius Fortunatus] (3:29). Kyrie (8:25). Gloria et carillon de Pâques à St.-Bertrand-de-Comminges (3:48). Graduel (2:07). Sequentia : Victimae paschali laudes (1:22). Credo : [from the first Messe royale / by Henry Du Mont] (3:00). Offertoire : O filii et filiae (5:51). Sanctus (4:58). Agnus Dei (3:52). Ite Missa est et carillon de Pâques à St.-Bertrand-de-Comminges (2:07) -- Vêpres: Hymne : Ave Maris Stella (3:26). Antienne : Et respicientes (:33). Magnificat (10:59). Salut : Alleluia, O filii et filiae (2:29). Angelus à St.-Bertrand-de-Comminges (1:17).
CD 2503
Mass / Bernstein.
CD 3141
Mass, Christmas (Pre-Vatican II : In nocte)
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Mass, Day of death or burial (Pre-Vatican II)
CD 1108
Mass, Easter (Pre-Vatican II)
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Mass : for double choir ; Passacaille / Frank Martin. Messa di Requiem ; De profundis / Ildebrando Pizzetti.
Mass for double choir (25:50) ; Passacaille for organ (11:13) / Frank Martin -- Messa di Requiem (28:35) ; De profundis (5:17) / Ildebrando Pizzetti.
CD 2889
Mass for Easter Sunday
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Mass for the first Sunday after Easter
Mass for Easter Sunday: Introit, Resurrexi -- Gradual, Haec dies -- Alleluia, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, victimae paschali -- Offertory, Terra -- Communion, Pascha nostrum -- Sequence, Salva dies -- Mass for the first Sunday after Easter: Introit, Quasimodo -- Alleluia, In die -- Alleluia, Post dies -- Offertory, Angelus -- Communion, Mitte -- Hymn, Ad coenam -- Rhythm, Exultemus -- Hymn, Salva festa dies.
CD 1111
Mass for unaccompanied chorus
Priidite, poklonimsya = Come, let us worship (2:55) -- Blagoslovi, dushe moya = Bless the Lord, O my soul (6:10) -- Blazhen muzh = Blessed be the man (6:12) -- Svete tikhyi = O serene light (4:15) -- Nyne otpushchayeshi = Now let thy servant depart (4:00) -- Bogoroditsye Devo, raduisya = Rejoice, O Virgin (3:05) -- Slava v vyshnikh Bogu = Glory to God in the highest (2:33) -- Khvalite imya Gospodne = Praise the name of the Lord (3:22) -- Blagosloven yesi, Gospodi = Blessed art Thou, O Lord (6:24) -- Voskreseniye Khristovo videvshe = Having seen the resurrection of the Lord (3:36) -- Velichit dusha moya Gospoda = My soul magnifies the Lord (7:37) -- Slava v vyshniky Bogu = Glory to God in the highest (7:50) -- Dnes spaseniye miru byst = Troparia of the day of salvation (1:52) -- Voskres iz groba = Christ is risen from the grave : Troparia of the resurrection (3:11) -- Vzbrannoy voyevode = Thanksgiving to the Mother of God (1:45).
CD 456
Mass in B minor / Johann Sebastian Bach.
CD 1449
Mass in C major, opus 86 ; Choral fantasy, opus 80 / Ludwig van Beethoven.
CD 86
Mass in D major ; Mass in B flat major ; Alma Virgo / Hummel.
Mass, op. 111, in D major (37:39) -- Alma Virgo : offertory (6:25) -- Mass, op. 77, in B-flat major (32:07).
CD 2729
Mass in G major ; Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël ; Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence ; Quatre petites prières de Saint François d'Assise / Poulenc.
Mass in G major (18:35) -- Quatre motets pour le temps de noël = Four motets for Christmas (10:44) -- Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence = Four motets for a time of penitence [Lent] (14:22) -- Quatre petites prières de saint françois d'assise = Four short prayers of Saint Francis (6:55) / Francis Poulenc.
CD 1232
Mass in G minor ; Sacred and secular songs / Vaughan Williams.
Mass in G minor (25:41) -- Sacred and secular songs. Valiant-for-truth (5:43) ; The blessed Son of God (2:37) ; No sad thought His soul afright (2:26) ; Lord, Thou has been our refuge (8:01) ; O taste and see (1:40) ; Three Shakespeare songs (8:15).
CD 471
Mass in G minor ; Te Deum in G / Ralph Vaughan Williams. Requiem ; Take him, earth, for cherishing / Herbert Howells.
Mass in G minor -- Te duem in G / Vaughan Williams -- Requiem -- Take him, earth, for cherishing / Howells.
CD 2440
Mass, Maundy Thursday
Introit Nos autem -- Greeting and penitential rite -- Kyrie III -- Gloria II -- Collect -- First reading -- Gradual Oculi omnium -- Second reading -- Tract Ab ortu solis -- Gospel -- General intercession -- Offertory Ubi caritas -- Prayer over the gifts and preface for Eucharist I -- Sanctus V -- Eucharistic prayer I, Roman canon -- Pater noster and Communion rite -- Agnus Dei V -- Communion Hoc corpus -- Prayer after Communion -- Procession and hymn Pange lingua.
CD 1109
Mass of the day
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Mass, op. 5, E♭ major
Mass in E flat major, Op. 5 / Amy Beach (Ray Bauwens, tenor ; Margot Law, soprano ; Martha Remington, mezzo-soprano ; Joel Schneider, baritone ; Barbara Jones, conductor ; Stow Festival Orchestra ; Stow Festival Chorus).
CD 1586
Missa in C, KV 66 : Dominicus -- Missa brevis : in G, KV 49/47d -- Missa in C, KV 167 : In honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis -- Missa brevis : in G, KV 140/App. C1.12 -- Missa brevis : in D minor, KV 65/61a -- Missa solemnis : in C, KV 337 -- Missa brevis : in D, KV 194/186h -- Missa brevis : in B flat, KV 275/272b -- Missa solemnis : in C minor, KV 139/47a : Waisenhaus-Messe -- Missa brevis : in C, KV 259 : Organ solo -- Missa brevis : Fin F, KV 192/186f -- Missa in C, KV 257 : Credo -- Missa in C, KV 317 : Coronation -- Missa brevis : in C, KV 220/1896b : Spatzenmesse -- Missa brevis : in C, KV 258 : Spaur-Messe -- Missa longa : in C, KV 262/246a -- Missa in C minor, KV 427/317a : Grosse Messe / revised and reconstructed by Alois Schmitt, John Eliot Gardiner -- Requiem in D minor, KV 626 / completed by Franz Xaver Süssmayr.
CD 1225 v.19
The masses = Die Messen / Haydn.
Missa "Rorate coeli desuper" : H XXII 3 -- Missa Cellensis in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae = Missa Sanctae Caeciliae : H XXII 5 -- Missa brevis in F : H XXII 1 -- Schöpfungsmesse = Creation mass : H XXII 13 -- Missa in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae = Grosse Orgelmesse : H XXII 4 -- Heiligmesse = Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida : H XXII 10 -- Missa Sancti Nicolai : H XXII 6 -- Theresienmesse : H XXII 12 -- Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo = Kleine Orgelmesse : H XXII 7 -- Harmoniemesse : XXII 14 -- Missa Cellensis = Mariazeller Messe : H XXII 8 -- Missa in tempore belli = Paukenmesse : H XXII 9 -- Missa in angustiis = Nelson mass : H XXII 11.
CD 2769
Masses = Messen / Palestrina.
CD 1. Missa L'homme armé : 5 vv. ; Missa Assumpta est Maria -- CD 2. Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet -- CD 3. Missa brevis ; Missa Lauda Sion ; Super flumina Babylonis -- CD 4. Missa Aeterna Christi munera ; Missa L'homme armé : 4 vv. -- CD 5 : Missa Papae Marcelli ; Stabat Mater.
CD 2568
Masses and motets / Lassus.
Missa Qual donna (20:57) ; Tristis est anima mea (5:02) ; Exaltabo te Domine (2:01) ; De profundis clamavi (11:10) ; Missa Venatorum (10:40) / Orlande de Lassus -- Qual donna : madrigal / Cipriano de Rore (4:17).
CD 528
Masses, book 2. Missa Papae Marcelli
Crucifixus / Antonio Lotti (3:16) -- Stabat Mater / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (9:19) -- Miserere / Gregorio Allegri (12:08) -- Missa Papae Marcelli / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (31:09).
CD 530
Masses, book 3. Missa brevis
Missa brevis / Palestrina -- Nasce la gioja mia / Primavera -- Missa nasce la gioja mia / Palestrina.
CD 13
Masses, book 3. Missa De Beata Virgine
Missa 'De Beata Virgine': Kyrie (4:55) Gloria (8:03) Credo (10:50) Sanctus and Benedictus (9:43) Agnus Dei I and II (6:23) -- Missa 'Ave Maria': Kyrie (3:45) Gloria (6:08) Credo (10:52) Sanctus and Benedictus (6:51) Agnus Dei I and II (5:30).
CD 533
Masses, BWV 232, B minor
CD 1449
Masses, G minor
Mass in G minor -- Te duem in G / Vaughan Williams -- Requiem -- Take him, earth, for cherishing / Howells.
CD 2440
Masses. Latin
Mass for 5 voices -- Mass for 3 voices -- Mass for 4 voices.
CD 529
Masses, op. 86, C major
CD 86
Masses. Selections
Harmoniemesse : Hob. XXII:14 (43:00) -- Missa Sancti Bernardi con Offida : Hob. XXII:10 = "Heiligmesse" (35:00) -- Missa in angustiis : Hob. XXII:11 = "Nelsonmesse" (39:00) -- Schöpfungsmesse : Hob. XXII:13 (42:00) -- Theresienmesse : Hob. XXII:12 (43:00) -- Missa in tempore belli : Hob. XXII:9 = "Paukenmesse" (38:00).
CD 2768
Masses. Selections
Missa "Rorate coeli desuper" : H XXII 3 -- Missa Cellensis in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae = Missa Sanctae Caeciliae : H XXII 5 -- Missa brevis in F : H XXII 1 -- Schöpfungsmesse = Creation mass : H XXII 13 -- Missa in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae = Grosse Orgelmesse : H XXII 4 -- Heiligmesse = Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida : H XXII 10 -- Missa Sancti Nicolai : H XXII 6 -- Theresienmesse : H XXII 12 -- Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo = Kleine Orgelmesse : H XXII 7 -- Harmoniemesse : XXII 14 -- Missa Cellensis = Mariazeller Messe : H XXII 8 -- Missa in tempore belli = Paukenmesse : H XXII 9 -- Missa in angustiis = Nelson mass : H XXII 11.
CD 2769
Masterpiece = Obra maestra / Tito Puente, Eddie Palmieri.
La última copa (5:09) -- Muddy's club blues in Weinheim (3:24) -- Cielito lindo, La negra mariachi medley (5:03) -- Marchando bien (4:14) -- Picadillo jam (5:17) -- El puente mundial (5:50) -- El beso (6:25) -- El bochinche (4:19) -- Enseñame tu, Piensalo bien bolero medley (6:45) -- Paris mambo (4:12) -- Yambu pa' Inglaterra (3:56) -- Itutu aché (7:59).
CD 2971
Masters, monsters & mazes : treading the Medieval labyrinth / Trefoil.
La basile / Solage -- En la maison Dedalus : intabulation / Mark Rimple -- En la maison Dedalus / anon. (ca. 1375) -- Se Zephirus/Se Jupiter / Grimace -- Se Galaas / Johannes Cuvelier -- Ausi comme unicorne sui / Thibaud de Champagne -- Phiton, beste tres venimeuse / Franciscus -- Phyton le merveilleus serpent : istrumental / Guillaume de Machaut -- Tour par compas : instrumental / Baude Cordier -- Ung lion say / anon. (ca. 1300-1400) -- Se July Cesar / Johan Robert, called Trebor -- La harp de melodie / Jacob de Senleches -- Se Dedalus / Pierre Taillander -- Pictagoras / Johannes Suzoy -- Fortz chausa / Gaucelm Faidit -- Le mont Aon / anon. (ca. 1390-400).
CD 3481
Masters of the bow.
Introduction and rondo capriccioso / Saint-Saëns (Itzhak Perlman) -- Violin concerto no. 2. Romance / Wieniawski (Gil Shaham) -- Zigeunerweisen : op. 20 / Sarasate (Ruggiero Ricci) -- La campanella / Paganini (Salvatore Accardo) -- Thaïs. Meditation / Massenet (Joshua Bell) -- Partita no. 3, BWV 1006. Preludio / J.S. Bach (Nathan Milstein) -- Partita no. 3, BWV 1006. Gavotte and Rondo / J.S. Bach (Gidon Kremer) -- The four seasons. Summer. Presto / Vivaldi (Pinchas Zukerman) -- Sonata no. 4, "The Devil's trill" / Tartini (Gil Shaham) -- Tambourin / Leclair (Henryk Szeryng) -- Minuet in G / Beethoven (Arthur Grumiaux) -- Spring song / Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Christian Ferras) -- Caprice no. 9 in E major / Paganini (Shlomo Mintz) -- Caprice no. 17 in E-flat major / Paganini (Ruggiero Ricci) -- Caprice no. 24 in A minor / Paganini (Salvatore Accardo) -- Violin concerto in D. Canzonetta / Tchaikovsky (Nathan Milstein) -- Polonaise no. 1 in D / Wieniawski (Leila Josefowicz) -- Ave Maria / Schubert (Christian Ferras) -- Hungarian dance no. 1 / Brahms (Joshua Bell) -- Humoresque / Dvořák (Arthur Grumiaux) -- Flight of the bumblebee / Rimsky-Korsakov (Henryk Szeryng) -- Hebrew melody / Achron (Ruggiero Ricci) -- Salut d'amour / Elgar (Kyung-Wha Chung) -- Waltz "La plus que lente" / Debussy (Henryk Szeryng) -- Liebesfreud / Kreisler (Joshua Bell) -- Baal shem. Nigun / Bloch (Arthur Grumiaux) -- Berceuse / Fauré (Anne-Sophie Mutter) -- Tzigane / Ravel (Gil Shaham) -- Andaluza / Granados (Arthur Grumiaux) -- Hora staccato / Dinicu (Christian Ferras) -- Six Romanian folk dances / Bartók (Henryk Szeryng).
CD 2446
Masters of the royal chapel, Lisbon : including Magalhães's "Missa O soberana luz."
Tento / Carreira (3:16) -- Asperges me / Magalhães (4:36) -- Introit, Salve sancta parens (2:29) -- Kyrie (4:40) ; Gloria (3:51) / Magalhães -- Famulis tuis (1:20) -- Verso sobre Ave maris stella / Coelho (2:01) -- Alleluia, Felix es (0:59) -- Credo / Magalhães (5:31) -- Beata es Virgo Maria (0:37) -- Ave Virgo sanctissima / Guerrero (3:42) -- Obra sobre el Pange lingua / Alvarado (1:54) -- Preface (3:15) -- Sanctus / Magalhães (1:22) -- Obra de sexto tom para o Levantar o Deus (2:53) -- Benedictus / Magalhães (1:52) -- Ave maris stella / Coelho (1:04) -- Agnus Dei / Magalhães (3:19) -- Beata viscera (0:35) -- Commissa mea pavesco / Magalhães (3:30) -- Ite missa est ; Deo gratias / Coelho (1:07) -- La luz de vuestros ojos / Guerrero (2:10) -- Salve Regina / De Brito (5:46).
CD 2550
Mater floreat ; Missa Missus est Gabriel angelus / Pierre Moulu. Missus est Gabriel angelus / Josquin. In pace ; Missa Alma redemptoris mater / [Moulu].
Mater floreat (5:41) -- Missa Missus est Gabriel angelus: Kyrie (4:06) ; Gloria (5:08) ; Credo (5:34) ; Sanctus and Benedictus (6:05) ; Agnus Dei (4:19) / Pierre Moulu -- Missus est Gabriel angelus / Josquin (4:09) -- In pace (8:52) ; Missa Alma redemptoris mater: Kyrie (2:08) ; Gloria (4:19) ; Credo (7:59) ; Sanctus and Benedictus (4:45) ; Agnus Dei (3:37) ; Kyrie (alternative 'long' version) (2:49) ; Agnus Dei (alternative 'long' version) (5:01) / Pierre Moulu.
CD 3098
Mathis der Maler ; Nobilissima visione ; Symphonic metamorphosis of themes by Carl Maria von Weber / Paul Hindemith.
Mathis der Maler [1] Engelkonzert (9:33 min.). -- [2] Grablegung (5:17 min.). -- [3] Versuchung des helligen Antonius (15:21 min.). -- Nobilissima visione [4] Einleitung und Rondo (8:54 min.). -- [5] Marsch und Pastorale (9:35 min.). -- [6] Passacaglia (6:09 min.). -- Symphonic metamorphosis of themes by Carl Maria von Weber [7] Allegro (4:08 min.). -- [8] Turandot, Scherzo (8:03 min.). -- [9] Andantino (4:24 min.). -- [10] Marsch (4:27 min.).
CD 374
Matines de Noël
Domine labia mea aperies ... Deus in adjutorium meum (1:20) -- Christus natus est nobis [and] Psaume 94 : [Venite, exultemus Domino] (3:59) -- Christe redemptor omnium : Hymne (1:36) -- O primus homo coruit : Versus (5:36) -- Jube Domine ... Primo tempore [alleviata est] : Lecture (5:36) -- Hodie [nobis caelorum rex] : Répons (2:44) -- Laude jocunda melos : Prose (3:09) -- Angelus ad pastores : Répons (2:10) -- Veni [i.e. Veri] solis radius : Versus (5:38) -- [In omnium requiem quesivi] : Lecture Libri sapientiae (6:10) -- O magnum misterium [sic] : Répons (3:19) -- Benedicamus Domino. Stirps Jesse ... Deo gratias (10:44).
CD 451
A matter of life and death / Steven Mackey. Greek nickel / J.K. Randall.
A matter of life and death / Steven Mackey (Elizabeth DiFelice, piano/amplified piano) (9:55) -- Greek nickel #1 (Jeff Presslaff, J.K. Randall, piano) ; Greek nickel #1, live (Tania Cronin, Wiska Radkiewicz, pianos ; Ron Pejril, electronics) (19:22) / J.K. Randall -- A matter of life and death. Parts III & IV / Steven Mackey (Steven Mackey, amplified piano) -- Greek nickel #2 / J.K. Randall (J.K. Randall, Jeff Presslaff, piano) (8:10).
CD 2808
Nr. 1 Chor: Kommt, ihr Tochter / Bach (11:46) -- Nr. 2 RezitativL Da Jesus diese Rede / Bach (0:55) -- Nr. 3 Choral: herzliebster Jesu / Bach (1:29) -- Nr. 4 Rezitativ: Da versammelten sich die Hohenpriester / Bach (0:32) -- Nr. 5 Chor: Ja nicht auf das Fest / Bach (0:18) -- Nr. 6 Rezitativ: Da nun Jesus / Bach (0:41) -- Nr. 7 Chor: Wozu dienet dieser Unrat? / Bach (0:36) -- Nr. 8 Rezitativ: Da das Jesus merkete / Bach (1:53) -- Nr. 9 RezitativL Du lieber Heiland du / Bach (1:05) -- Nr. 10 Arie: Bub und Reu' / Bach (4:50) -- Nr. 11 Rezitativ: Da ging hin der zwolfen einer / Bach (0:45) -- Nr. 12 Arie: Blute nur, du liebes Herz / Bach (5:13) -- Nr. 13 Rezitativ: Aber am ersten Tage / Bach (0:14) -- Nr. 14 Chor: Wo willst du / Bach (0:25) -- Nr. 15 Rezitativ: Er sprach: Gehet hin / Chro: Herr, bin ich's / Bach (2:02) -- Nr. 16 Choral: Ich bin's, ich sollte bussen / Bach (1:34) -- Nr. 17 Rezitativ: Er antwortete und sprach: Der mit der Hand mit mir / Bach (3:58) -- Nr. 18 Rezitativ: Wiewohl mein Herz / Bach (1:32) -- Nr. 19 Arie: ich will dir mein Herze schenken / Bach (4:03) -- Nr. 20 Rezitativ: Und da sie den Lobgesang / Bach (1:24) -- Nr. 21 Choral: Erkenne mich, mein Huter / Bach (1:51) -- Nr. 22 Rezitativ: Petrus aber antwortete / Bach (1:18) -- Nr. 23 Choral: Ich will hier / Bach (1:53) -- Nr. 24 Rezitativ: Da kam Jesus / Bach (2:06) -- Nr. 25 Rezitativ: O Schmerz! / Bach (3:06) -- Nr. 26 Arie: Ich will bei meinem Jesu / Bach (6:15) -- Nr. 27 Rezitativ: Und ging hin ein wenig / Bach (0:53) -- Nr. 28 Rezitativ: Der Heiland fallt / Bach (1:21) -- Nr. 29 Arie: Gerne will ich mich bequemen / Bach (6:36) -- Nr. 30 Rezitativ: Und er kam zu seinen Jungern / Bach 1:35) -- Nr. 31 Choral: Was mein Gott will / Bach (2:03) -- Nr. 32 Rezitativ: Und er kam / Bach (3:05) -- Nr. 33 Duett: So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen / Bach (5:59) -- Nr. 34 Rezitativ: Und siehe, einer asu denen / Bach (2:46) -- Nr. 35 Choral: O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde grob / Bach (11:05) -- Nr. 36 Arie: Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hin / Bach (5:28) -- Nr. 37 Rezitativ: Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten / Bach (1:09) -- Cont. Nr. 38 Choral: Mir hat die Welt / Bach (1:28) -- Nr. 39 Rezitativ: Und wiewohl viel falsche Auegen herzutraten / Bach (1:28) -- Nr. 40 Rezitativ: Mein Jesus scheweigt / Bach (1:01) -- Nr. 41 Arie: Geduld, wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen / Bach (4:54) -- Nr. 42 Rezitativ: Und der hohepriester / Bach (2:02) -- Nr. 43 Rezitativ: Da speieten sie / Bach (0:47) -- Nr. 44 Choral: We hat dich so geschlagen / Bach (1:36) -- Nr. 45: Petrus aber sab drauben im palast / Bach (1:23) -- Nr. 46 Rezitativ: Da hub er an, sich zu verfluchen / Bach (1:32) -- Nr. 47 Arie: Erbarme dich, mein Gott / Bach (7:22) -- Nr. 48 Choral: Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen / Bach (1:38) -- Nr. 49 Rezitativ: Des Morgens aber / Bach (1:17) -- Nr. 50 Rezitativ: und er warf die Silberlinge / Bach (0:54) -- Nr. 51 Arie: Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder! / Bach (4:11) -- Nr. 52 Rezitativ: Sie hielten aber einen Rat / Bach (2:35) -- Nr. 53 Choral: Befiehl du ceine Wege / Bach (1:58) -- Nr. 54 Rezitativ: Auf das Fest aver hatte / Bach (2:50) -- Nr. 55 Choral: Wie wunderbarlich / Bach (1:24) -- Nr. 56 Rezitativ: Der Landpfleger sagte / Bach (0:14) -- Nr. 57 Rezitativ: Er hat uns allen wohlgetan / Bach (1:20) -- Nr. 58 Arie: Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben / Bach (4:43) -- Nr. 59 Rezitativ: Sie schrieen aber noch mehr / Bach (2:40) -- Nr. 60 Rezitativ: Erbarm' es Gott! / Bach (1:25) -- Nr. 61 Arie: Konnen Tranen meiner Wangen / Bach (9:40) -- Nr. 62 Rezitativ: Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte / Bach (1:14) -- Nr. 63 Choral: O Aaupt boll Blut und Wunden / 3:16) -- Nr. 64 Rezitativ: Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten / Bach (1:09) -- Nr. 65 Rezitativ: Ja! freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Blut / Bach (0:43) -- Nr. 66 Arie: Komm, Subes Kreuz / Bach (6:38) -- Nr. 67 Rezitativ: Und da sie an die Statte kamen / Bach ( 4:24) -- Nr. 68 Rezitativ: Desgleichen schmaheten ihn / Bach (0:15) -- Nr. 69 Rezitativ: Ach, Golgatha / Bach (1:36) -- nr. 70 Arie Mit Chor: Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand / Bach (4:38) -- Nr. 71 Rezitativ: Und von der sechsten Stunde / Bach (2:52) -- Nr. 72 Choral: Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden / Bach (2:20) -- Nr. 73 Resitativ mit Chor: Und siehe da / Bach (3:04) -- Nr. 74 Rezitativ: Am Abend, da es kuhle war / Bach (2:36) -- Nr. 75 Arie: Mache dich, mein Herze, rein / Bach (10:20) -- Nr. 76 Rezitativ: Und Josiph nahm den Leib / Bach (3:22) -- Nr 77 Rezitativ mit Chor: nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht / Bach (2:20) -- Nr. 78 Chor: Wir setzen uns mit Tranen nieder / Bach (8:02).
CD 882
CD 884
Matthäus-Passion = Passion selon Saint Matthieu = St. Matthew Passion / [J.S. Bach].
CD 2057
Matthäus-Passion la visite interactive = an interactive journey = eine interaktive Reise.
Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750 -- A history of the Passion -- The text -- The musical layout -- Listening with the libretto -- A visit to the heart of the work -- Philippe Herreweghe [interview].
CD 2057
CD 2057
Nr. 1 Chor: Kommt, ihr Tochter / Bach (11:46) -- Nr. 2 RezitativL Da Jesus diese Rede / Bach (0:55) -- Nr. 3 Choral: herzliebster Jesu / Bach (1:29) -- Nr. 4 Rezitativ: Da versammelten sich die Hohenpriester / Bach (0:32) -- Nr. 5 Chor: Ja nicht auf das Fest / Bach (0:18) -- Nr. 6 Rezitativ: Da nun Jesus / Bach (0:41) -- Nr. 7 Chor: Wozu dienet dieser Unrat? / Bach (0:36) -- Nr. 8 Rezitativ: Da das Jesus merkete / Bach (1:53) -- Nr. 9 RezitativL Du lieber Heiland du / Bach (1:05) -- Nr. 10 Arie: Bub und Reu' / Bach (4:50) -- Nr. 11 Rezitativ: Da ging hin der zwolfen einer / Bach (0:45) -- Nr. 12 Arie: Blute nur, du liebes Herz / Bach (5:13) -- Nr. 13 Rezitativ: Aber am ersten Tage / Bach (0:14) -- Nr. 14 Chor: Wo willst du / Bach (0:25) -- Nr. 15 Rezitativ: Er sprach: Gehet hin / Chro: Herr, bin ich's / Bach (2:02) -- Nr. 16 Choral: Ich bin's, ich sollte bussen / Bach (1:34) -- Nr. 17 Rezitativ: Er antwortete und sprach: Der mit der Hand mit mir / Bach (3:58) -- Nr. 18 Rezitativ: Wiewohl mein Herz / Bach (1:32) -- Nr. 19 Arie: ich will dir mein Herze schenken / Bach (4:03) -- Nr. 20 Rezitativ: Und da sie den Lobgesang / Bach (1:24) -- Nr. 21 Choral: Erkenne mich, mein Huter / Bach (1:51) -- Nr. 22 Rezitativ: Petrus aber antwortete / Bach (1:18) -- Nr. 23 Choral: Ich will hier / Bach (1:53) -- Nr. 24 Rezitativ: Da kam Jesus / Bach (2:06) -- Nr. 25 Rezitativ: O Schmerz! / Bach (3:06) -- Nr. 26 Arie: Ich will bei meinem Jesu / Bach (6:15) -- Nr. 27 Rezitativ: Und ging hin ein wenig / Bach (0:53) -- Nr. 28 Rezitativ: Der Heiland fallt / Bach (1:21) -- Nr. 29 Arie: Gerne will ich mich bequemen / Bach (6:36) -- Nr. 30 Rezitativ: Und er kam zu seinen Jungern / Bach 1:35) -- Nr. 31 Choral: Was mein Gott will / Bach (2:03) -- Nr. 32 Rezitativ: Und er kam / Bach (3:05) -- Nr. 33 Duett: So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen / Bach (5:59) -- Nr. 34 Rezitativ: Und siehe, einer asu denen / Bach (2:46) -- Nr. 35 Choral: O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde grob / Bach (11:05) -- Nr. 36 Arie: Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hin / Bach (5:28) -- Nr. 37 Rezitativ: Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten / Bach (1:09) -- Cont. Nr. 38 Choral: Mir hat die Welt / Bach (1:28) -- Nr. 39 Rezitativ: Und wiewohl viel falsche Auegen herzutraten / Bach (1:28) -- Nr. 40 Rezitativ: Mein Jesus scheweigt / Bach (1:01) -- Nr. 41 Arie: Geduld, wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen / Bach (4:54) -- Nr. 42 Rezitativ: Und der hohepriester / Bach (2:02) -- Nr. 43 Rezitativ: Da speieten sie / Bach (0:47) -- Nr. 44 Choral: We hat dich so geschlagen / Bach (1:36) -- Nr. 45: Petrus aber sab drauben im palast / Bach (1:23) -- Nr. 46 Rezitativ: Da hub er an, sich zu verfluchen / Bach (1:32) -- Nr. 47 Arie: Erbarme dich, mein Gott / Bach (7:22) -- Nr. 48 Choral: Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen / Bach (1:38) -- Nr. 49 Rezitativ: Des Morgens aber / Bach (1:17) -- Nr. 50 Rezitativ: und er warf die Silberlinge / Bach (0:54) -- Nr. 51 Arie: Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder! / Bach (4:11) -- Nr. 52 Rezitativ: Sie hielten aber einen Rat / Bach (2:35) -- Nr. 53 Choral: Befiehl du ceine Wege / Bach (1:58) -- Nr. 54 Rezitativ: Auf das Fest aver hatte / Bach (2:50) -- Nr. 55 Choral: Wie wunderbarlich / Bach (1:24) -- Nr. 56 Rezitativ: Der Landpfleger sagte / Bach (0:14) -- Nr. 57 Rezitativ: Er hat uns allen wohlgetan / Bach (1:20) -- Nr. 58 Arie: Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben / Bach (4:43) -- Nr. 59 Rezitativ: Sie schrieen aber noch mehr / Bach (2:40) -- Nr. 60 Rezitativ: Erbarm' es Gott! / Bach (1:25) -- Nr. 61 Arie: Konnen Tranen meiner Wangen / Bach (9:40) -- Nr. 62 Rezitativ: Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte / Bach (1:14) -- Nr. 63 Choral: O Aaupt boll Blut und Wunden / 3:16) -- Nr. 64 Rezitativ: Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten / Bach (1:09) -- Nr. 65 Rezitativ: Ja! freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Blut / Bach (0:43) -- Nr. 66 Arie: Komm, Subes Kreuz / Bach (6:38) -- Nr. 67 Rezitativ: Und da sie an die Statte kamen / Bach ( 4:24) -- Nr. 68 Rezitativ: Desgleichen schmaheten ihn / Bach (0:15) -- Nr. 69 Rezitativ: Ach, Golgatha / Bach (1:36) -- nr. 70 Arie Mit Chor: Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand / Bach (4:38) -- Nr. 71 Rezitativ: Und von der sechsten Stunde / Bach (2:52) -- Nr. 72 Choral: Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden / Bach (2:20) -- Nr. 73 Resitativ mit Chor: Und siehe da / Bach (3:04) -- Nr. 74 Rezitativ: Am Abend, da es kuhle war / Bach (2:36) -- Nr. 75 Arie: Mache dich, mein Herze, rein / Bach (10:20) -- Nr. 76 Rezitativ: Und Josiph nahm den Leib / Bach (3:22) -- Nr 77 Rezitativ mit Chor: nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht / Bach (2:20) -- Nr. 78 Chor: Wir setzen uns mit Tranen nieder / Bach (8:02).
CD 882
CD 884
Matthias Eisenberg plays the Silbermann organ at Rotha, Germany / Matthias Eisenberg.
Praeludium no. 1 In E / Nikolaus Bruhns (8:27) -- Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist : Bux. 208 (2:56) ; Passacaglia in D Bux. 161 (7:23) ; Komm Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott : Bux. WV 199 (4:07) ; Praeludium in A Bux. 153 (5:59) / Dietrich Buxtehude -- Fugue in G / Jan Adam Reincken (4:22) -- Jesus Christus unser Heiland der von uns den Gotteszorn wand / Franz Tunder (6:44) -- Omerich [i.e. O Mensch] bewein dein Sunde gross : Bux. 622 [sic] / Dietrich Buxtehude [i.e. Bach] (5:48) -- Fantasia and Fugue in G BWV 542 / J.S. Bach (10:57).
CD 2520
Maundy Thursday
Introit Nos autem -- Greeting and penitential rite -- Kyrie III -- Gloria II -- Collect -- First reading -- Gradual Oculi omnium -- Second reading -- Tract Ab ortu solis -- Gospel -- General intercession -- Offertory Ubi caritas -- Prayer over the gifts and preface for Eucharist I -- Sanctus V -- Eucharistic prayer I, Roman canon -- Pater noster and Communion rite -- Agnus Dei V -- Communion Hoc corpus -- Prayer after Communion -- Procession and hymn Pange lingua.
CD 1109
Maurerische Trauermusik; arranged
CD 766
Maurice Chevalier's Paris
What would you do? -- You brought a new kind of love to me -- Le chapeau de Zozo -- Livin' in the sunlight, lovin' in the moonlight -- The rhythm of the rain -- Ma pomme -- You've got that thing! -- You look so sweet, madame -- Oh! Cette Mitzi! -- Singing a happy song -- Paris, stay the same -- Valentine -- Tzinga-doodle-day -- Wait 'til you see "Ma Cherie" -- Donnez-moi la main, mam'zelle -- Mimi -- Quand un vicompte -- My love parade -- Les mots qu'on voudrait dire -- All I want is just one girl -- Personne ne s'en sert maintenant -- Louise.
CD 272
Max Morath plays the best of Scott Joplin and other rag classics.
Scott Joplin's new rag -- Euphonic sounds -- Hilarity -- Country club -- American beauty -- St. Louis rag -- Patricia rag -- Silver swan -- Quality -- Elite syncopations -- Gladiolus rag -- The cannonball -- The entertainer -- A real slow drag -- Ragtime nightingale -- Ragtime dancer -- Alabama jigger -- The cascades -- Swipesy cake walk -- Russian rag -- Grace and beauty -- Polyragmic -- Carrie's gone to Kansas City.
CD 926
Maximum compas from Haiti / Coupé Cloué.
Myan myan (8:42) -- Claudie (5:41) -- Leogane (6:20) -- Marie Jocelyne (5:52) -- Kiliboi (5:41) -- Chita tande (10:36) -- Mango (2:46) -- Collabore (5:15) -- Net al cole (5:02) -- Souvenir d'enfance (5:33).
CD 988
The mayor of MacDougal Street : rarities, 1957-1969 / Dave Van Ronk.
New Orleans hop scop blues -- On top of Old Smoky -- All my trials -- Buddy Bolden's blues -- Butcher boy -- Salty dog -- Two trains running -- Way down in Lubyanka prison -- Willie the weeper -- Shaving cream -- Cruel ship's captain -- As you make your bed -- Bird on the wire -- Both sides now -- In conditional support of beauty -- W.C. Fields routine (spoken) -- Romping through the swamp.
CD 3008
Mbube roots : Zulu choral music from South Africa.
Jim Takata Kanjani (Bantu Glee Singers) -- Hewu! Kwaqaqmba Amathambo (Crocodiles) -- Ina Ma Wala (Fear no Harm Choir) -- Kuyekeleni Kukule (African Zulu Male Voice Choir) -- Mbube (Solomon Linda's Evening Birds) --Ngazula Emagumeni -- Anoka Gonga (Solomon Linda's Evening Birds) -- Yek'! Emarabini (Shooting Stars) -- Izindaba Ezinkulu Zika "Kawa" (Morning Light Choir) -- Hamba Stutubaker (Dundee Wandering Singers) -- Ngi-e Kaya (Natal Champions) -- Asigoduke (Crocodiles) -- Akasangibhaleli (Durban Crocodiles) --Cothoza Mfana (Scorpions) -- Mus' Ukuqubuda (King Star Brothers) -- Umama Lo (Ladysmith Black Mambazo).
CD 58
McGuffa's dust
Here comes Candi / Candido Camero and Tito Puente (3:26) -- El manicero / Moises Simons (2:10) -- Shadow of your smile / Johnny Mandel and Paul Franois Webster (4:47) -- Almendra / Abelardo Valdes Jr. (2:46) -- Newgrito / Joe Yablousky (2:33) -- Take more Candi / Candido Camero and Tito Puente (3:32) -- Back to back / Steve Benbow (2:46) -- Candido's guajira / Candido Camera and Tito Puento (6:20) -- Ti-chi-can / Candido Camero and Tito Puente (5:45) -- Madrid / Candido Camero and Tito Puente (2:43) -- Moliendo cafe / Joe Manzo (2:30).
CD 998
The McLean Mix & the golden age of electronic music.
Invisible chariots. Voices of the invisible ; Archangels ; Chariots / Priscilla McLean (21:49) -- Song of the Nahuatl / Barton McLean (17:08) -- Dance of dawn (22:23) ; Night images (6:07) / Priscilla McLean -- Etunytude / Barton McLean (5:30).
CD 2168
McSimpton's annual boat excursion to Nanaimo, June 1949
Kobina / Nexus (6:23) -- Triplets / G.H. Green ; arr. Becker (2:31) -- Xylophonia / J. Green ; arr. Becker (3:43) -- Passage (4:42) ; Amazing space (4:04) / Nexus -- The birds / William Cahn (9:38) -- Third construction / John Cage (12:28) -- Daybreak, an aubade / Earle Birney and Nexus (2:07) -- McSimpton's annual boat excursion to Nanaimo, June 1949 / Earle Birney and Nexus (4:12) -- The humming bird (3:25) ; Spanish waltz (4:20) / G.H. Green ; arr. Becker -- Frivolity / G.H. Green ; arr. Cahn (3:00).
CD 226
Me and my girl : original Broadway cast / book and lyrics by L. Arthur Rose and Douglas Furber ; music by Noel Gay.
Overture -- A weekend at Hareford -- Thinking of no-one but me -- The family solicitor -- Me and my girl -- An English gentleman -- You would if you could -- Hold my hand -- Once you lose your heart -- The Lambeth walk -- The sun has got his hat on -- Take it on the chin -- Song of Hareford -- Love makes the world go round -- Once you lose your heart : reprise -- Leaning on a lamppost -- Finale.
CD 641
Me too show. Selections
My street begins at my house.--Let's build a street.--Once there was a king.--It's raining cats and dogs.--Rain, rain go away.--What flies.--If I were an animal.--The world of Whickum--Whackum.
CD 75
Mechanical music / György Ligeti.
Adaptations for barrel organ. Continuum (3:22) ; Hungarian rock (4:52) ; Capriccio no. 1 (3:55) ; Invention (1:23) ; Capriccio no. 2 (1:43) -- Poème symphonique : for 100 metronomes (19:56) -- Musica ricercata : adaptation for barrel organ (25:00) -- Adaptations for player piano. Études pour piano. X, Der Zauberlehrling (2:14) ; IX, Vertige (1:49) ; XI, En suspens (1:16) ; XIII, L'escalier du diable (3:40) ; XIVa, Coloana fără sfârşit : original version for player piano (1:04) ; VII, Galamb borong / adapted for 2 player pianos (2:16) -- Continuum / adapted for 2 player pianos (3:44).
CD 3356
Medea : cantates pour alto solo
CD 683
Medea in Corinto ; Soffri, mio caro Alcino ; Sonata da camera, op. 2 no. 3 ; D'improvviso ; Sonata a tre, op. 1 no. 5 ; Vicino a un rivoletto / Antonio Caldara.
CD 683
Medée / Charpentier.
CD 1172
Medieval and Renaissance music for Saint Francis of Assisi
Trotto -- Sia laudato San Francesco / Cortona laudario (13th cent. Italian ms.) -- In paupertatis predio -- Ghaetta -- Fidelis servus -- Sancte Francisce propera / Padre Costanzo Porta, OFM -- Saltarello -- Beatus Franciscus / Jerónimo de Aliseda -- Os justi -- Dum seminudo corpore / Tomaso Graziani, OFM -- Radiante lumera Magliabechiano Iaudrio-- Salve, sancte pater patriae / Guillaume Dufay -- Plaudat frater / Padre Costanzo Porta-- Petit riense -- Stabat mater -- Ut te per omnes/Ingens alumnus padue / Johannes Ciconia-- La manfredina -- Voce mea / Padre Costanzo Porta, OFM -- Laudar vollio / Cortona laudario.
CD 3480
A Medieval Christmas.
Ductia (1:17) -- Alle Psallite (1:07) -- Portugaler (2:12) -- Angelus ad virginem (2:46) -- In seculum breve (1:31) -- Orientis partibus (2:05) -- Ductia (1:27) -- Verbum patris (1:36) -- E semine Rosa (2:25) -- Alleluia psallat (1:47) -- Thys yol (1:34) -- Edi beo thu (1:45) -- Ecce quod natura (2:39) -- Nova, nova (1:47) -- Goday my lord syre cristemasse (2:27) -- Danse real (1:52) -- Beata viscera (French, 12th/13th century) (1:51) -- Virgo (1:09) -- Beata viscera (English, 13th century) (2:15) -- Quene note (1:17) -- A Sollis ortus (2:48) -- Tard il mio cor (1:14) -- Ther ys no rose (4:12) -- Nowel, synge we both al and som (2:01) -- Nowel, owt of your slepe (2:11) -- Hayl Mary (3:32) -- Synge we to this mery cumpane (2:41).
CD 767
Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité ; L'Ascension ; Messe de la Pentecôte / Olivier Messiaen.
Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité -- L'Ascension -- Messe de la Pentecôte.
CD 252
Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn
CD 874
Meistermusik : K. 477 ; Messe en ut mineur K. 427 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
CD 766
Meiṫeal / Begley & Cooney.
The Strathnairn (polcas) (3:40) -- Kings of Kerry (slides) (3:28) -- Máirín de Barra (song) (5:45) -- My Lady Hunsdon's (galliard) (3:32) -- Newly mown meadow (reels) (3:12) -- Dul dtí's na raiseanna (polcas) (3:43) -- Bruach na Carraige Báine (song) (4:46) -- John Brosnan's (reel) (3:06) -- Tomaisín a'Rí (jigs) (4:00) -- Beir mo dhúthracht (song) (2:58) -- Tá mo madra (hornpipes; slide) (4:33) -- Dhá ghabhairín bhuí (polcas) (3:57) -- Seol do bhó (slides) (2:35).
CD 1286
The Strathnairn (polcas) (3:40) -- Kings of Kerry (slides) (3:28) -- Máirín de Barra (song) (5:45) -- My Lady Hunsdon's (galliard) (3:32) -- Newly mown meadow (reels) (3:12) -- Dul dtí's na raiseanna (polcas) (3:43) -- Bruach na Carraige Báine (song) (4:46) -- John Brosnan's (reel) (3:06) -- Tomaisín a'Rí (jigs) (4:00) -- Beir mo dhúthracht (song) (2:58) -- Tá mo madra (hornpipes; slide) (4:33) -- Dhá ghabhairín bhuí (polcas) (3:57) -- Seol do bhó (slides) (2:35).
CD 1286
Mélodies = Songs = Lieder / Hector Berlioz.
Disc 1. Nocturne à deux vois : soprano, mezzo-soprano, guitar (Göran Söllscher, guitar) (2:30) -- Le maure jaloux : tenor, piano (5:38) -- Amitié, reprends ton empire : soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, piano (4:00) -- Canon libre à la quinte : soprano, mezzo-soprano, piano (3:39) -- Pleure, pauvre Colette : soprano, mezzo-soprano, piano (3:58) -- Le montagnard exilé : soprano, mezzo-soprano, harp (Christine Mühlbach, harp) (7:15) -- Le roi de Thulé : soprano, piano (4:06) -- Sérénade de Méphistophélès : tenor, guitar (Göran Söllscher, guitar) (1:52) -- Hélène : soprano, mezzo-soprano, piano (3:21) -- Chant guerrier : tenor, baritone, piano (4:39) -- La belle voyageuse : mezzo-soprano, piano (4:25) -- Chanson à boire : tenor, baritone, piano (3:41) -- L' origine de la harpe : soprano, piano (4:57) -- Adieu Bessy : tenor, piano (3:59) -- Elégie en prose : tenor, piano (4:54) -- Disc 2. La captive : mezzo-soprano, violoncello, piano (Torleif Thedéen, cello) (3:48) -- Sara la baigneuse : soprano, mezzo-soprano, piano (6:19) -- Je crois en vous : baritone, piano (6:16) -- Chansonette de Mr Léon de Wailly : tenor, piano (3:21) -- Le matin : mezzo-soprano, piano (6:29) -- Le trébuchet : tenor, baritone, piano (2:44) -- Le jeune pâtre breton : tenor, horn, piano (Bernd Schenck, horn) (5:11) -- Le chant des bretons : tenor, piano (1:57) -- La mort d'Ophélie : mezzo-soprano, piano (8:18) -- Zaïde : soprano, castanets, piano (Thomas Lutz, castanets) (5:12) -- Les champs : tenor, piano (6:00) -- Prière du matin : soprano, mezzo-soprano, piano (2:53) -- La belle Isabeau : mezzo-soprano, chorus, piano (members of the Royal Opera Chorus, Stockholm) (4:56) -- Le chasseur danois : baritone, piano (2:55).
CD 1664
Mélodies / Debussy.
v. 2. Six mélodies de jeunesse ; Sept poèmes de Banville ; Proses lyriques ; Trois poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé.
CD 50
Mélodies / Debussy.
Nuit d'étoiles -- Zéphyr -- Paysage sentimental -- Romance : Voici que le printemps -- Musique --Coquetterie posthume -- Regret -- Romance : Silence ineffable -- La romance d'Ariel -- Chanson espagnole -- Apparition -- Pantomime -- Clair de lune -- Pierrot -- Romance : L'âme évaporée -- Les cloches -- La mer est plus belle -- Le son du cor s'afflige -- L'échelonnement des haies -- En sourdine -- Fantoches -- Clair de lune.
CD 66
Mélodies / Emmanuel Chabrier.
L'ile heureuse = The happy island (Ephraïm Mikhaël) (4:05) -- Credo d'amour = The creed of love (Armand Silvestre) (5:02) -- L'enfant = The child (Victor de Laprade) (4:50) -- Ballade des gros dindons = The fat turkeycocks' ballad (Edmond Rostand) (3:41) -- Pastorale des cochons roses = The pink pigs' pastorale (Edmond Rostand) (4:37) -- Villanelle des petits canards = The little ducks' pastorale (Rosemonde Gérard) (2:26) -- Les pas d'armes du Roi Jean = The passage of arms of King John (Victor Hugo) (2:31) -- Chanson pour Jeanne = A song for Jeanne (Catulle Mendès) (4:42) -- Le sentier sombre = The darkened pathway (5:59) -- Couplets de Mariette = Mariette's verses (Emmanuel Chabrier?) (4:20) -- España (Eugène Adenis ; Émile Louis) (4:22) -- Sérénade = Serenade (Auguste de Chátillon) (4:03) -- Lied = Song (Théodore de Banville) (3:43) -- Romance de l'étoile = The romance of the star (Eugène Leterrier ; Albert Vanloo) (3:16).
CD 2329
Mélodies Fauré.
Vol. I (62:11). Le papillon et la fleur -- Mai -- Rêve d'amour -- Dans les ruines d'une abbaye -- Les matelots -- Lydia -- Hymne -- Seule -- L'absent -- L'aurore -- La rançon -- Chant d'automne -- Aubade -- Tristesse -- Chanson du pêcheur -- Barcarolle -- 2 duos pour deux sopranos (Puisqu'ici-bas ; Tarentelle) -- Ici-bas! -- Au bord de l'eau -- Sérénade toscane -- Après un rêve -- Sylvie -- Le voyageur -- Automne. -- Vol. II (68:55). Poèmes d'un jour -- Nell -- Les berceaux -- Notre amour -- Le secret -- Chanson d'amour -- La fée aux chansons -- Aurore -- Fleur jetée -- Le pays des rêves -- Les roses d'Ispahan -- Nocturne -- Les présents -- Clair de lune -- Larmes -- Au cimetière -- 2 cantiques -- Spleen -- La rose -- Chanson de Shylock -- Madrigal de Shylock. -- (cont.): Vol. III (53:42). La bonne chanson -- Le parfum impérissable -- Arpège -- Pleurs d'or -- Mélisande's song -- Prison -- Soir -- Dans la forêt de septembre -- La fleur qui va sur l'eau -- Accompagnement -- Le plus doux chemin -- Le ramier -- Le don silencieux -- Chanson -- Vocalise-étude. -- Vol. IV (59:39). La chanson d'Ève -- Le jardin clos -- Mirages -- C'est la paix! -- L'horizon chimérique.
CD 667
Mélodies françaises / Pierre Thirion-Vallet, basse, Dalton Baldwin, piano.
Henri DuparcLamento: Lamento -- Le manoir de Rosemonde -- Extase -- Elégie -- Soupir -- Camille Saint-Saëns: Le pas d'armes du roi Jean -- Chanson à boire du vieux temps -- Danse macabre -- Joseph Guy-Ropartz: Quatre poèmes -- Maurice Ravel: Don Quichotte à Dulcinée (Chanson romanesque, chanson epique, chanson a boire) -- Francis Poulenc: Priez pour paix -- Hymne -- Le dernier poème -- Le disparu.
CD 2336
Mélodies / Gabriel Fauré.
Lydia : op. 4 no 2 (1:57) ; Nell : op. 18 no 1 (2:23) ; Les roses d'Ispahan : op. 39 no 4 (3:04) ; La rose : op. 51 no 4 (2:42) ; Le parfum impérissable : op. 76 no 1 (1:57) / [paroles de] Leconte de Lisle -- Chant d'automne : op. 5 no 1 (3:53) ; Hymne : op. 7 no 2 (2:06) ; La rançon : op. 8 no 2 (1:54) / [paroles de] Charles Baudelaire -- Clair de lune : op. 46 no 2 (2:47) ; Spleen : op. 51 no 3 (2:25) ; Cinq mélodies de Venise : op. 58 (13:00) ; Prison : op. 83 no 1 (2:05) ; La bonne chanson : op. 61 (21:00) / [paroles de] Paul Verlaine -- L'horizon chimérique : op. 118 / [paroles de] Jean de la Ville de Mirmont (9:00).
CD 657
Mélodies / Guy Ropartz.
Veilles de départ (17:57) -- Il pleut (4:26) -- En mai (2:18) -- Tout le long de la nuit (2:36) -- Chanson de bord (2:29) -- Le temps des saintes (2:53) -- Chant d'automne (7:45) -- Si j'étais roi (1:46) -- Quatre poèmes (14:54).
CD 2340
Mélodies intégrales
Nachtviolen : D752 / Mayrhofer (3:21) -- Gott im Frühlinge: D448 / Uz (2:06) -- Im Haine : D738 / Bruchmann (2:31) -- Der Blumen Schmerz : D731 / Majláth (4:04) -- Die Blumensprache : D519 / Platner (2:13) -- Die Rose : D745 / Schlegel (3:07) -- Vergissmeinnicht : D792 / Schober (12:36) -- Der liebliche Stern : D861 / Schulze (2:58) -- Am See : D746 / Bruchmann (1:50) -- Die Sterne : D176 / Fellinger (2:50) -- Die Sternennächte : D670 ; Nach einem Gewitter : D561 ; Beim Winde : D669 / Mayrhofer (2:57) (1:54) (5:16) -- Auf dem Wasser zu singen : D774 ; Abendlied : D276 / Stolberg (3:28) (3:09) -- Auf dem See : D543 / Goethe (3:34) -- Suleika I : D720 ; Suleika II : D717 / Von Wilemer (5:31) (4:25).
CD 1883
Mélodies intégrales
Lob der Tränen : D711 -- Lebensmelodien : D395 -- Sprache der Liebe : D410 -- Wiedersehn : D855 -- Sonett I : D628 -- Sonett II : D629 -- Sonett III : D630 -- The 'Abendröte' cycle of Friedrich von Schlegel. Abendröte : D690 ; Die Berge : D634 ; Die Vögel : D691 ; Der Fluss : D693 ; Der Knabe : D692 ; Die Rose : D745 ; Der Schmetterling : D633 ; Der Wanderer : D649 ; Das Mädchen : D652 ; Die Sterne : D684 ; Die Gebüsche : D646 -- Blanka : D631 -- Der Schiffer : D694 -- Fülle der Liebe : D854 -- Im Walde (Waldesnacht) : D708.
CD 1885
Mélodies intégrales
Abendbilder : D650 (5:11) -- Himmelsfunken : D651 (3:16) -- Hoffnung : D637 (2:41) -- Hymne I : D659 (7:09) -- Hymne II : D660 (2:37) -- Hymne III : D661 (2:30) -- Hymne IV : D662 (1:48) -- Nachthymne : D687 (5:39) -- Einsamkeit : D620 (19:04) -- Blondel zu Marien : D626 (3:18) -- Trost : D671 (2:10) -- Die Liebende schreibt : D673 (2:20) -- Morgenlied : D685 (4:13) -- Frühlingsglaube : D686 (3:30) -- Der Jüngling auf dem Hügel : D702 (5:05) -- Im Walde : Waldesnacht : D708 (6:18).
CD 1887
Mélodies of Francis Poulenc
Voyage à Paris : no. 4 of Banalités / Guillaume Apollinaire (:50) -- Deux mélodies de Guillaume Apollinaire (5:00) -- Bleuet / Guillaume Apollinaire (3:16) -- Voyage : no. 7 of Calligrammes / Guillaume Apollinaire (3:04) -- Hôtel : no. 2 of Banalités / Guillaume Apollinaire (1:52) -- Trois poèmes de Louise Lalanne / Marie Laurencin, Guillaume Apollinaire (4:00) -- Tel jour, telle nuit / Paul Eluard (15:00) -- Tu vois le feu du soir : no. 1 of Miroirs brûlants / Paul Eluard (4:15) -- Métamorphoses / Louise de Vilmorin (5:00) -- Colloque / Paul Valéry (3:01) -- Deux poèmes de Louis Aragon (4:00) -- Priez pour paix / Charles d'Orléans (2:35) -- A sa guitare / Pierre Ronsard (2:39) -- Toréador : chanson hispano-italienne / Jean Cocteau (4:30) -- Nous voulons une petite soeur : no. 4 of Quatre chansons pour enfants / Jean Nohain (4:37) -- Les chemins de l'amour : valse chantée / Jean Anouilh (3:38).
CD 655
Melodies of sorrow and joy
Hungarian gypsy folk songs. Gyöngyös Village (16:00) ; Kétegyháza Village (13:00) ; Piricse Village (15:00) -- Musicians of the Carpathian Mountains. Mezösèg region (6:00) ; Kalotaszeg region (7:00) ; Felsömarosment region (10:00) ; Csik region (4:00).
CD 1784
Mélodies / Poulenc [and others].
Banalités ; Chanson villageoises ; Quatre poèmes de Guillaume Apollinaire ; Tu vois le feu du soir ; Main dominée par le cœur ; Calligrammes / Francis Poulenc -- Beau soir ; L'échelonnement des haies ; Le promenoir des deux amants / Claude Debussy -- Histoires naturelles ; Mélodies hébraïques / Maurice Ravel -- La statue de bronze ; Daphénéo ; Le chapelier / Eric Satie.
CD 778
Mélodies / Ravel, Poulenc.
Histoires naturelles (17:00) ; Cinq mélodies populaires grecques (8:00) ; Don Quichotte à Dulcinée (7:00) / Maurice Ravel -- Deux poèmes d'Apollinaire. Montparnasse ; Hyde Park (4:00) ; Rosemonde (1:48) ; Deux poèmes d'Apollinaire. Dans le jardin d'Anna ; Allons plus vite (6:00) ; Bleuet (2:45) ; Le bestiaire (5:00) ; Banalités (9:00) ; Quatre poèmes d'Apollinaire (5:00) / Francis Poulenc.
CD 658
Melodious and progressive studies
CD 1394
Melvin Chen, piano : demo CD.
Sonata in F major, KV 332 / W.A. Mozart -- Le tombeau de Couperin / Maurice Ravel -- Carnaval : op. 9 / Robert Schumann -- Selected songs / George Gershwin.
CD 3586
Memoirs, personal & professional
CD 944
The Memorial Hall recordings / Mark Erelli.
Call you home (3:48) -- Every goodbye (6:37) -- What's changed (2:40) -- Fine time of year (4:41) -- Drinking gourd (3:32) -- Blue-eyed Boston boy (4:35) -- guitar interlude (1:11) -- Dear Magnolia (4:44) -- Summer night (3:48) -- Devil's train (3:17) -- Ichabod (8:14) -- Little torch (3:19) -- Theresa (3:58) -- Goodbye (3:32).
CD 3641
Memories and traditions of Daisy Turner and her family
Disc 2, The songs of Alec Turner. Swing low, sweet chariot ; Nelly Gray ; Bury me in the garden ; Been a-listenin' all the day long ; My mama's been converted ; Hail, brethrens, hail ; John saw the number ; Goodnight friends ; When my life work is ended.
CD 3080
Memories of you / Eubie Blake.
Charleston rag -- Chevy chase -- Mirandy -- Fizz water -- Crazy blues -- Memphis blues -- Dangerous blues -- Arkansas blues -- The down home blues -- The good fellow blues -- Don't tell your monkey man -- Boll weevil blues -- If you don't want me blues -- I'm just wild about Harry -- Memories of you.
CD 930
Memphis Jug Band : with, Gus Cannon's Jug Stompers.
disc A. Memphis Jug Band, 1927, 1928: Sun Brimmer's blues ; Stingy woman blues ; Memphis jug blues ; Newport News blues ; Sometimes I think I love you ; Sunshine blues ; Memphis boy blues ; I'm looking for the bully of the town ; I packed my suitcase, started to the train ; State of Tennessee blues ; Bob Lee Junior blues ; Kansas City blues ; Beale Street mess around ; I'll see you in the spring, when the birds begin to sing ; Turpentine blues ; Hitch me to your buggy and drive me like a mule ; Vol Stevens blues ; Baby got the rickets ; Mama's got the Mobile blues ; Snitchin' gambler blues ; Evergreen money blues ; Coal oil blues ; Papa Long blues ; Peaches in the springtime ; She stays out all night long -- disc B. Memphis Jug Band, 1928, 1929: Lindberg hop ; Sugar pudding ; A Black woman is like a black snake ; On the road again ; Whitehouse Station blues ; Stealin', stealin' ; Jug band waltz ; Mississippi River waltz ; Better leave that stuff alone ; She stabbed me with an ice-pick ; I can't stand it ; What's the matter? ; Dirty butter ; The old folks started it ; Won't you be kind to me? ; You wouldn't, would you papa? ; Feed your friend with a long handled spoon ; I can beat you plenty ; Taking your place ; Tired of you driving me ; Memphis yo yo blues ; K.C. moan ; I whipped my woman with a single tree -- disc C. Memphis Jug Band, 1927-1930: Everybody's talking about Sadie Green ; Oh ambulance man ; Cocaine habit blues ; Jim Strainer blues ; Cave man blues ; Fourth Street mess ; It won't act right- ; Bumble bee blues ; Meningitis blues ; Aunt Caroline Dyer blues ; Stonewall blues ; Spider's nest blues ; Papa's got your water on ; Going back to Memphis ; He's in the jailhouse now ; Got a letter from my darlin' ; Round and round ; You may leave, but this will bring you back ; Move that thing ; You got me rollin' ; Son Brimmer's blues ; Stingy woman blues ; Newport News blues ; Snitchin' gambler blues ; Lindberg hop -- disc D. Gus Cannon, 1928: Minglewood blues ; Big railroad blues ; Madison Street rag ; Springdale blues ; Ripley blues ; Pig ankle strut ; Noah's blues ; Hollywood rag ; Heart breakin' blues ; Feather bed ; Cairo rag ; Bugle call rag ; Viola Lee blues ; Riley's wagon ; Last chance blues ; Tired chicken blues ; Going to Germany ; Walk right in ; Mule get up in the alley ; The rooster's crowing blues ; Jonestown blues ; Pretty mama blues ; Bring it with you when you come ; Wolf River blues ; Money never runs out ; Prison wall blues.
CD 3131
CD 1370
No. 43 in E flat major, Hob. I:43 : Mercury (24:01) -- No. 51 in B flat major, Hob. I:51 (20:32) -- No. 52 in C minor, Hob. I:52 (20:19).
CD 143
Meredith Willson's The music man : original soundtrack.
Main title ; Rock Island ; Iowa stubborn -- Ya got trouble -- Piano lesson ; &, If you don't mind my saying so -- Goodnight, my someone -- Ya got trouble ; &, Seventy six trombones -- Sincere -- The sadder but wiser girl -- Pick-a-little, talk-a-little -- Marian the librarian -- Being in love -- Gary, Indiana -- The Wells Fargo wagon -- Lida Rose ; &, Will I ever tell you? -- Gary, Indiana -- Shipoopi -- Till there was you -- Goodnight, my someone ; Seventy six trombones.
CD 2606
Merrily we roll along / music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
Overture -- The hills of tomorrow ; Merrily we roll along (1980) ; Rich and happy -- Merrily we roll along (1979-1975) ; Old friends ; Like it was -- Merrily we roll along (1974-1973) ; Franklin Shepard, Inc. -- Old friends -- Not a day goes by -- Now you know -- It's a hit! -- Merrily we roll along (1964-1962) ; Good thing going -- Merrily we roll along (1961-1960) ; Bobby and Jackie and Jack -- Not a day goes by -- Opening doors -- Our time -- The hills of tomorrow.
CD 629
The merry widow / Lehár.
CD 709
Mesostics re Merce Cunningham
CD 593
Messa da Requiem
Quattro pezzi sacri. Ave Maria [SATB] ; Stabat Mater [SATB, orchestra] ; Laudi alla Vergine Maria [SSAA] ; Te Deum [S solo, SATB, SATB, orchestra].
CD 1072
Messa da Requiem / Verdi.
Requiem -- Sequenza -- Offertorio -- Sanctus -- Agnus Dei -- Lux aeterna -- Libera me.
CD 3215
Messa di requiem in re minore, KV 626 per soll. coro e orchestra ; Musica funebre in do minore, KV 477 "Ode Massonica."
CD 288
Messe à l'usage ordinaire des paroisses / Franc̜ois Couperin. Noël in D minor / Claude-Bénigne Balbastre.
CD 2470
Messe de Beata Virgine
CD 531
Messe de Beata Virgine ; Motet Misericordias Domini ; Motet Salve Regina ; Messe Faisant regretz / Josquin Desprez.
CD 531
Messe de Notre Dame ; Le lai de la fonteinne ; Ma fin est mon commencement / Guillaume de Machaut.
Messe de Notre Dame: 1. Kyrie (05:43) -- 2. Gloria (04:10) -- 3. Credo (05:38) -- 4. Sanctus and Benedictus (04:15) -- 5. Agnus Dei (03:25) -- 6. Ite Missa est (00:55) -- 7.-18. Le Lai de la Fonteinne (23:20) -- 19. Ma fin est mon commencement, rondeau (05:38).
CD 2547
Messe de Tournai : (XIVe siècle).
Introït : Salve sancta parens (3:35) -- Kyrie (2:25) -- Gloria in excelsis Deo (7:32) -- Graduel : Benedicta et venerabilis (4:45) -- Alleluia : Nobilis atque pia (3:56) -- Alleluia : Ave Maria gratia plena (2:35) -- Séquence : Ave mundi spes Maria (3:47) -- Credo in unum Deum (7:06) -- Préface -- Sanctus (5:45) -- Agnus Dei (1:27) -- Communion : Beata viscera (5:22) -- Ite missa est -- Deo gratias -- Motet (2:26).
CD 570
Messe du Jour de Noël
Introït tropé : Puer natus est (5:59) -- Kyrie (2:11) -- Graduel : Viderunt omnes (7:43) -- Alleluia : Dies sanctificatus (7:49) -- Evangile : Prologue de St-Jean (2:50) -- Offertoire : Tui sunt coeli (8:17) -- Préface : Dominus vobiscum (1:55) -- Sanctus (4:10) -- Agnus Dei (:52) -- Communion : Viderunt omnes (3:53) -- Ite missa est ; Deo gratias (4:03).
CD 452
Messe et vêpres du jour de Pâques
Messe: Hymne, Salve festa dies / [Venantius Fortunatus] (3:29). Kyrie (8:25). Gloria et carillon de Pâques à St.-Bertrand-de-Comminges (3:48). Graduel (2:07). Sequentia : Victimae paschali laudes (1:22). Credo : [from the first Messe royale / by Henry Du Mont] (3:00). Offertoire : O filii et filiae (5:51). Sanctus (4:58). Agnus Dei (3:52). Ite Missa est et carillon de Pâques à St.-Bertrand-de-Comminges (2:07) -- Vêpres: Hymne : Ave Maris Stella (3:26). Antienne : Et respicientes (:33). Magnificat (10:59). Salut : Alleluia, O filii et filiae (2:29). Angelus à St.-Bertrand-de-Comminges (1:17).
CD 2503
Messe faisant regretz
CD 531
Messe pour les Convents
Kyrie -- Gloria -- Offertorium -- Sanctus -- Benedictus -- Agnus Dei -- Improvisation (Gunnar Svensson) / François Couperin.
CD 2507
Messe solennelle de Saint Remi ; Messe de le Délivrance / Théodore Dubois.
Messe solennelle de Saint-Remi / Theodore Dubois (Maria Knapik, soprano ; Marc Boucher, baritone ; Jean-Willy Kunz, organ ; Michel Brousseau, conductor ; Nouveau Monde Philharmonic Orchestra ; Nouveau Monde Philharmonic Chorus ; Chanteurs de Sainte-Therese ; Tremblant Chorus ; Ottawa Classique Choir) -- Messe de la Delivrance / Theodore Dubois (Maria Knapik, soprano ; Marc Boucher, baritone ; Jean-Willy Kunz, organ ; Michel Brousseau, conductor ; Nouveau Monde Philharmonic Orchestra ; Nouveau Monde Philharmonic Chorus ; Chanteurs de Sainte-Therese ; Tremblant Chorus ; Ottawa Classique Choir).
CD 3042
CD 1. Missa L'homme armé : 5 vv. ; Missa Assumpta est Maria -- CD 2. Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet -- CD 3. Missa brevis ; Missa Lauda Sion ; Super flumina Babylonis -- CD 4. Missa Aeterna Christi munera ; Missa L'homme armé : 4 vv. -- CD 5 : Missa Papae Marcelli ; Stabat Mater.
CD 2568
Missa "Rorate coeli desuper" : H XXII 3 -- Missa Cellensis in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae = Missa Sanctae Caeciliae : H XXII 5 -- Missa brevis in F : H XXII 1 -- Schöpfungsmesse = Creation mass : H XXII 13 -- Missa in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae = Grosse Orgelmesse : H XXII 4 -- Heiligmesse = Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida : H XXII 10 -- Missa Sancti Nicolai : H XXII 6 -- Theresienmesse : H XXII 12 -- Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo = Kleine Orgelmesse : H XXII 7 -- Harmoniemesse : XXII 14 -- Missa Cellensis = Mariazeller Messe : H XXII 8 -- Missa in tempore belli = Paukenmesse : H XXII 9 -- Missa in angustiis = Nelson mass : H XXII 11.
CD 2769
Messiah / Georg Friedrich Haendel.
CD 1173
Metamorphosen : a study for 23 solo strings ; Sonatine [sic] no. 1 in F for wind instruments : "From an invalid's workshop" / Richard Strauss.
CD 206
Metamorphosen : für 23 Solostreicher ; Konzert für Oboe und kleines Orchester = Concerto for oboe and small orchestra ; Vier letzte Lieder = Four last songs / Richard Strauss.
Vier letzte Lieder. Frühling ; September ; Beim Schlafengehen ; Im Abendrot.
CD 1356
Métis songs of Saskatchewan
Three Métis songs of Saskatchewan = Trois chansons métisses de Saskatchewan = Drei Métislieder aus Saskatchewan / Malcolm Forsyth (9:31) --Folk songs of Eastern Canada = Chansons folkloriques de l'est Canada = Volkslieder aus Ostkanada / Godfrey Ridout (9:12) -- Tableau : for string orchestra = Gemälde : für Streichorchester / Harry Freedman (8:45) -- From the suite Canada mosaic. Introduction ; Three folk songs = Introduction ; trois chansons folkloriques = Einführung ; Drei Volkslieder / Jean Coulthard (11:15) -- Plateaus : (Cariboo country tone poem) / Phil Nimmons (12:33).
CD 1633
Mevlana : instrumental Mevlevi music. Beste-i kadim pencügah Mevlevi ayini / İstanbul Sema Grubu Mutrib Heyeti ; hazirlayan ve yöneten, Nezi̇h Uzel.
Bas taksim -- Pencugah pesrev -- Ara taksim -- Pencugah ayin (1. selam) -- Pencugah ayin (2. selam) -- Pencugah ayin (3. selam) -- Pencugah ayin (4. selam) -- Segah son pesrev -- Segah yuruk semai -- Taksim -- Mustear ilahi -- Son yuruk semai -- Son taksim.
CD 2296
México en la piel / Luis Miguel.
El viajero -- Entrega total -- Echame a mí la culpa -- México en la piel -- Cruz de olvido -- De que manera te olvido -- Luz de luna -- Motivos -- Cielo rojo -- Paloma querida -- Que seas feliz -- Un mundo raro -- Sabes una cosa (bonus track).
CD 1555
Mexico : fiestas of Chiapas & Oaxaca / recorded in Mexico by David Lewiston.
Son sventa N'ahual San Lorenzo (2:31) -- El chinito (2:28) -- Bats'i son martomail (1:46) -- La jota (2:40) -- Son sventa ch'ul na (2:19) -- Valse chiapañecas (3:14) -- K'in sventa ch'ul me'tik Kwadulupe (333) -- Son sventa cajvaltic (2:07) -- Christmas in Oaxaca (5:15) -- Ñuoco (3:12) -- Son alegre (2:50) -- Carreta de flores (2:14) -- Cantares de mi tierra (3:37) -- Danza de la Malincha (2:16).
CD 1079
Michael Doucet & Cajun brew.
Wooly Bully -- Bayou Pom Pom -- Un Autre Soir Ennuyant (Another Lonely Night) -- Hey, Good Lookin' (He 'Tite Fille) -- Last Wednesday Night (Mercredi Soir Passe) -- Louie, Louie -- Woman or a Man? -- Pauline -- Zydeco Boogaloo -- Like a Real Cajun (Comme un Vrai Cajun) -- J'Ai Passe Devant Ta Porte (I Passed by Your Door) -- Do You Want to Dance? (Veux-Tu Danser).
CD 749
Middle East prospects / John Voll. New Southerners (6) / Jill McCorkle.
CD 1155
Middle period string quartets
No. 7 in F major, op. 59 no. 1 : Rasumovsky (39:14) -- No. 8 in E minor, op. 59 no. 2 : Rasumovsky (34:54) -- No. 11 in F minor, op. 95 (19:30) -- No. 9 in C major, op. 59 no. 3 : Rasumovsky (29:12) -- No. 10 in E flat major, op. 74 : Harp (30:28).
CD 379
Northern dancer (2:40) -- Roast the bird (8:34) -- Tomy Lee (6:1) -- Middleground (7:52) -- Carry back (3:56) -- Whirlaway (6:26) -- Dark star (15:57) -- Dancer's image (10:16) -- Decidely for Sal Martirano (4:36).
CD 2382
Midnight Mass and Mass of the day
Midnight Mass (20:00) -- Mass of the day (19:00).
CD 1113
Midnight special / Jimmy Smith.
Midnight special / Jimmy Smith (9:52) -- A subtle one / Stanley Turrentine (7:38) -- Jumpin' the blues / Jay McShann, Charlie Parker, Walter Brown (5:23) -- Why was I born / Jerome Kern, Oscar Hammerstein II (6:30) -- One o'clock jump / Count Basie (6:56).
CD 2990
Midnight special / Leadbelly.
Midnight special -- John Hardy -- Where did you sleep last night? -- T.B. Blues -- Easy rider -- Alberta -- Rock Island line -- Alabama bound -- You can't loose-a me Cholly -- New York City -- Roberta -- Leaving blues -- When the boys were out on the western plains -- I'm on my last go round -- Mother's blues (Little children blues) -- Pretty flowers in my back yard -- Pick a bale o'cotton -- Sail on little girl -- Fannin Street -- Packing trunk blues -- The bourgeois blues -- Good morning blues -- The boll weevil -- Goodnight Irene.
CD 2211
Midori live at Carnegie Hall.
Sonata no. 8 for piano & violin in G major, op. 30, no. 3 / Beethoven (19:00) -- Sonata for violin & piano in E-flat major, op. 18 / R. Strauss (29:00) -- Nocturne in C-sharp minor, op. posth. / Chopin ; [transcription by Nathan Milstein] (5:01) -- Variations on "The last rose of summer" / Ernst (9:56) -- Beau soir / Debussy ; [transcription by Jascha Heifetz] (3:20) -- Tzigane, rapsodie de concert / Ravel (10:41).
CD 1269
Midsommarvaka : Swedish rhapsody no. 1 ; Symphony no. 2 in D major / Hugo Alfvén.
Midsommarvaka (Swedish rhapsody no. 1), op. 19 / Hansen (13:30) -- Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 11 / Schott (53:18).
CD 739
A midsummer night's dream / Britten.
CD 2305
The mighty voice of Salisbury Cathedral.
Prelude and fugue on B-A-C-H / Liszt -- Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace / Samuel Sebastian Wesley -- Remember, O Lord, what is come upon us / Thomas Attwood Walmisley -- Prelude, fugue and variation / César Franck -- For lo, I raise up -- A song of peace / Charles Villiers Stanford -- Fantasia in G major / Johann Sebastian Bach.
CD 2484
The Mikado / Gilbert & Sullivan.
Act one. If you want to know who we are (3:01) -- A wandering minstrel (4:20) -- Our great Mikado, virtuous man (2:57) -- Young man, despair, likewise to go (2:43) -- And I have journeyed for a month (0:49) -- Behold the Lord High Executioner (2:39) -- As some day it may happen (2:00) -- Comes a little train of ladies (2:12) -- Three little maids from school are we (1:32) -- So please you, sir, we much regret (1:55) -- Were you not to Ko-Ko plighted (2:26) -- I am so proud (3:00) -- With aspect stern and gloomy stride (14:22) -- Act two. Braid the raven hair (3:25) -- The sun, whose rays are all ablaze (3:10) -- Brightly dawns our wedding day (3:58) -- Here's a how-de-do! If I marry you (1:14) -- Miya sama, miya sama (2:46) -- A more humane Mikado never did in Japan exist (4:04) -- The criminal cried as he dropped him down (3:24) -- See how the Fates their gifts allot (2:03) -- The flowers that bloom in the spring (1:36) -- Alone, and yet alive (2:55) -- On a tree by a river, a little tom-tit sang, "Willow, tit-willow" (2:29) -- There is beauty in the bellow of the blast (2:00) -- For he's gone and married Yum-Yum (1:52).
CD 2598
CD 827
Mikrokosmos ; 44 duos / Bartók Béla.
CD 827
Miles ahead / Miles Davis.
Springsville / John Carisi (3:27) -- The maids of Cadiz / Leo Delibes, arr. by Gil Evans (3:53) -- The Duke / Dave Brubeck (3:35) -- My ship / Ira Gershwin, Kurt Weill (4:28) -- Miles ahead / Miles Davis, Gil Evans (3:29) -- Blues for Pablo / Gil Evans (5:18) -- New rhumba / Ahmad Jamal (4:37) -- Medley: The meaning of the blues / Bobby Troup, Leah Worth (2:48) ; Lament / J.J. Johnson (2:15) -- I don't wanna be kissed (by anyone but you) / Harold Spina, Jack Elliott (3:05) -- Springsville (remake take 7) / John Carisi (3:14) -- Blues for Pablo (take 1) / Gil Evans (3:28) -- Medley (rehearsal): The meaning of the blues / Bobby Troup, Leah Worth ; Lament / J.J. Johnson (5:08) -- I don't wanna be kissed (by anyone but you) / Harold Spina, Jack Elliott (3:12).
CD 2617
Miles smiles / [performed by] Miles Davis Quintet.
Orbits / Wayne Shorter (4:35) -- Circle / Miles Davis (5:52) -- Footprints / Wayne Shorter (9:44) -- Dolores / Wayne Shorter (6:20) -- Freedom jazz dance / Eddie Harris (7:11) -- Gingerbread boy / Jimmy Heath (7:40).
CD 1221
Millennium : tribal wisdom and the modern world / [music by Hans Zimmer].
Shaman's song (0:27) -- Stories for a thousand years (1:00) -- The journey begins (1:58) -- The stone drag (2:19) -- Courting song/Love in the Himalayas (3:18) -- Inventing reality (2:16) -- Fiddlers/Pilgrimage to Wirkuta (4:30) -- The shock of the other (7:15) -- Race of the initiates (2:00) -- The art of living (2:18) -- Geerewol celebrations (5:01) -- Song for the dead (0:56) -- Pilgrims' chant/In the land of the ancestors (3:50) -- An ecology of mind (4:32) -- Well song/A desert home (3:37) -- Initiation chant/Rites of passage (2:09) -- The journey continues (3:13) -- Milennium theme (3:06).
CD 1258
The million sellers / Bing Crosby.
Swinging on a star -- Don't fence me in -- You are my sunshine -- Deep in the heart of Texas (with Woody Herman) -- Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-rai (That's an Irish lullaby) -- It's been a long, long time (with Les Paul & his trio) -- South America, take it away (with the Andrews Sisters) -- Sunday, Monday or always -- The road to Morocco (with Bob Hope) -- Please -- Pistol packin' mama (with the Andrews Sisters) -- I'll be seeing you -- MacNamara's band -- Alexander's ragtime band (with Al Jolson) -- The whiffenpoof song (Baa, baa, baa) -- Ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive (with the Andrews Sisters) -- Moonlight becomes you -- San Fernando Valley -- Wrap your troubles in dreams (and dream your troubles away) -- An apple for the teacher (with Connee Boswell) -- I'm an old cowhand (from the Rio Grand) -- Pennies from heaven -- Walking the floor over you -- White Christmas -- Where the blue of the night (meets the gold of the day).
CD 2210
Tango for 4 clarinets, bass clarinet, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, guitar, 3 violins, viola, cello, and double bass (3:27) -- Suite no. 1 for small orchestra. Andante ; Napolitana ; Española ; Balalaika (4:41) -- Suite no. 2 for small orchestra. Marche ; Valse ; Polka ; Galop (6:05) -- Concerto in D for string orchestra (11:49) -- Concertino for 12 instruments (flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 trumpets, tenor trombone, bass trombone, violin, cello) (6:20) -- Octet for wind instruments (flute, clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 trumpets, tenor trombone, bass trombone) (7:21) -- Three pieces for string quartet (7:21) -- Praeludium for jazz ensemble (1:47) -- Ragtime : for 11 instruments (flute, clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, percussion, cimbalom, 2 violins, viola, double bass) (4:33) -- Duet for 2 bassoons : ("Lied ohne Name") (:42) -- Fanfare for a new theatre : for 2 trumpets (:36) -- Scherzo à russe : symphonic version (3:44).
CD 2607
Miraculous mandarin
CD 380
The miraculous mandarin / Béla Bartók. Hary Janos ; Dances of Galanta / Zoltan Kodaly.
Hary Janos. Prelude ; The Viennese musical clock ; Song ; Battle and defeat of Napoleon ; Intermezzo ; Entry of the emperor and his court.
CD 1439
Mirages : French songs / by Fauré, Gounod & Ravel.
Mirages : op. 113 (13:23) ; Après un rêve (3:02) / Fauré -- Aubade (3:01) ; Venise (4:11) ; Au rossignol (6:00) ; Le premier jour de mai (2:20) ; Medjé (3:56) ; Boire à l'ombre (2:02) ; O ma rebelle (2:11) ; Au bruit des lourds marteaux (2:53) / Gounod -- Chants populaires (12:19) ; Don Quichotte à Dulcinée (7:02) / Ravel -- La parabole du mauvais riche / anon. (4:05).
CD 2344
The mirror of Narcissus : songs / by Guillaume de Machaut.
Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient : ballade from the Remede de Fortune (5:24) -- Foy porter : virelai (3:13) -- Dame, je sui cilz/Fins cuers doulz : motet (2:54) -- Tuit mi penser : virelai (3:01) -- Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint : rondelet from the Remede de Fortune (4:22) -- Dame, a qui : virelai (5:38) -- Biauté qui toutes autres pere : ballade (4:46) -- Je vivroie liement : virelai (2:17) -- Rose, liz, printemps, verdure : rondeau (4:31) --Dame, a vous sans retollir : virelai from the Remede de Fortune (2:51) -- Amours me fait desirer : ballade (4:07) -- Douce dame jolie : virelai (2:45) --Inviolata genitrix/Felix virgo/Ad te suspiramus : motet (3:41).
CD 108
Misa criolla ; and more music from the South American folk tradition.
Misa criolla / Ariel Ramírez (16:40) -- La llamita : Colombian song / Gustavo Adolfo Rengifo (3:35) -- Arbolucu, te sequeste : Iberian folksong / Carlos Chávez (1:58) -- Yambambó : Afro-Colombian dance song / José Antonio Rincón (3:00) -- Navidad nuestra / Ariel Ramírez (16:17) -- Por el camino : Colombian song / J. Reina (4:29) -- Egbêgi : Afro-Brazilian slave song / Mozart Camargo Guarnieri (1:44) -- Misa por la paz y la justicia (excerpts) / Ariel Ramírez (11:35).
CD 3249
The miseducation of Lauryn Hill.
Intro -- Lost ones -- Ex-factor -- To Zion -- Doo wop (that thing) -- Superstar -- Final hour -- When it hurts so bad -- I used to love him -- Forgive them Father -- Every ghetto, every city -- Nothing even matters -- Everything is everything -- The miseducation of Lauryn Hill -- Hidden bonus tracks: Can't take my eyes off you -- Sweetest thing (Mahogany mix).
CD 3312
Miserere mei (13:02) ; Gustate et videte (5:56) / Allegri -- Exsultate Deo / Palestrina (2:33) -- O mors illa / Frescobaldi (4:07) -- Omnes gentes / Orgas (2:50) -- Assumpta est Maria / Allegri (2:05) -- Ego dormio / Quagliati (4:38) -- Gaude virgo / Agazzari (2:14) -- Cogitavi dies antiquos / Antonelli (4:10) -- In conventendo / Landi (4:00) -- Jubilemus in arca Domini Dei / Anerio (3:21) -- Pange lingua / Palestrina (8:30).
CD 2567
Crucifixus / Antonio Lotti (3:16) -- Stabat Mater / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (9:19) -- Miserere / Gregorio Allegri (12:08) -- Missa Papae Marcelli / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (31:09).
CD 530
Miserere / Arvo Pärt.
Miserere (34:31) -- Festina lente (5:24) -- Sarah was ninety years old (25:28).
CD 617
Miserere mei / Gregorio Allegri ; with works by Anerio, Antonelli, Agazzari, Frescobaldi, Landi, Orgas, Palestrina and Quagliati.
Miserere mei (13:02) ; Gustate et videte (5:56) / Allegri -- Exsultate Deo / Palestrina (2:33) -- O mors illa / Frescobaldi (4:07) -- Omnes gentes / Orgas (2:50) -- Assumpta est Maria / Allegri (2:05) -- Ego dormio / Quagliati (4:38) -- Gaude virgo / Agazzari (2:14) -- Cogitavi dies antiquos / Antonelli (4:10) -- In conventendo / Landi (4:00) -- Jubilemus in arca Domini Dei / Anerio (3:21) -- Pange lingua / Palestrina (8:30).
CD 2567
Misericordias Domini
CD 531
Miss Rhythm : (greatest hits and more) / Ruth Brown.
Disc one. So long / by Remus Harris, Russ Morgan & Irving Melsher (2:36) -- Hey pretty baby / Brown (2:37) -- I'll get along somehow : (part 1) / Fields & Marks (2:51) -- I'll come back someday (3:07) -- Sentimental journey / by Les Brown, Ben Homer & Bud Green (2:34) -- R.B. blues / Brown (2:37) -- Teardrops from my eyes / by Rudolph Toombs (2:54) -- Standing on the corner / Ruth Brown, Ahbert (3:09) -- I'll wait for you / Rudolph Toombs (2:26) -- I know / A. Nugetre, Ramson, Toombs (2:36) -- Don't cry (2:40) -- The shrine of St. Cecilia / Loveday & Perne (3:08) -- It's all for you (2:50) -- Shine on / by Hudson Whittaker (2:52) -- Be anything / Irving Gordon (3:05) -- 5-10-15 hours / by Rudolph Toombs (3:11) -- Have a good time / Bryant & Bryant (3:16) -- Daddy Daddy / by Rudolph Toombs (2:53) -- Mama he treats your daughter mean / by Johnny Wallace & Herbert J. Lance (2:51) -- Wild wild young men / by A. Nugetre (2:30). Disc two. Ever since my baby's been gone (2:46) -- Love contest / by Charles Singleton & Rosemary McCoy (2:59) -- Oh what a dream / by Chuck Willis (2:51) -- Old man river / by Oscar Hammerstein & Jerome Kern (2:12) -- Somebody touched me / by Ahmet Ertegun (2:25) -- Mambo baby / by Charles Singleton & Rosemary McCoy (2:41) -- I can see everybody's baby / by Leroy Kirkland & Mamie Thomas (3:00) -- As long as I'm moving / by Charles E. Calhoun (2:41) -- It's love baby / by Ted Jarrett (2:40) -- I gotta have you (2:15) -- Love has joined us together (2:30) -- I wanna do more / by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller (2:46) -- Lucky lips / by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller (2:04) -- One more time / by Charles Singleton & Rosemary McCoy (2:36) -- This little girl's gone rockin' / by Bobby Darin & Mann Curtis (1:42) -- Why me / by Brook Benton, Belford Hendricks & Ronald Mack (2:23) -- I can't hear a word you say / by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller (2:28) -- I don't know / by Brook Benton & Bobby Stevenson (2:53) -- Takin' care of business / by Dossie Terry & Lester Butler (2:19) -- Don't deceive me / Chuck Willis (2:13).
CD 817
Miss Saigon : original London cast recording / by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg.
CD 622
Missa Assumpta est Maria
O bone Jesu -- Peccantem me quotidie -- Ave Maria -- Sicut cervus -- Sitivit anima mea -- O beata et gloriosa trinitas -- O vera summa sempiterna trinitas -- Missa Assumpta est Maria.
CD 734
Missa Assumpta est Maria
Cadet : Marche de timbales / Philidor (1:23) -- Te Deum, H.146 (23:07) : Prélude ; Te Deum laudamus ; Te aeternum Patrem ; Te per orbem terrarum ; Tu devicto mortis aculeo ; Te ergo quaesumus ; Dignare Domine ; Fiat misericordia tua Domine ; In te Domine speravi. Missa "Assumpta est Maria," H.11 (32:06) : Symphonie ; Kyrie I ; Christe ; Kyrie II ; Gloria ; Credo ; Sanctus ; Agnus Dei ; Domine Salvum. Litanies de la Vierge, H.83 (17:46) : Kyrie ; Sancta Maria ; Sancta Maria. Mater Christi. Virgo prudentissima. Speculum justitiae. Vas spirituale. Rosa mystica. Salus infirmorum. Regina angelorum ; Agnus Dei / Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
CD 1192
Missa Assumpta est Maria ; Motetti / Palestrina.
O bone Jesu -- Peccantem me quotidie -- Ave Maria -- Sicut cervus -- Sitivit anima mea -- O beata et gloriosa trinitas -- O vera summa sempiterna trinitas -- Missa Assumpta est Maria.
CD 734
Missa brevis ; Laudes organi / Kodály. Mass in E flat / Janáček ; ed. P. Wingfield.
Missa brevis (31:35) ; Laudes organi (19:18) / Zoltán Kodály -- Mass in E flat / Leoš Janáček ; edited by Paul Wingfield (21:04).
CD 2693
Missa brevis ; Missa Nasce la gioja mia / [Palestrina]. Nasce la gioja mia / Primavera.
Missa brevis / Palestrina -- Nasce la gioja mia / Primavera -- Missa nasce la gioja mia / Palestrina.
CD 13
Missa de apostolis / Heinrich Isaac.
Missa de Apostolis (29:00) -- Optime pastor (9:37) -- Tota pulchra es (8:56) -- Regina caeli laetare (6:12) -- Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum (8:40) -- Virgo prudentissima (12:25).
CD 613
Missa De Beata Virgine ; Missa Ave Maria / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.
Missa 'De Beata Virgine': Kyrie (4:55) Gloria (8:03) Credo (10:50) Sanctus and Benedictus (9:43) Agnus Dei I and II (6:23) -- Missa 'Ave Maria': Kyrie (3:45) Gloria (6:08) Credo (10:52) Sanctus and Benedictus (6:51) Agnus Dei I and II (5:30).
CD 533
Missa "Et ecce terrae motus" : for 12 parts ; Sequentia : "Dies irae" / Antoine Brumel.
1.-13. Missa "Et ecce terrae motus" (48:00) -- 14 Sequentia "Dies irae Dies illa" (19:11).
CD 719
Missa in gallicantu
Missa in gallicantu (39:00) -- Christe Redemptor omnium (3:44) -- Veni, redemptor gentium (4:30) -- Salvator mundi, Domine (2:30) -- A solis ortus cardine (4:57).
CD 38
Missa La sol fa re mi
Pange lingua : plainchant (3:36) -- Missa Pange lingua (29:25) ; Missa La sol fa re mi (28:28) / Josquin des Pres.
CD 25
Missa "L'homme armé" ; Nuper rosarum flores ; Ecclesiae militantis ; Alma Redemptoris Mater ; O sancte Sebastiane ; Salve flos Tuscae gentis / Guillaume Dufay.
Missa "L'homme armé": 1. I. Kyrie (04:06) -- 2. II. Gloria (08:01) -- 3. II. Credo (11:35) -- 4. IV. Sanctus (08:05) -- 5. V. Agnus Dei (06:43) -- 6. Nuper rosarum flores (06:51) -- 7. Ecclesiae militantis (05:10) -- 8. Alma redemptoris mater (03:57) -- 9. O sancte Sebastiane (04:21) -- 10. Salve flos Tuscae gentis (06:43).
CD 27
Missa mi-mi / Ockeghem.
Salve Regina / Johannes Ockeghem ; ed. John Milsom (8:44) -- Missa mi-mi / Ockeghem (30:00) -- Quod chorus vatum/Haec Deum caeli / Jacob Obrecht (5:38) -- Victimae paschali laudes / Antoine Busnois (5:56) -- Angeli, archangeli / Heinrich Isaac (7:02) -- Alma redemptoris mater / Ockeghem (5:16).
CD 2599
Missa Nigra sum.
Plainchant : Nigra sum (1:19) -- Motet : Nigra sum / Lhéritier (5:05) -- Missa Nigra sum / Palestrina (35:06) -- Motet : Nigra sum / Victoria (3:59) -- Motet : Nigra sum / De Silva (1:46).
CD 12
Missa O sobrerana luz
Tento / Carreira (3:16) -- Asperges me / Magalhães (4:36) -- Introit, Salve sancta parens (2:29) -- Kyrie (4:40) ; Gloria (3:51) / Magalhães -- Famulis tuis (1:20) -- Verso sobre Ave maris stella / Coelho (2:01) -- Alleluia, Felix es (0:59) -- Credo / Magalhães (5:31) -- Beata es Virgo Maria (0:37) -- Ave Virgo sanctissima / Guerrero (3:42) -- Obra sobre el Pange lingua / Alvarado (1:54) -- Preface (3:15) -- Sanctus / Magalhães (1:22) -- Obra de sexto tom para o Levantar o Deus (2:53) -- Benedictus / Magalhães (1:52) -- Ave maris stella / Coelho (1:04) -- Agnus Dei / Magalhães (3:19) -- Beata viscera (0:35) -- Commissa mea pavesco / Magalhães (3:30) -- Ite missa est ; Deo gratias / Coelho (1:07) -- La luz de vuestros ojos / Guerrero (2:10) -- Salve Regina / De Brito (5:46).
CD 2550
Missa Pange lingua / Josquin Desprez. Missa Vidi turbam magnam / Gregorio Allegri. Three versets on Pange lingua : from Hymnes de l'Eglise / Jean Titelouze.
Pange lingua : verset 1 / Titelouze -- Missa Pange lingua. Hymn ; Kyrie ; Gloria ; Credo / Josquin -- Pange lingua : verset 2 / Titelouze -- Missa Pange lingua. Sanctus ; Benedictus ; Agnus Dei 1-3 / Josquin -- Pange lingua : verset 3 / Titelouze -- Missa Vidi turbam magnam / Allegri.
CD 2481
Missa Pange lingua ; Missa La sol fa re mi / Josquin. Plainchant : Pange lingua.
Pange lingua : plainchant (3:36) -- Missa Pange lingua (29:25) ; Missa La sol fa re mi (28:28) / Josquin des Pres.
CD 25
Missa Papae Marcelli ; Stabat Mater / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Miserere / Gregorio Allegri. Crucifixus / Antonio Lotti.
Crucifixus / Antonio Lotti (3:16) -- Stabat Mater / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (9:19) -- Miserere / Gregorio Allegri (12:08) -- Missa Papae Marcelli / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (31:09).
CD 530
Missa Pastores quidnam vidistis / Clemens non Papa.
Pastores quidnam vidistis : motet (4:46) -- Missa Pastores quidnam vidistis (27:58) -- Three motets. Tribulationes civitatum (5:15) ; Pater peccavi (8:36) ; Ego flos campi (4:11).
CD 32
Missa Salisburgensis a 53 voci. Hymnus Plaudite tympana.
CD 472
Missa solemnis / Beethoven.
CD 338
Missa solemnis : in E ; 2 motets / Cherubini.
Missa solemnis : in E (41:00) -- Antifona sul canto fermo 8. tona (2:45) -- Nemo gaudeat (7:28).
CD 2958
Missa solemnis. Latin
CD 338
Missa solemnis. Latin
CD 942
Missa solemnis : op. 123 / Ludwig van Beethoven.
CD 941
Missa solemnis : op. 123 / Ludwig van Beethoven. Messe KV 317 : Krönungsmesse / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
CD 942
Missae ; Requiem / Mozart.
Missa in C, KV 66 : Dominicus -- Missa brevis : in G, KV 49/47d -- Missa in C, KV 167 : In honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis -- Missa brevis : in G, KV 140/App. C1.12 -- Missa brevis : in D minor, KV 65/61a -- Missa solemnis : in C, KV 337 -- Missa brevis : in D, KV 194/186h -- Missa brevis : in B flat, KV 275/272b -- Missa solemnis : in C minor, KV 139/47a : Waisenhaus-Messe -- Missa brevis : in C, KV 259 : Organ solo -- Missa brevis : Fin F, KV 192/186f -- Missa in C, KV 257 : Credo -- Missa in C, KV 317 : Coronation -- Missa brevis : in C, KV 220/1896b : Spatzenmesse -- Missa brevis : in C, KV 258 : Spaur-Messe -- Missa longa : in C, KV 262/246a -- Missa in C minor, KV 427/317a : Grosse Messe / revised and reconstructed by Alois Schmitt, John Eliot Gardiner -- Requiem in D minor, KV 626 / completed by Franz Xaver Süssmayr.
CD 1225 v.19
Miszellen : Komponisten an der HdK Berlin.
Longtemps, once / Gösta Neuwirth (16:01) -- Rauschgoldengel / Walter Zimmermann (1:17) -- Sisyphos / Dieter Schnebel (8:52) -- Wienerlied / Hartmut Fladt (3:20) -- 7 x 10 Takte / Friedrich Goldmann (6:11) -- Fallstudien / Orm Finnendahl (1:24) -- Empty skies I / Jolyon Brettingham-Smith (3:46) -- Wir, die wie der Strandhafer Wahren / Aribert Reimann (6:08) -- Flöte, sounds & live-electronics / Franz Martin Olbrisch (12:09) -- Fragmente / Martin Supper (3:27).
CD 2527
MMTC : (Monk, Miles, Trane & Cannon) / Freddie Hubbard.
One of a kind / Freddie Hubbard ; arr. Bob Belden (7:09) -- Naima / John Coltrane ; arr. Bob Mintzer (7:12) -- Spirit of Trane / Freddie Hubbard ; arr. Bob Mintzer (6:20) -- The song my lady sings / Charles Lloyd ; arr. David Weiss (7:59) -- Off minor / Thelonious Monk ; arr. Pete Yellin (5:38) -- All blues / Miles Davis ; arr. Bob Belden (7:38) -- D minor mint (6:35) ; One for Cannon (6:28) / Freddie Hubbard ; arr. David Weiss.
CD 2204
Mnemosyne / Ljova and the Kontraband.
Mathias : (EmiKa mix) (5:02) -- Mnemosyne (5:53) -- Walking on Willoughby / Patrick Farrell (6:12) -- Love potion, expired (3:20) -- Koyl / Yiddish traditional, arranged by Ljova (4:20) -- How easily I get lost / Mike Savino (4:04) -- Less : (from the soundtrack to Un peu moins) (5:23) -- Crutchahoy nign (3:50) -- Untango : (from the soundtrack to Serpent's breath) (7:45) -- Szeki : (from the soundtrack to Serpent's breath) (4:19) -- Gone crazy : (from the soundtrack to Cupcake) (2:32) -- Bagel on the Malecon reprise (3:45).
CD 3579
Modern music, new music, contemporary music : music today from Germany
Music for orchestra / Jay Schwartz (Hessian Symphony Orchestra ; Diego Masson, conductor) (13:42) -- The art of home entertainment / Hannes Seidl (Ensemble Intégrales) (8:24) -- Blinder Fleck / Markus Hechtle (NewEars.ensemble ; Jonathan Stockhammer, conductor) (6:59) -- Knochen. I / Enno Poppe (Klangforum Wien ; Stefan Asbury, conductor) (9:02) -- Freie Stücke. 8-10 / Jörg Widmann (Ensemble Modern ; Dominique My, conductor) (6:37) -- Ausser Atem / Moritz Eggert (Julia Whybrow, recorders) (6:42) -- Spiegel Bilder. II / Isabel Mundry (Ernesto Molinari, clarinet ; Teodoro Anzellotti, accordion) (5:21) -- 128 erfüllte Augenblicke. Excerpt / Mathias Spahlinger (Dietburg Spohr, soprano ; Walter Seyfarth, clarinet ; Ulrich Heinen, violoncello) (4:41) -- Labyrinth der Lieder. 1 + 2 / Johannes Kalitzke (Collegium Vocale Köln ; Saarbrücken Radio Symphony Orchestra ; Johannes Kalitzke, conductor) (4:37) -- Diaphainon / Peter Michael Hamel (Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra ; Hans Zender, conductor) (12:45).
CD 3211
Modern times : Dutch Jewish composers (1928-1943).
Trois morceaux for flute and piano (1939) (9:00) ; Sonatine for cello and piano (manuscript) (16:00) ; Trois chansons for voice, flute, and piano (1939) (9:00) / Rosy Wertheim -- Modern times sonata : for piano and violin (1935) / Ignace Lilien (15:00) -- Sonate for flute and piano (1943) (14:00) ; Deux hommages : for piano solo. À Sherlock Holmes : 1928 ; À Remington : 1930 / Leon Smit (9:00).
CD 1806
Modinhas e canções / Heitor Villa-Lobos.
Confidência (2:07) -- Miniaturas (14:00) -- Modinhas e canções. Vol. 1 (19:00) -- Samba clássico (3:00) -- Canção do poeta do século XVIII (3:15) -- Vira (1:25) -- Canção de cristal (3:31) -- Sête vezes (2:19) -- Epigrammas irônicas e sentimentais (9:00) -- Jardim fanado (2:56) -- Duas paisagens (3:00) -- Modinhas e canções. Vol. 2 (11:00).
CD 602
Moments musicaux
Morceaux de salon op. 10. 1. Nocturne in A minor (3:32) -- 2. Valse in A major (3:39) -- 3. Barcarolle in G minor (4:04) -- 4. Melodie in E minor (3:50) -- 5. Humoresque in G major (3:32) -- 6. Romance in F minor (4:00) -- 7. Mazurka in D flat major (4:54) -- Moments musicaux op. 16. 8. Andantino in B flat minor (6:54) -- 9. Allegretto in E flat minor (2:59) -- 10. Andante cantabile in B minor (6:10) -- 11. Presto in E minor (2:58) -- 12. Adagio sostenuto in D flat major (3:30) -- 13. Maestoso in C major (5:05).
CD 2023
Mompou interpretra Mompou
Preludios (31:28) -- Variaciones sobre un tema de Chopin (23:26) -- Trois variations (4:06).
CD 795
Mompou plays Mompou. Vol. III.
Preludios (31:28) -- Variaciones sobre un tema de Chopin (23:26) -- Trois variations (4:06).
CD 795
No. 8, op. 13 : Pathétique (19:49) -- No. 13, op. 27, no. 1 (16:00) -- No. 14, op. 27, no. 2 : Mondschein = Moonlight = Clair de lune (15:34).
CD 352
Mongolia : living music of the steppes : instrumental music and song of Mongolia.
Instrumental music and song of Mongolia. Instrumental ensemble: The blue silk overcoat (1:54) -- Bogïno duu: A leafy tree (1:27) -- Bogïno duu: The river of Uliastay (2:06) -- Bogïno duu: The snow-crowned Altai mountains (4:01) -- Urtïn duu: The hallowed road (2:43) -- Urtïn duu: Sünder mountain (5:26) -- Song of praise: Altai mountain paean (4:28). -- Mongolian musical instruments and Köömiy. Morin khuur solo: Jonon quara's run (1:57) -- Köömiy: Shilen böör (1:42) -- Köömiy: Full moon (1:01) -- Amankhuur solo: To run like flowing camel's water (1:37) -- Shudraga solo: Cooper and steel (1:23) -- Zuur solo: The flow of the Eveen river (0:46) -- Khuuchir ensemble medley: Ayi nan ayi and Two hearts (2:07) -- Bishur ensemble: Bishur appeal (2:04) -- Yatag performance: A beloved, otter-colored horse (4:40). -- Songs and narratives of Mongolians in China. Morin khuur solo: Düngshang gööhöö (3:54) -- Urtïn duu: Dügüreng Žaan (2:11) -- Epic poem: The tale of Janggar (3:23) -- Song from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Oyrad un daguu (4:20) -- Narrative: Holbog-a (3:57).
CD 1794
Monk, Miles, Trane & Cannon
One of a kind / Freddie Hubbard ; arr. Bob Belden (7:09) -- Naima / John Coltrane ; arr. Bob Mintzer (7:12) -- Spirit of Trane / Freddie Hubbard ; arr. Bob Mintzer (6:20) -- The song my lady sings / Charles Lloyd ; arr. David Weiss (7:59) -- Off minor / Thelonious Monk ; arr. Pete Yellin (5:38) -- All blues / Miles Davis ; arr. Bob Belden (7:38) -- D minor mint (6:35) ; One for Cannon (6:28) / Freddie Hubbard ; arr. David Weiss.
CD 2204
CD 875
Montezuma / Carl Heinrich Graun ; libretto, Friedrich II, König von Preussen.
CD 875
Monty Python's Spamalot : original Broadway cast recording / [book & lyrics by Eric Idle ; music by John Du Prez & Eric Idle].
Tuning (0:19) -- Overture (0:53) -- Historian's introduction to act I (0:52) -- Finland ; Fisch schlapping dance (1:02) -- Monks chant ; He is not dead yet (2:50) -- Come with me (1:41) -- Laker Girls cheer (1:16) -- The song that goes like this (2:53) -- He is not dead yet (playoff) (0:23) -- All for one (1:58) -- Knights of the Round Table ; The song that goes like this (reprise) (6:00) -- Find your Grail (3:25) -- Run away! (2:01) -- The intermission (0:26) -- Historian's introduction to act II (0:22) -- Always look on the bright side of life (4:28) -- Brave Sir Robin (0:56) -- You won't succeed on Broadway (5:05) -- Diva's lament (whatever happened to my part?) (2:31) -- Where are you? (1:03) -- His name is Lancelot (2:11) -- I'm all alone (3:19) -- Twice in every show (1:17) -- Act II finale (3:27) -- Always look on the bright side of life (company bow) (1:19).
CD 2904
Mood swing
Sweet sorrow -- Chill -- Rejoice -- Faith -- Alone in the morning -- Mischief -- Dialogue -- The oneness of two (in three) -- Past in the present -- Obsession -- Headin' home.
CD 1991
MoodSwing / Joshua Redman Quartet.
Sweet sorrow -- Chill -- Rejoice -- Faith -- Alone in the morning -- Mischief -- Dialogue -- The oneness of two (in three) -- Past in the present -- Obsession -- Headin' home.
CD 1991
No. 8, op. 13 : Pathétique (19:49) -- No. 13, op. 27, no. 1 (16:00) -- No. 14, op. 27, no. 2 : Mondschein = Moonlight = Clair de lune (15:34).
CD 352
Morceaux de fantaisie
Ten preludes op. 23 (36:17) -- Morceaux de fantaisie : op. 3. Elégie (5:47) ; Prelude in C sharp minor (5:28) ; Mélodie (5:05) ; Polichinelle (3:09) ; Sérénade (4:06).
CD 405
Morceaux de salon : op 10 ; Moments musicaux : op 16 / Rachmaninov.
Morceaux de salon op. 10. 1. Nocturne in A minor (3:32) -- 2. Valse in A major (3:39) -- 3. Barcarolle in G minor (4:04) -- 4. Melodie in E minor (3:50) -- 5. Humoresque in G major (3:32) -- 6. Romance in F minor (4:00) -- 7. Mazurka in D flat major (4:54) -- Moments musicaux op. 16. 8. Andantino in B flat minor (6:54) -- 9. Allegretto in E flat minor (2:59) -- 10. Andante cantabile in B minor (6:10) -- 11. Presto in E minor (2:58) -- 12. Adagio sostenuto in D flat major (3:30) -- 13. Maestoso in C major (5:05).
CD 2023
Morceaux de salon, piano
Morceaux de salon op. 10. 1. Nocturne in A minor (3:32) -- 2. Valse in A major (3:39) -- 3. Barcarolle in G minor (4:04) -- 4. Melodie in E minor (3:50) -- 5. Humoresque in G major (3:32) -- 6. Romance in F minor (4:00) -- 7. Mazurka in D flat major (4:54) -- Moments musicaux op. 16. 8. Andantino in B flat minor (6:54) -- 9. Allegretto in E flat minor (2:59) -- 10. Andante cantabile in B minor (6:10) -- 11. Presto in E minor (2:58) -- 12. Adagio sostenuto in D flat major (3:30) -- 13. Maestoso in C major (5:05).
CD 2023
More Cohler on clarinet.
Sonata in E♭ major, op. 120, no. 2 (1894) / Johannes Brahms (20:51) -- Sonata (1962) / Francis Poulenc (13:52) -- Fantasy pieces, op. 73 (1849) / Robert Schumann (10:24) -- Sonatina, op. 100 (1927) / Darius Milhaud (9:22) -- Three pieces for clarinet solo (1919) / Igor Stravinsky (4:19).
CD 2061
More music from the South American folk tradition
Misa criolla / Ariel Ramírez (16:40) -- La llamita : Colombian song / Gustavo Adolfo Rengifo (3:35) -- Arbolucu, te sequeste : Iberian folksong / Carlos Chávez (1:58) -- Yambambó : Afro-Colombian dance song / José Antonio Rincón (3:00) -- Navidad nuestra / Ariel Ramírez (16:17) -- Por el camino : Colombian song / J. Reina (4:29) -- Egbêgi : Afro-Brazilian slave song / Mozart Camargo Guarnieri (1:44) -- Misa por la paz y la justicia (excerpts) / Ariel Ramírez (11:35).
CD 3249
More Shaker chants and spirituals
Stone prison. Stone prison (1:43) ; Trumpet of peace (2:07) ; Voice of the angels of mercy (2:20) -- Upon this fair soil. O Zion arise (2:08) ; Joyful praises (1:30) ; Rights of conscience (1:54) ; The blessings of peace (3:46) ; Holy habitation (2:32) ; Thanksgiving (2:00) ; A suite of five dance tunes (4:11) -- Sweep as I go. Solemn song of the ancients (1:28) ; Mother Ann's song (1:34) ; Path of sorrow (2:59) ; Fall on the rock (1:17) ; Sweep as I go (1:17) -- Gift songs: birds. Philomela (2:10) ; Mourning dove (1:34) ; Mother's pretty dove (1:23) ; Consoling dove (1;18) -- Gift songs: native spirits. Woben mesa crelana (Indian song) (2:39) ; He haw Tallabo (Indian song) (0:27) ; Indian song (0:48) ; Negro songs (2:02) ; Pretty home (1:15) -- Gift songs: Heavenly spirits. Angel of light (1:26) ; Angel invitation (2:47) ; Four little angels (0:38) ; Sweet angels come nearer (1:19) ; Mother's comforting promise (1:27) ; Holy order song (0:43) ; O come, come away (0:50) ; The Savior's cheering promise (1:27) -- The golden harvest. Behold the day (0:40) ; All glean with care (3:15) ; The harvest (1:06) ; Angel reapers (1:37) ; Light (1:45) ; The angel reapers (2:46) -- The Shakers of Sabbathday Lake, Maine in conversation with Joel Cohen (8:16).
CD 3552
More Still : Music by William Grant Still : Caribbean suite ; Spirituals ; Art songs.
Caribbean suite. Two banana ; Going to my old home ; Bellamina ; Peas and rice ; Mama, I saw a sailboat ; Evalina ; Doo ma ; Héla grand pere ; Do an' nannie ; Ah, la sa wu! ; Hand a' bowl -- Spirituals and art songs. Didn't ma Lord deliver Daniel ; Hard trials ; Gwinter sing all along de way ; Here's one ; Breath of a rose (soprano, piano) ; Grief ; Bayou home ; Breath of a rose (saxophone, piano) ; Summerland.
CD 2297
Mörike-Lieder. Selections
Songs to the poems by Eduard Mörike. Schlafendes Jesuskind ; Auf ein altes Bild ; In der Frühe ; Gebet ; Fussreise ; Selbstgeständnis ; Der Gärtner ; Bei einer Trauung ; Zur Warnung ; Storchenbotschaft ; Der Genesene an die Hoffnung ; Der Jäger ; Der Tambour ; Der Feuerreiter ; Abschied / Hugo Wolf -- Ihr Bildnis ; Erster Verlust ; Till Emma = To Emma ; På sveden = At the burn-beating ; Hurtti-ukko = Old Man Hurtti ; Roineen rannalla = On the shores of Lake Roine / Carl Collan -- Lyö sydän = Beat, my heart : op. 16a/2 ; Ave Maria : op. 23/2 ; Kohtalo = Fate : op. 23/4 ; Yö nummella = Night on the moor : op. 24/4 / Toivo Kuula.
CD 2325
Morning visions / Ali Akbar Khan.
Rag Mian-ki todi: pt. 1 (20:08) ; pt. 2 (20:55) -- Rag Sindhu bhairavi (20:20).
CD 977
Bu-ganga (9:06) -- Ddrst (8:25) -- Taskiwin (10:54) -- Aḥwaš n-ayt mgun (13:37) -- Amxllf (5:02) -- Tamssust (20:13).
CD 1016
Mort de Tintagiles
La mort de Tintagiles = The death of Tintagiles -- Five Irish fantasies. The hosting of the sidhe ; The host of the air ; The fiddler of Dooney ; Ballad of the foxhunter ; The song of Caitlin ni Uallachain.
CD 1590
La mort de Tintagiles ; Five Irish fantasies / Charles Martin Loeffler.
La mort de Tintagiles = The death of Tintagiles -- Five Irish fantasies. The hosting of the sidhe ; The host of the air ; The fiddler of Dooney ; Ballad of the foxhunter ; The song of Caitlin ni Uallachain.
CD 1590
Morton Gould : an American salute / the President's Own United States Marine Band ; Col. Michael J. Colburn, director.
American salute / transcribed by Philip Lang (4:31) -- Jericho rhapsody (12:10) -- March of the leathernecks / transcribed by Philip Lang (2:23) -- Yankee Doodle / setting by Morton Gould ; transcribed by Philip Lang (2:34) -- Ballad for band (8:24) -- Dixie / attributed to Daniel Decatur Emmett ; setting by Morton Gould (2:55) -- Santa Fe saga (10:03) -- Saratoga quickstep (3:30) -- Symphony for band. West Point. Epitaphs ; Marches (19:59).
CD 3301
Moses und Aron / Schoenberg.
CD 951
Most happy fella
Disc 1. Overture (2:27) -- Thank you, goodnight (0:54) -- Ooh, my feet (2:02) -- Mock ballet of waitresses and busboys (0:49) -- Cleo, I don't care if he fires me (1:51) -- My dear Rosabella (3:52) -- Wanting to be wanted (2:28) -- Oh, there's the postman (3:21) -- Oh, hallo, Marie (0:53) -- What do you really know about him (2:19) -- Standing on the corner (2:45) -- All right, break it up, you guys (1:03) -- Joey, Joey, Joey (3:58) -- Soon you gonna leave me (1:34) -- Mamma, Mamma (2:45) -- Hey, Cicc, Giusepp (1:43) -- This is Tony's barn (2:09) -- Alfonso, Fiorello, Mattilda (2:17) -- Sposalizio (3:53) -- Well, here we are (1:32) -- Hey, Ciccio, Giusepp (3:39) -- Such friendly faces (2:23) -- Weel, thank you very much (2:03) -- No home, no job (0:36) -- Step back everybody (3:15) -- Don't cry (3:52) -- Disc 2. Prelude (4:56) -- But what kind of medicine is it? (0:42) -- Take medicine ; Love and kindness (2:14) -- We friends now (4:56) -- Oh, Cleo, I don't like this dame (1:56) -- Ev'nin' ma'am (4:55) -- Domenica (3:22) -- Vineyards in June (3:10) -- Where's that smile (4:35) -- Hey, Herman (0:32) -- Ooh, smile, smile, smile (1:27) -- Vineyards in July (1:11) -- I love him ; I know how it is (3:21) -- Quanto sono contento (2:58) -- Hey, paesan (1:45) -- Rosabella, what's-a matter? (1:57) -- Ah, Omma don know (3:12) -- Act III prelude (1:48) -- Hey, what are you doin, fellas (0:56) -- Supposin' I should have to say go (3:39) -- Just the two of them (2:38) -- Carissima (1:45) -- Please let me tell you (1:54) -- But what's happening (1:12) -- So you're finally gettin' out of town (4:24) -- She ain't got no place to go (3:47) -- Herman, I made a fist (1:10) -- He's gonna be Tony's bambino (4:39).
CD 621
Inter vestibulum et altare (2:38) -- Tribulare, si nescirem (2:58) -- Ne reminiscaris, Domine (2:01) -- Versa est in luctum (2:55) -- Domine, secundum actum meum (2:24) -- Adoro te, Domine, Jesu Christe (2:11) -- Ave, verum corpus natum (2:41) -- Nigra sum, sed formosa (2:30) -- Sancta Maria (2:33) -- Unica est columba mea (2:26) -- Ave, vera caro Christi (3:24) -- Ave, vere sanguis Domini (2:33) -- In passione positus (3:33) -- Precor te, Domine Jesu Christe (3:42) -- Pater noster (3:11) -- Ave Regina caelorum (4:09) -- Sancta Mater, istud agas (3:00) -- O Domina sanctissima (3:53) -- Emendemus in melius (2:37) -- Deus, qui manus tuas (4:16) -- Domine Jesu Christe, qui neminem (2:46) -- Traseunte Domino Jesu (3:58).
CD 2549
Motets and chansons
O canenda vulgo per compita/Rex quem metrorum/Rex regum (2:04) --Je qui paoir seule ai de conforter (6:00) -- Colla iugo subdere/Bona condit cetera/Libera me, Domine (1:41) -- Firmissime fidem teneamus/Adesto, sancta trinitas/Alleluya, benedictus (2:58) -- Cum statua Nabucodonasor/Hugo, Hugo, princeps invidie/Magister invidie (1:34) -- Firmissime fidem teneamus (2:54) --Impudenter circumivi/Virtutibus laudabilis (2:44) -- Ay, amours! tant me dure (4:16) -- Garrit gallus flendo dodlorose/In nova fert animus/Neuma (1:38) --Providence la senée (4:04) -- Floret cum vana gloria/Florens vigor ulciscendo/Neuma (1:45) -- Aman novi probatur exitu/Heu, Fortuna subdola/Heu me, tristis est anima mea (2:01) -- Petre clemens, tam re quam nimine/Lugentium siccentur occuli plaudant senes (6:32) -- Talant j'ai que d'obeir (13:50) --Tribum, que non abhorruit/Quoniam secta latronum/Merito hec patimur (1:28). Tuba sacre fidei/In arboris empiro prospere/Libera me, Domine (1:59) -- Tribum, que non abhorruit (2:02) -- Se j'onques a mon vivant (3:07) -- Douce playsance est d'amer loyament/Garison selon nature (2:18) -- Vos quid admiramini, virgines/Gratissima virginis species/Gaude gloriosa (1:58).
CD 653
Motets & chansons / Philippe de Vitry.
O canenda vulgo per compita/Rex quem metrorum/Rex regum (2:04) --Je qui paoir seule ai de conforter (6:00) -- Colla iugo subdere/Bona condit cetera/Libera me, Domine (1:41) -- Firmissime fidem teneamus/Adesto, sancta trinitas/Alleluya, benedictus (2:58) -- Cum statua Nabucodonasor/Hugo, Hugo, princeps invidie/Magister invidie (1:34) -- Firmissime fidem teneamus (2:54) --Impudenter circumivi/Virtutibus laudabilis (2:44) -- Ay, amours! tant me dure (4:16) -- Garrit gallus flendo dodlorose/In nova fert animus/Neuma (1:38) --Providence la senée (4:04) -- Floret cum vana gloria/Florens vigor ulciscendo/Neuma (1:45) -- Aman novi probatur exitu/Heu, Fortuna subdola/Heu me, tristis est anima mea (2:01) -- Petre clemens, tam re quam nimine/Lugentium siccentur occuli plaudant senes (6:32) -- Talant j'ai que d'obeir (13:50) --Tribum, que non abhorruit/Quoniam secta latronum/Merito hec patimur (1:28). Tuba sacre fidei/In arboris empiro prospere/Libera me, Domine (1:59) -- Tribum, que non abhorruit (2:02) -- Se j'onques a mon vivant (3:07) -- Douce playsance est d'amer loyament/Garison selon nature (2:18) -- Vos quid admiramini, virgines/Gratissima virginis species/Gaude gloriosa (1:58).
CD 653
Motets / Bonporti.
Vos cheles, op. 3, no. 5 (11:00) -- Mittite dulces, op. 3, no. 2 (12:32) -- Angelice mentes, op. 3, no. 3 (8:32) -- Ite molles, op. 3, no. 4 (14:39) -- Clare stelle, op. 3, no. 1 (8:28) -- Ad cœlum, op. 3, no. 6 (6:14).
CD 3535
Motets / by Peter Philips.
Ecce vicit Leo (3:07) -- O quam suavis est, II (4:56) -- Tristitia vestra (2:02) -- Tibi laus, tibi gloria (2:49) -- Ave Iesu Christe (4:18) -- Tu es Petrus (3:10) -- O crux splendidior (5:46) -- Christus resurgens (3:11) -- Salve Regina (5:33) -- Cantantibus organis Cecilia (2:49) -- Ascendit Deus (2:32) -- O quam suavis est, I (3:49) -- Hodie concepta est (3:08) -- Litania duodecima (12:38).
CD 1188
Motets by the Bach dynasty.
Unser Leben ist ein Schatten (8:13) ; Sei nun wieder zufrieden (3:34) / Johann Bach -- Lieber Herr Gott, wecke uns auf (4:31) ; Der Gerechte, ob er gleich zu zeitlich stirbt (4:51) / Johann Christoph Bach -- Halt, was du hast / Johann Michael Bach (5:58) -- Das ist meine Freude / Johann Ludwig Bach (4:47) -- Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt : BWV Anh. 160 (12:00) ; Der Gerechte kommt um : BWV deest (5:16) ; Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf : BWV 226 (8:02) / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme / Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (17:00).
CD 1450
Motets, chorales and songs
[Cd. 1]. Motets. Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied : BWV 225 ; Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf : BWV 226 ; Komm, Jesu, komm : BWV 229 ; Jesu, meine Freude : BWV 227 ; Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir : BWV 228 ; Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden : BWV 230 (Stockholm Bach Choir, Anders Öhrwall, conductor ; Concentus Musicus Wien, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, conductor). [Cd. 2-5]. Chorales [from] Vierstimmige Chorgesänge, ed. Kirnberger & C.P.E. Bach, Leipzig 1784-1787. BWV 253-BWV 438 (Rundfunkchor Berlin ; Sigurd Brauns, organ ; Katharina Maechler, cello ; Laszlo Tamas, violone ; Robin Gritton, conductor). [Cd. 6]. Sacred songs = Geistliche Lieder : from G.C. Schemelli's Musicalisches Gesangbuch, Leipzig 1736. BWV 439, 440, 443, 445, 447, 449, 451-454, 462, 465, 466, 468-472, 475, 478-480, 483, 484, 487, 492, 498, 500, 502, 505, 507 (Christoph Prégardien, tenor ; Klaus Mertens, bass ; Jaap ter Linden, cello ; Ton Koopman, organ). [Cd. 7]. Wedding chorales, BWV 250-252 (Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir ; Matthew Halls, organ ; Ton Koopman, conductor) -- [Misc.] chorales: BWV 500a, BWV 1084, BWV 1089, BWV 1122, BWV 1123, BWV 1124, BWV 1125, BWV 1126 (Rundfunkchor Berlin ; Sigurd Brauns, organ ; Katharina Maechler, cello ; Laszlo Tamas, violone ; Robin Gritton, conductor). [Cd. 7 cont.]. Motet [Cantata] : O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht, BWV 118 (Monteverdi-Chor, Hamburg ; Concerto Amsterdam ; Jürgen Jürgens, conductor) (3:44). [Cd. 7 cont.]. Quodlibet, BWV 524 [fragment] (Agnes Giebel, soprano ; Marie Luise Gilles, alto ; Bert van t'Hoff, tenor ; Peter Christoph Runge, bass ; Leonhardt-Consort) (9:36). [Cd. 7 cont.]. Notenbüchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach, 1725. Arias & chorales : Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille, BWV 510 ; Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille, BWV 511 ; O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 513 ; Schaff's mit mir, Gott, BWV 514 [? attrib.] ; Warum betrübst du dich, BWV 516 [? attrib.] ; Willst du dein Herz mir schenken ["Aria di Giovanni" / anon.], BWV 518 ; Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 691 ; Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen, BWV 299 (Tragicomedia ; Stephen Stubbs, conductor).
CD 2653
The motets, chorales & songs / Bach.
[Cd. 1]. Motets. Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied : BWV 225 ; Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf : BWV 226 ; Komm, Jesu, komm : BWV 229 ; Jesu, meine Freude : BWV 227 ; Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir : BWV 228 ; Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden : BWV 230 (Stockholm Bach Choir, Anders Öhrwall, conductor ; Concentus Musicus Wien, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, conductor). [Cd. 2-5]. Chorales [from] Vierstimmige Chorgesänge, ed. Kirnberger & C.P.E. Bach, Leipzig 1784-1787. BWV 253-BWV 438 (Rundfunkchor Berlin ; Sigurd Brauns, organ ; Katharina Maechler, cello ; Laszlo Tamas, violone ; Robin Gritton, conductor). [Cd. 6]. Sacred songs = Geistliche Lieder : from G.C. Schemelli's Musicalisches Gesangbuch, Leipzig 1736. BWV 439, 440, 443, 445, 447, 449, 451-454, 462, 465, 466, 468-472, 475, 478-480, 483, 484, 487, 492, 498, 500, 502, 505, 507 (Christoph Prégardien, tenor ; Klaus Mertens, bass ; Jaap ter Linden, cello ; Ton Koopman, organ). [Cd. 7]. Wedding chorales, BWV 250-252 (Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir ; Matthew Halls, organ ; Ton Koopman, conductor) -- [Misc.] chorales: BWV 500a, BWV 1084, BWV 1089, BWV 1122, BWV 1123, BWV 1124, BWV 1125, BWV 1126 (Rundfunkchor Berlin ; Sigurd Brauns, organ ; Katharina Maechler, cello ; Laszlo Tamas, violone ; Robin Gritton, conductor). [Cd. 7 cont.]. Motet [Cantata] : O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht, BWV 118 (Monteverdi-Chor, Hamburg ; Concerto Amsterdam ; Jürgen Jürgens, conductor) (3:44). [Cd. 7 cont.]. Quodlibet, BWV 524 [fragment] (Agnes Giebel, soprano ; Marie Luise Gilles, alto ; Bert van t'Hoff, tenor ; Peter Christoph Runge, bass ; Leonhardt-Consort) (9:36). [Cd. 7 cont.]. Notenbüchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach, 1725. Arias & chorales : Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille, BWV 510 ; Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille, BWV 511 ; O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 513 ; Schaff's mit mir, Gott, BWV 514 [? attrib.] ; Warum betrübst du dich, BWV 516 [? attrib.] ; Willst du dein Herz mir schenken ["Aria di Giovanni" / anon.], BWV 518 ; Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 691 ; Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen, BWV 299 (Tragicomedia ; Stephen Stubbs, conductor).
CD 2653
Motets et chansons / Josquin Desprez.
Ave Maria : a 4 (6:47) -- Absalon, fili mi : a 4 (4:27) -- Veni, sancte Spiritus : a 6 (8:10) -- De profundis clamavi : a 4 (8:19) -- Scaramella : a 4 / setting by Loyset Compère, by Josquin (1:40) -- In te Domine speravi : a 4 (2:10) -- El grillo : a 4 (1:50) -- Milles regretz : a 4 (2:02) -- Petite camusette : a 6 (1:03) -- Je me complains : a 5 (2:07) -- En l'ombre d'ung buissonet : a 3 (2:12) -- Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer : a 5 (3:48) -- La déploration de la mort de Johannes Ockeghem : a 5 (5:45).
CD 525
Motets for solo voice and strings
Vos cheles, op. 3, no. 5 (11:00) -- Mittite dulces, op. 3, no. 2 (12:32) -- Angelice mentes, op. 3, no. 3 (8:32) -- Ite molles, op. 3, no. 4 (14:39) -- Clare stelle, op. 3, no. 1 (8:28) -- Ad cœlum, op. 3, no. 6 (6:14).
CD 3535
Motets. Selections
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied : BWV 225 (13:53) -- Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf : BWV 226 (8:10) -- Jesu, meine Freude : BWV 227 (22:01) -- Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir : BWV 228 (8:37) -- Komm, Jesu, komm : BWV 229 (8:35) -- Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden : BWV 230 (6:33).
CD 28
Motets. Selections
Gaudent in coelis (2:53) -- Exsurgat Deus (6:14) -- Salve Regina (7:17) -- Pauper sum ego : [4 solo voices] (1:52) -- Domine, clamavi ad te (8:09) -- Confitemini Domino (4:08) -- Ante me : [instrumental] (1:54) -- Pater noster (3:29) -- Misericordias Domini (2:23) -- Nos qui sumus in hoc mundo (2:04) -- In Deo salutare meum (3:39) -- O gloriosa Domina (2:35) -- Qui mihi det (3:19) -- Pulvis et umbra sumus (2:41) -- Regnum mundi (2:34) -- Oculi omnium (4:20) -- Media vita in morte sumus (3:53) -- Exaudi Domine (3:48) -- Agimus tibi gratias (1:25).
CD 581
Motets. Selections
Magnificat "Ecco ch'io lasso il core" -- Salve Regina : à 4 -- Ave Maria : à 5 -- Audio dulcis mea : à 4 -- Veni, dilecte mi : à 5 -- Salve Regina : à 5 -- Ave Regina coelorum : à 5 -- Missus est Angelus Gabriel : à 3-6 -- Ave verus [i.e. verum] corpus : à 6 -- Regina coeli laetre : à 5 -- Salve Regina : à 8 -- O Maria, clausus hortus : à 3 -- Tota pulchra es, amica mea : à 4 -- Ave Maria, alta stirps : à 4 -- Salve Regina : à 6 -- Sancta Maria, omnes sancti Dei : à 5.
CD 534
Motets. Selections
Spem in alium (9:53) -- Sancte Deus (5:16) -- Salvator mundi, salva nos I (2:20) -- Salvator mundi, salva nos II (2:31) -- Gaude gloriosa (16:42) -- Miserere nostri (2:31) -- Loquebantur variis linguis (3:47).
CD 519
Motets. Selections
Vos quid admiramini/Gratissima virginis species (3:20) -- Se je chant (4:10) -- Apta caro/Flos virginum (2:57) -- Tribum que non abhorruit/Quoniam secta latronum (2:32) -- O canenda vulgo/Rex quem metrorum (2:31) -- Colla iugo subdere/Bona condit (2:47) -- Petre Clemens/Lugentium siccentur (7:07) -- Trahunt in precipicia/Quasi non ministerium/Ve qui gregi (2:39) -- Almifonis melos/Rosa sine culpe spina (3:40) -- Douce playsence/Garison selon nature (3:13) -- Tuba sacre fidei/In arboris (2:18) -- In virtute/Decens carmen (2:52) -- Impudenter circumivi/Virtutibus laudabilis (3:06) -- Aman novi probatur/Heu, fortuna subdola (2:29) -- Floret cum vana gloria/Florens vigor (2:33) -- Firmissime fidem/Adesto Sancta Trinitas (3:24) -- Flos ortus/Celsa cedrus (2:42) -- Servant regem/O Philippe (3:03) -- Cum statua Nabucodonasor/Hugo, Hugo, princeps invidie (2:19).
CD 1116
Motetten = Motets / Johann Sebastian Bach.
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied : BWV 225 (13:53) -- Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf : BWV 226 (8:10) -- Jesu, meine Freude : BWV 227 (22:01) -- Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir : BWV 228 (8:37) -- Komm, Jesu, komm : BWV 229 (8:35) -- Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden : BWV 230 (6:33).
CD 28
Motetti a canto solo, con violini per ogni solenita 1702
Vos cheles, op. 3, no. 5 (11:00) -- Mittite dulces, op. 3, no. 2 (12:32) -- Angelice mentes, op. 3, no. 3 (8:32) -- Ite molles, op. 3, no. 4 (14:39) -- Clare stelle, op. 3, no. 1 (8:28) -- Ad cœlum, op. 3, no. 6 (6:14).
CD 3535
Motetti, soprano, violins (2), continuo, op. 3
Vos cheles, op. 3, no. 5 (11:00) -- Mittite dulces, op. 3, no. 2 (12:32) -- Angelice mentes, op. 3, no. 3 (8:32) -- Ite molles, op. 3, no. 4 (14:39) -- Clare stelle, op. 3, no. 1 (8:28) -- Ad cœlum, op. 3, no. 6 (6:14).
CD 3535
Mother make my bed : Vermont folk songs and ballads from the Flanders collection.
Mother make my bed soon (4:12) -- Gay Jemmie the miller (3:18) -- Young Charlotte (5:59) -- In the town of Oxford (3:33) -- John Barleycorn (5:14) -- An English round ((0:47) -- The Yorkshire bite (5:33) -- Fair Florella -- (2:37) The outlandish knight (5:21) -- Vermont (1:39) -- Green grows the laurel (2:42) -- The seaman of Plymouth (9:43).
CD 2089
Motion picture music. Selections
Giant: Prelude (2:15) -- Red River: Prelude and wagontrain (4:05) ; Red River crossing (2:33) ; The challenge and finale (3:17) -- Duel in the sun: Prelude and legend (3:08) ; The buggy ride (2:36) ; Trek to the sun, love-death and finale (5:02) -- High noon: Main title (2:56) ; Trek to the sun, love-death and finale (5:02) -- High noon: Main title (2:56) ; The clock and showdown (8:48) ; End titles (2:56) -- Night passage: Follow the river (2:56) -- Rio Bravo: De Guella (3:36) ; Love-theme (2:35) ; Main theme (end titles) (2:02).
CD 834
Mot︠s︡art i Salʹeri
CD 264
Mountain blues blues, ballads & string bands.
Match box blues (Larry Hensley) -- Black snake moan (Cobb & Underwood) -- Johnson City blues (Clarence Green) -- Franklin County blues (Dixie Ramblers) -- Blue grass twist ; Bibb County grind (South Georgia Highballers) -- Barber's blues ; Dust pan blues (Frankie Marvin) -- I'm blue and lonesome (Gene Autry & Frankie Marvin) -- Do right daddy blues ; Black bottom blues ; The rheumatism blues ; Do right daddy blues #2 (Gene Autry) -- Oozlin' daddy blues ; Kansas City blues (Bill Cox & Cliff Hobbs) -- Long chain Charlie blues ; Georgia Brown blues ; Got the drunken blues ; N.R.A. blues (Bill Cox) -- Arkansas hard luck blues (Lonnie Glosson) -- New talking blues (Hershal Brown) -- Puckett blues ; I get the blues when it rains (Riley Puckett) -- Old lonesome blues (Bowman Sisters) -- Mistreated blues (Carolina Buddies) -- Cocaine ; Brown skin blues ; Old black dog (Dick Justice) -- Poca River blues (Justice & Jarvis) -- Bread line blues (Slim Smith) -- Depot blues (Crowder Brothers) -- Dark holler blues ; Haunted road blues (Clarence Ashley) -- Bay rum blues ; East Virginia blues (Clarence Ashley & Gwen Foster) -- Wilkes County blues (Gwen Foster) -- Crooked Creek blues (Walter Davis & Gwen Foster) -- Sisco harmonica blues ; Wang wang harmonica blues (the Carver Boys) -- Blowing blues (Chuck Darling) -- Choking blues (Kyle Wooten) -- Lost boy blues (Palmer McAbee) -- Georgia wobble blues (Carroll County Revellers) -- The worried blues (Samantha Bumgarner) -- Carroll County blues ; Cumberland blues (Fiddlin' Doc Roberts) -- Lonesome, broke, and weary (Asa Martin & his Kentucky Hillbillies) -- Stockade blues (Georgia Crackers) -- Brown's Ferry blues #2 (Callahan Brothers) -- Rattle snake daddy (Homer Callahan) -- Farm girl blues ; Apron string blues ; I don't like the blues no how (Carolina Tar Heels) -- Cross tie blues ; Pouring down blues (Buster & Jack) -- Carroll County blues ; Tequila hop blues (Narmour & Smith) -- Bankhead blues ; Railroad blues (Nations Brothers) -- Jake Legs blues (Byrd Moore) -- Killin' blues (Byrd Moore & Jess Johnson) -- Hesitation blues ; Strawberry blues (Reaves White County Ramblers) -- Don't let the blues get you down ; Yodeling blues (Buck Mountain Band) -- I'm sad and blue (Perry County Music Makers) -- Way down yonder blues ; Jake bottle blues (Lemuel Turner) -- 12th Street blues (Dupree's County Boys) -- Hometown blues (Roane County Ramblers) -- Unexplained blues ; Left all alone again blues ; Bone dry blues (Lowe Stokes & his North Georgians) -- Dry town blues ; Leake County blues (Leake County Revellers) -- Deep elem blues ; Kentucky blues ; Go easy blues (Prairie Ramblers) -- V.B. blues ; Reno blues ; Jersey bull blues (Three Tobacco Tags) -- Moatsville blues (Moatsville String Ticklers) -- Triangle blues (Roanoke Jug Band) -- Tennessee River bottom blues (Mike Shaw's Alabama Entertainers) -- Blues in a bottle (Prince Albert Hunt) -- Married life blues (Oscar Ford) -- Travellin' blues (the Freeny Harmonisers) -- Ginseng blues (Kentucky Ramblers) -- Stove pipe blues ; Leaving here blues ; Tipple blues (Kentucky String Ticklers) -- Patrick County blues (Spangler & Pearson) -- Cold penitentiary blues (George Edgin's Corn Dodgers) -- Bath house blues ; I never felt so blue (Ashley's Melody Men) -- John Henry blues (Earl Johnson & his Dixie Entertainers) -- Huckleberry blues (Dykes Magic City Trio) -- Worried man blues (Rodgers & Nicholson) -- Rip van Winkle blues (Uncle Bud Landress) -- All night long blues (Burnett & Rutherford).
CD 3135
Mountain frolic : rare old timey classics.
CD A. Medley of old time dance tunes (Sourwood Mountain/Sally in the Garden/Little Sallie Goodin) / Crockett Family -- Goin' up town; Billy in the low ground; Green backed dollar bill / Dr. Humphrey Bate & His Possum Hunters -- Chesapeake Bay / Walter Crouch & Wilks Ramblers -- Fate of Santa Barbara; Sherman Valley; Get along home Cindy; Darby's ram; Stepstone; Speaking the truth; A stump speech in the 10th district / Bascom Lamar Lunsford -- Adam and Eve; North bound train; You'll never find a daddy like me; Mobile County blues; Just because; Village School; Fatal flower garden / Nelstone's Hawaiians -- Rabbit chase / Charlie Parker -- Sugar Hill / Dad Crockett -- I ain't a bit drunk / George Roark -- No business of mine / Smoky Mountain Ramblers -- I'll never get drunk again / Red Patterson's Piedmont Log Rollers -- Governor Smith for president / Carolina Night Hawks. CD B. The last shot got him; Hot foot step and fetch it / Chenoweth's Cornfield Symphony Orchestra -- John Hardy; Roll on John; Old Whisker Bill, the moonshiner; Rock Island; Darling Cora; East Virginia; The ship tha's sailing high; If you love your mother (meet her in the skies); The roving cowboy; The little Mohee; The sporting bachelors; The butcher's boy (the railroad boy); Lady Gay; The orphan girl; Poor boy long ways from home; Little Bessie; Poor little orphan boy; My mother; The cowboy's farewell; Gambling blues; A married girl's troubles; You are false but I'll forgive you; Don't forget me little darling / Buell H. Kazee. CD C. The faded coat of blue; The Wagoner's lad (loving Nancy); The dying soldier (Brother Green); Red wing; Snow deer; In the shadow of the pines; You taught me how to love you, now teach me to forget; The hobo's last ride; Steel a goin' down; Toll the bells; The cowboy trail; The blind man; I'm rolling along; A mountain boy makes his first record (part 1); A mountain boy makes his first record (part 2); Election Day in Kentucky (part 1); Election Day in Kentucky (part 2) / Buell H. Kazee -- Black eyed Susie; Cluck old hen; Boatin' up Sandy; Johnson boys / Al Hopkins & His Buckle Busters -- Gonna raise ruckus tonight / Hugh Cross and Riley Puckett -- Cindy; Old Joe Clark / Bradley Kincaid -- Whistlin' Rufus; When you're all in down and out / Ernest Thompson. CD D. Bring me a leaf from the sea; Good-bye my Bonnie, good-bye; The bulldog down in sunny Tennessee; Love my mountain home; When the good Lord sets you free; There's a man goin' around takin' names; Lay down baby, take your rest; Can't you remember when your heart was mine?; Roll on, boys; You are a little too small; Peg and Awl; I'll be washed; Hand in hand we have walked along together; The train's done left me; Who's gonna kiss your lips, dear darling; Oh, how I hate it; Rude and rambling man; The old grey goose; Back to Mexico; The hen house door is locked; Got the farm land blues; Washing mama's dishes / Carolina Tar Heels -- She wouldn't be still; Roll on, daddy roll on / The Pine Mountain Boys (Garley Foster & "Dock" Walsh) -- The bulldog down in sunny Tennessee / "Dock" Walsh.
CD 3133
Mountain hornpipe / Pete Sutherland.
Old Natchez (2:26) -- The world turned upside down (2:03) -- A Hoosier hoedown (2:40) -- A psalm of life (3:28) -- Illegal aliens (4:49) -- Elzick's farewell (3:25) -- Mountain hornpipe (3:51) -- The Spokane waltz (2:58) -- Old Smoky (4:32) -- Jenny get around (1:38) -- Crippled ... Creek (2:02) -- Highlands of heaven (2:35).
CD 3363
Moussolou / Oumou Sangare.
Djama kaissoumou -- Diaraby nene -- Woula bara diagna -- Moussolou -- Diya gneba -- Ah ndiya.
CD 969
Movin' out : original Broadway cast recording / music and lyrics by Billy Joel.
Scenes from an Italian restaurant -- Movin' out (Anthony's song) -- Reverie -- Just the way you are -- The longest time -- Uptown girl -- This night -- Summer, Highland falls -- Waltz (no. 1) -- We didn't start the fire -- She's got a way -- The stranger -- Elegy -- Invention in C minor -- Angry young man -- Big shot -- Big man on Mulberry Street -- Captain Jack -- An innocent man -- Pressure -- Goodnight Saigon -- Air (Dublinesque) -- Shameless -- James -- The river of dreams/Keeping the faith/Only the good die young -- I've loved these days/Scenes from an Italian restaurant (reprise).
CD 1397
Moving out
Scenes from an Italian restaurant -- Movin' out (Anthony's song) -- Reverie -- Just the way you are -- The longest time -- Uptown girl -- This night -- Summer, Highland falls -- Waltz (no. 1) -- We didn't start the fire -- She's got a way -- The stranger -- Elegy -- Invention in C minor -- Angry young man -- Big shot -- Big man on Mulberry Street -- Captain Jack -- An innocent man -- Pressure -- Goodnight Saigon -- Air (Dublinesque) -- Shameless -- James -- The river of dreams/Keeping the faith/Only the good die young -- I've loved these days/Scenes from an Italian restaurant (reprise).
CD 1397
Mozart and Salieri
CD 264
Mozart & Salieri : opera / Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov.
CD 264
CD 442
Muddy Waters at Newport, 1960.
I got my brand on you ; (I'm your) hoochie coochie man / Willie Dixon -- Baby, please don't go / McKinley Morganfield -- Soon forgotten / James Oden -- Tiger in your tank / Willie Dixon -- I feel so good / Bill Broonzy -- I've got my mojo working ; I've got my mojo working, part 2 / Preston Foster -- Goodbye Newport blues / Langston Hughes, McKinley Morganfield -- I got my brand on you / Willie Dixon -- Soon forgotten / James Oden -- Tiger in your tank / Willie Dixon -- Meanest woman / McKinley Morganfield.
CD 3337
Mujeres / Estrella Morente.
Taranta / (La Joya) -- Tamgos de Grana / (La Gazpacha, La Repoma, La Tía Concha) -- La noche de mi amor /(Zambra, Chavela) -- Vuelvo al Sur / (Rocio Jurado) -- Nana / (Yerma) -- iAy Maricruz! / (Imperio Argentina) -- Volver / (Penelope Cruz) -- Nostalgias / (Susana Renaldi) -- Bulería / (La Perla de Cádiz) -- Taranta / (Carmen Linares) -- Soléa / (Pastora) -- Ne me quitte pas / (Nina Simone).
CD 3346
Multi-ethnic organ music by 20th-century American composers
Anguished American Easter, 1968 / Thomas Kerr (11:35) -- Three pieces for organ / Mark Fax (13:18) -- Chorale prelude : drop, drop slow tears / Vincent Persichetti (6:59) -- The burning bush / Herman Berlinski (8:43) -- Seven variations on Herzlich tut mich verlangen / James Martin Guthrie (18:15) -- Swing low, sweet chariot / Ralph Ricardo Simpson (2:27) -- Five dances / Calvin Hampton (20:38).
CD 1831
Munich / Orlande de Lassus.
Aurora lucis rutilat (4:16) -- Tristis es anima mea (4:25) -- Mass "Tous les regretz": Kyrie (3:51) -- Mass: Gloria (5:53) -- Ave verum corpus (3:45) -- Surgens Jesus (3:22) -- Mass: Credo (9:24) -- Timor et tremor (5:54) -- Domine convertere (3:18) -- Mass: Sanctus (2:52) -- Mass: Benedictus (2:31) -- Mass: Agnus Dei (2:15) -- Salve Regina (4:47) -- Veni creator (8:18).
CD 2556
Murder she wrote / Karen Halttunen. Orchard Country to Green River / Robert Morgan.
CD 1301
Music and dances of Bali
Tabuh manuk anguci (11:43) -- Nandir (8:23) -- Jauk masal (6:59) -- Baris melampahan (12:26) -- Legong kraton (34:11).
CD 1283
Music and songs from Starlight Express
Starlight Express (El DeBarge) (3:44) -- Engine of love (Peter Hewlett) (3:50) -- Lotta locomotion (Josie Aiello) (2:50) -- There's me (Peter Hewlett) (3:41) -- AC/DC (Josie Aiello) (4:30) -- Pumping iron (Marc Cohn) (3:53) -- Engine of love (Earl Jordan) (3:12) -- Only you (Josie Aiello, Peter Hewlett) (3:53) -- The race is on (Harold Faltermeyer) (3:16) -- Make up my heart (Josie Aiello) (3:14) -- I am the Starlight (Richie Havens, Peter Hewlett) (4:08) -- One rock & roll too many (Marc Cohn) (4:28) -- Light at the end of the tunnel (Richie Havens) (3:45).
CD 632
Music & songs from Starlight Express / music by Andrew Lloyd Webber ; lyrics by Richard Stilgoe.
Starlight Express (El DeBarge) (3:44) -- Engine of love (Peter Hewlett) (3:50) -- Lotta locomotion (Josie Aiello) (2:50) -- There's me (Peter Hewlett) (3:41) -- AC/DC (Josie Aiello) (4:30) -- Pumping iron (Marc Cohn) (3:53) -- Engine of love (Earl Jordan) (3:12) -- Only you (Josie Aiello, Peter Hewlett) (3:53) -- The race is on (Harold Faltermeyer) (3:16) -- Make up my heart (Josie Aiello) (3:14) -- I am the Starlight (Richie Havens, Peter Hewlett) (4:08) -- One rock & roll too many (Marc Cohn) (4:28) -- Light at the end of the tunnel (Richie Havens) (3:45).
CD 632
Music around Benjamin Boretz : open spaces 2005.
Downtime (2005) / Benjamin Boretz (19:45) -- Residue no. 11 (for Ben Boretz) / Tom Baker (3:30) -- Fragment (2003) / Martin Supper (3:40) -- Mishpatim / Dániel Péter Biró (12:00) -- Group variations II. 1 (version of 2004) (14:00) ; O for piano (2000) (11:45) / Benjamin Boretz -- Ode / Robert Morris (8:15) -- UN( -- ) for orchestra (1999) / Benjamin Boretz (12:20) -- A benfest : the trajectory of UN( -- ) / J.K. Randall (38:00).
CD 2804
Music at the court of Mannheim
Quintett D-dur, Op. 11 Nr. 6 / Johann Christian Bach (13:51) -- Quintetto per cembalo, flauto, violino, violetta e violoncello B-dur / Ignaz Jakob Holzbauer (14:22) -- Trio A-dur, Op. 1 Nr. 2 / Johann Stamitz (12:48) -- Streichquartett B-dur, Op. 5 Nr. 2 / Franz Xaver Richter (12:05).
CD 576
Music at the Salzburg Court. [Vol.] II : 1587-1612 : [dedicated to] Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau.
Angelus Domini / Leone Leoni (4:19) -- Pange lingua / Orazio Vecchi (6:14) -- Super flumina Babylonis / Agostino Agazzari (3:47) -- Magnificat quarti toni a 8 / Johann Stadlmayr (11:50) -- Vide Domine / Leone Leoni (4:04) -- Salvete flores / Orazio Vecchi (3:46) -- Nigra sum / Leone Leoni (2:58) -- Sicut cedrus ; In plateis / Tiburtio Massaini (5:05) -- Magnificat primi toni a 8 / Johann Stadlmayr (6:09).
CD 1196
Music between the wars
String quartet no. 2 : Intimate letters / Leoš Janáček (26:01) -- String quartet / Ruth Crawford Seeger (11:53) -- String quartet no. 4, op. 22 / Paul Hindemith (26:24).
CD 3441
Music by George Szell.
Variations on an original theme, op. 4 (14:13) -- Lyric overture, op. 5 (21:34) -- Piano quintet in E major, op. 2 (27:28).
CD 962
Music by John Sheppard
Verbum caro factum est (6:44) -- Laudem dicite Deo (7:26) -- Reges Tharsis et insulae (4:41) -- In manus tuas Domine : first setting (3:12) -- Filiae Hierusalem venite (6:21) -- In pace in idipsum (4:16) -- Paschal Kyrie (3:47) -- Haec dies quam fecit Dominus (1:59) -- Spiritus sanctus procedens : first setting (7:30) -- Justi in perpetuum vivent (6:22) -- Libera nos, salva nos : first setting (3:00).
CD 71
Music by William Grant Still
Caribbean suite. Two banana ; Going to my old home ; Bellamina ; Peas and rice ; Mama, I saw a sailboat ; Evalina ; Doo ma ; Héla grand pere ; Do an' nannie ; Ah, la sa wu! ; Hand a' bowl -- Spirituals and art songs. Didn't ma Lord deliver Daniel ; Hard trials ; Gwinter sing all along de way ; Here's one ; Breath of a rose (soprano, piano) ; Grief ; Bayou home ; Breath of a rose (saxophone, piano) ; Summerland.
CD 2297
Music by woman composers for flute & piano
Concertino op. 107 / Cécile Chaminade (7:44) -- Klänge des Waldes : 1978 / Sofia Gubaidulina (3:13) -- Medieval suite : 1986 / Katherine Hoover (20:00) -- Non astrando : 1982 / Barbara Niewiadomska (7:00) -- Acht Skizzen : op. 5 / Ilse Fromm-Michaels (10:00) -- Diptyque : 1954 / Jeanine Rueff (9:12).
CD 1744
Music for 18 musicians / Steve Reich.
Pulse -- Sections I-X -- Pulse.
CD 3353
Music for a carol dinner. Volume 2 / the University of Vermont Choral Union.
Resonet in laudibus / Z. Randall Stroope (2:23) -- Whence is that goodly fragrance? / arr. C.H. Kitson (2:41) -- Shepherds shake off your drowsy sleep : trad. French (Besancon) (1:06) -- In the bleak mid-winter / arr. Gustav Holst (2:33) -- Carol Dinner Welcome Song / words and music by James G. Chapman (1:16) -- Angels sang that Christmas morn : 18th-century French / arr. G. Cockshott (2:06) -- Noel! Sors de ton lit / Eustache duCaurroy (2:11) -- Vamos al Portal / Francisco Guerrero (2:48) -- The Boar's Head Carol / arr. E. Poston (3:16) -- Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle : trad. French / arr. J. Chapman (1:02) -- Forest Green (O little town of Bethlehem) / R. Vaughan Williams, arr. J. Chapman (1:51). O Tannenbaum : trad. German / arr. J. Chapman (1:30) -- The Trifle Carol / words and music by J. Chapman (1:04) -- Ave maris stella / Trond Kverno (4:36) -- Gentle Mary / words and music by J. Chapman (2:59) -- Regem natum angelus annuntiavit / Jacob Handl (1:52) -- O magnum mysterium / Alden Ashforth (3:53) -- Ein Kind ist uns geboren / Heinrich Schutz (4:10) -- O come, little children / C. von Schmid, arr. J.H. Sutcliffe (4:12) -- El desembre congelat : Catalonian / arr. K.K. Davis and J. Chapman (2:20) -- The Carol of the birds / arr. Shaw-Parker (3:09) -- Hacia Belen va un borrico / arr. Shaw-Parker (3:09) -- La Virgen lava panales / Joaquin Nin-Culmell (2:12) -- Fum, fum, fum / Joaquin Nin-Culmell (1:16).
CD 2417
Music for airports
1/1 (16:30) -- 2/1 (8:20) -- 1/2 (11:30) -- 2/2 (6:00).
CD 2770
Music for compline / Tallis, Byrd, Sheppard.
Libera nos I & II / John Sheppard (5:35) -- Salva nos, Domine (plainchant) (0:45) -- Christe, qui lux es et dies / William Byrd (3:49) -- In pace in idipsum / John Sheppard (5:29) -- In manus tuas / Thomas Tallis (2:42) -- Jesu, salvator saeculi, verbum (5:38) ; In manus tuas I (4:00) ; In manus tuas II & III (3:18) / John Sheppard -- Miserere mihi, Domine (plainchant) (0:30) -- Miserere nostri, Domine / Thomas Tallis (3:12) -- Miserere mihi, Domine / William Byrd (2:43) -- In pace in idipsum / Thomas Tallis (5:48) -- Christe, qui lux es et dies / Robert White (5:55) -- Veni, Domine (plainchant) (0:36) -- Nunc dimittis (Gradualia I) / William Byrd (7:02) -- Te lucis ante terminum (festal) / Thomas Tallis (2:56) -- Gaude, virgo mater Christi / Hugh Aston (14:32).
CD 2964
Music for concert band.
First suite in E flat for military band (10:02) ; Second suite in F for military band (12:13) / Gustav Holst -- English folk song suite (11:17) ; Sea songs : March (3:41) / Ralph Vaughan Williams -- Lincolnshire posy (16:51) ; Molly on the shore (3:41) ; Irish tune from County Derry (4:06) ; Children's march : Over the hills and far away (6:47) ; Country gardens (2:00) / Percy Grainger.
CD 2207
Music for eighteen musicians
Pulse -- Sections I-X -- Pulse.
CD 3353
Music for harpsichord / Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre.
Book I. Suite I in D minor -- Book I. Suite IV in F major -- Book II. Suite I in D minor.
CD 718
Music for heaven and earth.
Nocturne for chamber orchestra / Colin McPhee (7:12) -- Touchings : for percussion and orchestra / Harry Freedman (22:18) -- Music for Heaven and earth : for large orchestra / Alexina Louie (22:52) -- Berceuse for flute and orchestra : for those who sleep before us / Robert Aitken (17:08).
CD 1622
Music for organ and wind instruments
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme / Krebs, J.L. (5:17) -- Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein / Tag, C.G. (3:46) -- O Heil'ger Geist, kehr bei uns ein / Homilius, G.A. (2:57) -- Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn / Kauffmann, G.F. (2:13) -- Treuer Gott, ich muss Dir klagen / Krebs, J.L. (4:21) -- Komm Heilger Geist, Herre Gott / Homilius, G.A. (3:08) -- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern / Kauffmann, G.F. (2:56) -- Fantasia à 4 in F major / Krebs, J.L. (4:19) -- Nun danket alle Gott / Tag, C.G. (3:18) -- Herr Jesu Christ, meines Lebens Licht / Krebs, J.L. (2:43) -- In allen meinen Taten / Krebs, J.L. (2:51) -- Partita III in D minor / Hertel, J.W. (11:03).
CD 2488
Music for organ / C.P.E. Bach.
Präludium in D major, Wq. 70/7 (4:20) -- Sonata in F major, Wq. 70/3 (11:00) -- Sonata in A minor, Wq. 70/4 (11:00) -- Sechs Variationen (6:33) -- Fantasie und Fuge in C minor, Wq. 119/7 (3:28) -- Sonata in D major, Wq. 70/5 (11:00) -- Sonata in G minor, Wq. 70/6 (12:00) -- Fuge in D minor (2:40).
CD 2476
Music for piano = Música para piano / Ginastera. Also works by Albéniz, Falla, Granados, Ruvo.
Sonata no. 1, op. 22 (13:43) ; Sonata no. 2, op. 53 (12:22) ; Rondo on Argentine children's folk tunes : op. 19 (3:24) ; Three Argentine dances : op. 2 (8:20) ; Milonga (2:20) ; Six American preludes : op. 12. Triste (:58) ; Tribute to Aaron Copland (:51) ; Tribute to Juan José Castro (1:00) ; Danza criolla (1:28) ; Tribute to Roberto García Morillo/Pastoralle (3:00) / Alberto Ginastera -- Barcarolle (5:06) ; Spanish serenade (4:07) / Isaac Albéniz -- Asturiana / Manuel de Falla (2:34) -- Spanish dance : no. 5 / Enrique Granados (3:43) -- La niña duerme : for Biasha / Joaquín Ruvo (3:05).
CD 168
Music for piano and chamber orchestra ; Septet ; Sound and resound ; In memoriam-- : for orchestra / Alfred Schnittke.
CD 1912
Music for Queen Mary / Henry Purcell.
Come ye sons of art : ode for the birthday of Queen Mary (26:00) -- Music for the funeral of Queen Mary (19:00).
CD 2433
Music for St. James the Apostle from the Codex Calixtinus
Vox nostra resonet : fol. 187v / Magister Iohannes Legalis (1:38) -- Congaudeant catholici : fol. 185 / Magister Albertus Parisiensis (5:44) -- Iacobe virginei : fol. 188 / Magister Ato episcopus Trecensis (2:39) -- Gratulantes celebremus festum : fol. 185v / Magister Goslenus episcopus Suessionis (1:18) -- Huic Iacobo : fol. 188 / Magister Ato episcopus Trecensis (2:25) -- Ad superni regis decus : fol. 185v / Magister Albericus archiepiscopus Bituricensis (3:10) -- Cum vidissent autem : fol. 108 (2:18) -- Nostra phalans plaudat leta : fol. 185r (2:40) ; Misit Herodes : fol. 189 (4:04) / Ato episcopus Trecensis -- Alleluia. Vocavit Ihesus Iacobum : fol. 189v / Magister Goslenus episcopus Suessionis (3:08) -- Exultet celi curia : fol. 130v : Benedicamus sancti Iacobi / a magistro Anselmo editum (4:04). (Cont.) In hac die laudes cum gaudio : fol. 131v / Fulbertus episcopus Karnotensis (4:30) -- Iacobe sancte, tuum repetito : fol. 186v / Antiqus episcopus Boneventinus (3:55) -- Cunctipotens genitor deus : fol. 190 / Magister Gauterius de Castello Rainardi (3:34) -- Rex immense, pater pie : fol. 189 / Fulbertus episcopus Karnotensis (2:31) -- Dum esset : fol. 187v / Magister Ato episcopus Trecensis (3:08) -- Annua gaudia, Iacobe debita : fol. 186v / Magister Airardus Viziliacensis (2:12) -- O adiutor : fol. 188 / Magister Ato episcopus Trecensis (5:19) -- Regi perhennis glorie : fol. 187 / Magister Gauterius de Castello Rainardi (3:46) -- Jocundetur et letetur : fol. 105v : Ymnus sancti Iacobi / a domno Guillelmo patriarcha Iherosolimitano editus (2:42) -- Benedicamus domino [I] : fol. 190 / Gauterius ; Benedicamus domino [II] : fol. 190 ; Benedicamus domino [III] : fol. 190v / Magister Droardus Trecensis (3:15) -- Dum pater familias : fol. 193 (4:48).
CD 787
Music for string orchestra ; The Hades of the birds : song cycle ; Symphony no. 1 / Joonas Kokkonen.
Musiikkia jousiorkesterille = Music for string orchestra (28:00) -- Lintujen tuonela, laulusarja = The Hades of the birds : song cycle (14:10) -- Symphony no. 1 (22:59).
CD 1470
Music for strings, percussion, and celesta
Concerto for orchestra -- Music for strings, percussion and celesta.
CD 240
Music for the gods.
Taboehgan : gamelan semar pegulingan (4:20) -- Sekarinotan : gamelan semar pegulingan (4:30) -- Pedat : tongtong (3:08) -- Genderan : gamelan gong (4:13) -- Pemoengkah : gender wayang (3:44) -- Kerejing (1:30) -- Laghoe dindang : sandur (4:43) -- Merakngila : gamelan semar pegulingan (4:09) -- Gambang : gamelan gong (4:14) -- Kecak (5:24) -- Abimenijoe : gender wayang (3:27) -- Gambangan : gamelan semar pegulingan (3:14) -- Dandang gendis : mamaca (5:18).
CD 984
Music for the lion-hearted king : music to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the coronation of King Richard I of England in Westminster Abbey, 3 September 1189.
Mundus vergens / anonymous -- Novus miles sequitur / anonymous -- A la douçour de la bele seson / Gace Brulé -- Sol sub nube latuit / anonymous -- Hac in anni ianua / anonymous -- Anglia, planctus itera / anonymous -- Etas auri reditur / anonymous -- Vetus abit litera / anonymous -- In occasu sideris / anonymous -- L'amour dont sui espris / Blondel de Nesle -- Purgator criminum / anonymous -- Li nouviauz tanz / Li Chastelain de Couci -- Pange melos lacrimosum / anonymous -- Ma joie me semont / Blondel de Nesle -- Ver pacis apperit / anonymous -- Latex silice / anonymous.
CD 102
Music for viola, percussion and piano ; Nine preludes for piano ; Trio for violin, cello and piano ; Sonata for viola and piano ; String quartet no. 1 / Nancy Van de Vate.
Music for viola, percussion and piano (1976) (16:00) -- Nine preludes for piano (1978) (14:33) -- Trio for violin, cello and piano (1983) (14:41) -- Sonata for viola and piano (1964) (12:18) -- String quartet no. 1 (1969) (13:34).
CD 2403
Music for violin and piano / Grażyna Bacewicz.
III sonata (1947) -- IV sonata (1949) -- V sonata (1951) -- Partita (1955).
CD 1401
Music for voices and strings
Welcome, Vicegerent of the mighty king : A song to welcome home his majesty from Windsor (1680) (11:34) -- Hark Damon, Hark (Z. 541) : pastoral (6:05) -- Blessed be the Lord my strength (Z. 6) : verse anthem (5:07) -- Praise the Lord, o my soul (Z. 47) : anthem with strings (10:49) -- Let mine eyes run down with tears (Z.24) : verse anthem (8:14) -- Pavan in a minor (Z. 749) (4:44) -- Lord, how long wilt thou be angry? (Z. 25) : verse anthem (3:50) -- Blessed are they that fear the Lord (Z. 5) : anthem with strings (8:35) -- Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes (Z. 136) : spiritual song (5:07) -- If ever I more riches did desire (Z. 544) : cantata (11:29).
CD 537
Music for wind instruments / Nielsen.
Quintet for wind instruments, op. 43 (1922) FS 100, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn (23:39) -- Serenata in vano : (1914) FS 68, clarinet, bassoon, horn, cello, bass (6:43) -- Two fantasias, op. 2 (1889) FS 8, oboe and piano (5:21) -- Canto serioso : (1913) FS 132, horn and piano (3:29) -- Incidental music from The mother (Moderen) : op. 41 (1912) FS 94. Faith and hope are playing : flute and viola (:48) ; The children are playing : flute (:55) ; The mist is lifting : flute and harp (1:55).
CD 514
Music from 17th century Germany.
Intrada / Samuel Scheidt (4:19) -- Canzona / Johann Schein (5:01) -- Ich liege und schlafe / Heinrich Schütz (3:30) -- Canzon super cantionem gallicam / Scheidt (4:40) -- Suite no. 7: Padouana (3:37) ; Gagliarda (1:27) ; Courente (0:54) ; Allemande/Tripla (0:43) / Schein -- Herr, nun lässest Du deinen Diener im Friede fahren / Schütz (4:21) -- Canzon super intradam aechiopicam / Scheidt (5:47) -- Canzonato / Johannes Braun (3:37) -- Fili mi Absalon / Schütz (7:47) -- Sonata / Matthias Weckmann (6:06) -- Padouana / Schein (2:20) -- Galliard battaglia / Scheidt (2:43).
CD 2485
Music from and inspired by the motion picture Good night, and good luck
Straighten up and fly right / Nat King Cole ; Irving Mills (2:42) -- I've got my eyes on you / Cole Porter (2:04) -- Gotta be this or that / Sunny Skylar (3:13) -- Too close for comfort / Jerrold L. Bock ; Lawrence Holofcener ; George David Weiss (Alan Estes, percussion) (3:48) -- How high the moon / Nancy Hamilton ; Morgan Lewis (2:20) -- Who's minding the store? / Allen Sviridoff ; Matt Catingub ; Earl Brown ; Alana Biden (4:28) -- You're driving me crazy / Walter Donaldson (1:55) -- Pretend / Dan Belloc ; Lew Douglas ; Frank Lavere ; Cliff Parman (3:59) -- Solitude / Edgar DeLange ; Duke Ellington ; Irving Mills (5:26) -- TV is the thing this year / Phillip Medley ; William Sanford (1:42) -- Pick yourself up / Dorothy Fields ; Jerome Kern (Alex Acuña, percussion) (2:36) -- When I fall in love (instrumental) / Edward Heyman ; Victor Young (3:50) -- Into each life some rain must fall / Doris Fisher ; Allan Roberts (4:06) -- There'll be another spring / Peggy Lee ; Hubie Wheeler (4:41) -- One for my baby / Harold Arlen ; Johnny Mercer (3:50).
CD 2066
Music from Aquitanian monasteries, 12th century
Lux refulget (1:50) -- Verbum patris humanatur o o (1:39) -- Ora pro nobis beate Nicolae (2:12) -- Cantu miro summa laude (6:09) -- Instrumental piece (1:44) -- Veri solis radius (9:34) -- Divinum stillant (4:17) -- Instrumental piece (3:36) -- Orienti Oriens (2:18) -- Per partum virginis (5:24) -- Congaudet hodie (2:47) -- Virga Jesse floruit (2:34) -- Senescente mundano filio (2:26) -- Radix Jesse castitatis illium (2:10) -- Omnis curet homo (2:28) -- Benedicamus domino: Stirps Jesse florigeram (3:16) -- Resonemus hoc natali (4:11) -- Resonemus hoc natali (II) (3:48) -- Ad infantum triumphantum (6:25) -- Instrumental piece (3:50).
CD 2689
Music from Big Pink / the Band.
Tears of rage / Bob Dylan, Richard Manuel (5:23) -- To kingdom come / Robbie Robertson (3:22) -- In a station / Richard Manuel (3:34) -- Caledonia Mission / Robbie Robertson (2:59) -- The weight / Robbie Robertson (4:38) -- We can talk / Richard Manuel (3:06) -- Long black veil / Marijohn Wilkin, Danny Dill (3:06) -- Chest fever / Robbie Robertson (5:18) -- Lonesome Suzie / Richard Manuel (4:04) -- This wheel's on fire / Bob Dylan, Rick Danko (3:14) -- I shall be released / Bob Dylan (3:19) -- Bonus tracks : Yazoo Street scandal (outtake) / Robbie Robertson (4:01) -- Tears of rage (alternate take) / Bob Dylan, Richard Manuel (5:32) -- Katie's been gone (outtake) / Robbie Robertson, Richard Manuel (2:46) -- If I lose (outtake) / Charlie Poole (2:29) -- Long distance operator (outtake) / Bob Dylan (3:58) -- Lonesome Susie (alternate take) / Richard Manuel (3:00) -- Orange juice blues (Blues for breakfast)(Outtake-demo) / Richard Manuel (3:40) -- Key to the highway (outtake) / Big Bill Broonzy (2:28) -- Ferdinand the imposter (outtake-demo) / Robbie Robertson (3:59).
CD 2707
Music from mid-nineteenth century America
Arizona quickstep / John F. Stratton (2:44) -- Bond's serenade / Hosea Ripley (2:13) -- No one to love / Walter Dignam (2:14) -- Blondinette polka / Ripley (1:49) -- Mabel waltz / Stratton (4:55) -- Helene schottisch / Dignam (2:09) -- American hymn / Ripley (1:59) -- Red stocking quickstep / Ripley (2:56) -- Mockingbird quickstep / Ripley (3:46) -- Memories of home waltz / Stratton (3:41) -- Schottische / Ripley (1:30) -- The moon is above us / Stratton (2:16) -- Brin d'amour polka / Stratton (2:43) -- Goodnight my angel / Stratton (2:22) -- Fireman's polka / Ripley (3:32).
CD 921
Music from seventeenth-century Germany
Intrada / Samuel Scheidt (4:19) -- Canzona / Johann Schein (5:01) -- Ich liege und schlafe / Heinrich Schütz (3:30) -- Canzon super cantionem gallicam / Scheidt (4:40) -- Suite no. 7: Padouana (3:37) ; Gagliarda (1:27) ; Courente (0:54) ; Allemande/Tripla (0:43) / Schein -- Herr, nun lässest Du deinen Diener im Friede fahren / Schütz (4:21) -- Canzon super intradam aechiopicam / Scheidt (5:47) -- Canzonato / Johannes Braun (3:37) -- Fili mi Absalon / Schütz (7:47) -- Sonata / Matthias Weckmann (6:06) -- Padouana / Schein (2:20) -- Galliard battaglia / Scheidt (2:43).
CD 2485
Music from the holocaust.
1938-1945, Reminiscences, suite for piano / Karel Berman (22:24) -- Suite for piano, op. 13 (1935) / Pavel Haas (13:58) -- Sonata for piano (1943) / Gideon Klein (10:30) -- Piano sonata no. 7 (1944) / Viktor Ullmann (22:05).
CD 2884
Music from the land of hope and glory / the President's Own United States Marine Band ; Col. Michael J. Colburn, director.
Scapino : a comedy overture / Sir William Walton ; transcribed by Donald Patterson (8:40) -- William Byrd suite. The Earle of Oxford's marche ; Pavana ; Jhon come kisse me now ; The mayden's song ; Wolsey's wilde ; The bells / Gordon Jacob (18:06) -- Prelude and scherzo : Hammersmith : op. 52 / Gustav Holst (13:26) -- Symphony no. 4 in F minor. Scherzo ; Finale / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; transcribed by Michael J. Colburn (13:34) -- The crown of India : op. 66. Introduction and dance of Nautch girls ; Menuetto ; Warriors' dance ; Intermezzo ; March of the mogul emperors / Sir Edward Elgar ; transcribed by Frank Winterbottom (16:13).
CD 3040
Music from the motion picture Purple rain / Prince and the Revolution.
Let's go crazy -- Take me with u -- The beautiful ones -- Computer blue -- Darling Nikki -- When doves cry -- I would die 4 u -- Baby I'm a star -- Purple rain.
CD 3323
Music from the motion picture Slumdog millionaire
O -- saya (M.I.A. & A.R. Rahman) (3:34) -- Riots (2:01) -- Mausam & escape (3:55) -- Paper planes (M.I.A.) (3:25) -- Paper planes (DFA remix) (M.I.A.) (5:50) -- Ringa ringa (featuring Alka Yagnik & Ila Arun) (4:15) -- Liquid dance (featuring Palakkad Sriram & Madhumitha) (3:01) -- Latika's theme (featuring Suzanne) (3:11) -- Aaj ki raat (Sonu Nigam, Mahalaxmi Iyer & Alisha Chinai) (6:09) -- Millionaire (featuring Madhumitha) (2:47) -- Gangsta blues (featuring BlaaZe & Tanvi Shah) (3:42) -- Dreams on fire (featuring Suzanne) (4:09) -- Jai ho (featuring Sukhvinder Singh, Tanvi Shah, Mahalaxmi Iyer & Vijay Prakash) (5:19).
CD 3177
Music from the New York stage, 1890-1920. Volume IV, 1917-1920
Oh, boy! (Tom Powers, Anna Wheaton) -- Eileen (Vernon Stiles, Greek Evans, Scott Welsh) -- The passing show of 1917 (Irene Franklin) -- Hitchy-koo (Frances White) -- Ziegfield follies of 1917 (Eddie Cantor, Fanny Brice, Bert Williams) -- Maytime (John Charles Thomas) -- Doing our bit (Henry Lewis) -- The land of joy (LaCalle's Spanish Orchestra) -- Odds and ends of 1917 (Jack Norworth) -- The star gazer (John Charles Thomas) -- Ziegfield midnight frolic (Frances White) -- Cohan revue of 1918 (Nora Bayes) -- Sinbad (Al Jolson, Farber Sisters) -- Oh, look! (Harry Fox) -- Why worry? (Fanny Brice, Avon Comedy Four) -- Ladies first (Nora Bayes) -- The Bohemian girl (Henri Scott) -- She's a good fellow (Duncan Sisters) -- Monte Cristo, Jr. (Watson Sisters, Esther Walker, Fannie Watson) -- Ziegfield follies of 1919 (Eddie Cantor, John Steel, Bert Williams, Van & Schenck) -- Greenwich Village follies of 1919 (Ted Lewis & his orchestra) -- Oh, what a girl! (Sam Ash) -- Apple blossoms (John Charles Thomas) -- Irene (Edith Day) -- My lady friends (Jack Norworth).
CD 2748
Music from The screens / Philip Glass and Foday Musa Suso.
The mad Cadi's court (2:26) -- Leila dies (1:48) -- Said and his shadow dance (2:49) -- Decorating the dummies (2:19) -- Warda's whorehouse (2:45) -- The French lietenant dreams (2:11) -- The Arab women lament (2:47) -- Land of the dead (3:26) -- Ansatou (2:38) -- 19th century France (1:36) -- Said's treason (3:00) -- The orchard (7:09) -- The village (2:02) -- Prison song (1:15) -- Suso's song (2:39) -- France (1:52) -- Night on the balcony (2:02) -- North Africa, 1962 (4:09).
CD 845
Music from the South American folk tradition
Misa criolla / Ariel Ramírez (16:40) -- La llamita : Colombian song / Gustavo Adolfo Rengifo (3:35) -- Arbolucu, te sequeste : Iberian folksong / Carlos Chávez (1:58) -- Yambambó : Afro-Colombian dance song / José Antonio Rincón (3:00) -- Navidad nuestra / Ariel Ramírez (16:17) -- Por el camino : Colombian song / J. Reina (4:29) -- Egbêgi : Afro-Brazilian slave song / Mozart Camargo Guarnieri (1:44) -- Misa por la paz y la justicia (excerpts) / Ariel Ramírez (11:35).
CD 3249
Music in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Alma redemptoris mater -- Ave virgo sanctissima -- There is no rose of such virtue -- Ave Maria -- Ave virgo gloriosa -- Ave regina caelorum -- Stabat mater -- Ave Maria -- Laudi alla vergine Maria -- Ave Maria -- Dostoino Yest -- Regina caeli laetare -- Regina caeli -- Hail! blessed virgin Mary -- Hymne a la vierge -- Magnificat -- Salve regina -- Alleluia. Ave Maria -- Vidi speciosam -- Ave Maria -- Ave Maria.
CD 639
Music in Italy, 1330-1430
ANONYMOUS. Amor mi fa cantar a la Francesca [Denkmäler M 8 A3Sch69 p v. 11, p.8].--Confort d'amours [M 01 C8174 v. 114, p.18].--Constantia [M 01 C8174 v. 57, p.28].--Non na el so amante [p.94].--O regina seculi [Denkmäler M 850 A3B646 p p.146].--Quando i oselli canta [Denkmäler M 8 A3Sch69 p v. 8, p.81]. Astio no mori mai / Andreas de Florentia (2:58) -- Per la ver'onestà / Andreas de Florentia (3:57) -- Quando i oselli canta (1:56) -- Constantia (2:58) -- Quando la stella / Johannes de Florentia (3:10) -- Amor mi fa cantar a la Francesca (3:29) -- Non na el so amante (2:35) -- Ochi dolenti mie / Francesco Landini (2:45) -- Per seguir la speranc̜a / Francesco Landini (3:30) -- O Regina seculi ; Reparatrix Maria (2:22) -- Quel fronte signorelle in paradiso / Guillaume Dufay (2:31) -- Puisque je suy amoureux / Richard Loqueville (2:52) -- Pour mesdisans ne pour leur faulx parler / Richard Loqueville (1:49) -- Plaindre m'estuet / Hugo de Lantins (4:27) -- Je demande ma bienvenue / Jean Haucourt (1:45) -- Confort d'amours (3:43) -- Qui ne veroit que vos deulx yeulx / Richard Loqueville (1:08) -- Va t'ent souspir / Estienne Grossin (1:36).
CD 69
Music in Reims Cathedral and in Notre-Dame in Paris.
Messe de Nostre Dame / Guillaume de Machaut -- Graduate : Sederunt principes / Perotinus Magnus -- Conductus : Pater noster sommiserans / Anon. -- Conductus : Dic Christi veritas / Philippe Le Chancelier -- Graduale : Viderunt omne / Perotinus Magnus -- Alleluia Christus resurgens & Clausula : Mors / Anon. -- Alleluia Nativitas / Perotinus Magnus.
CD 1732
Music in tromba and bilo trance rituals
Soloho mahavelo = Prayer for healing (3:12) -- Revoro (4:00) -- Saribara = As the bara (6:20) -- Sezimary = Sitting still (2:46) -- Evorona (4:21) -- Vinda (1:25) -- Marare (2:15) -- Mamoha bilo = Awakening the bilo (1:54) -- Rombolava = Non-stop clapping (2:55) -- Mangalahosy = Lose the chord (4:30) -- Trafony amin'ny atiny = Hump and liver (6:07) -- Sezirina (4:55) -- Fandignisa = Waiting (2:57) -- Tsy anambalia = There is no reason to marry (2:57) -- Toliara tsimiroro = Toliara never sleeps (4:29) -- Balantsy (5:59).
CD 1789
The music lover's Grainger / "The President's Own" United States Marine Band ; Michael J. Colburn, conductor ; featuring the Choral Arts Society of Washington ; Norman Scribner, artistic director.
Lincolnshire posy / edited by Frederick Fennell (16:20) -- I'm seventeen come Sunday (3:05) -- Ye banks and braes o' bonnie doon / text by Robert Burns (3:11) -- Spoon RIver / setting by Percy Grainger ; edited by William S. Carson and Alan Naylor (4:15) -- Danish folk-music suite / arranged by Joseph Kreines ; edited by MSgt Donald Patterson (18:50) -- County Derry air : BFMS 29 (6:12) -- Molly on the shore / edited by Larry Clark (3:42) -- The widow's party / edited by Barry Peter Ould ; text by Rudyard Kipling (3:47) -- Marching song of democracy / edited by Keith Brion (7:14) -- The lost lady found (band version) (2:42).
CD 3202
Music makers ; The dream of Gerontius
The Music Makers, op. 69 (37:54) -- The Dream of Gerontius, op. 38: Part I (37:08) - Part II (59:49).
CD 2276
The music makers ; The dream of Gerontius / Elgar.
The Music Makers, op. 69 (37:54) -- The Dream of Gerontius, op. 38: Part I (37:08) - Part II (59:49).
CD 2276
Music man
Main title ; Rock Island ; Iowa stubborn -- Ya got trouble -- Piano lesson ; &, If you don't mind my saying so -- Goodnight, my someone -- Ya got trouble ; &, Seventy six trombones -- Sincere -- The sadder but wiser girl -- Pick-a-little, talk-a-little -- Marian the librarian -- Being in love -- Gary, Indiana -- The Wells Fargo wagon -- Lida Rose ; &, Will I ever tell you? -- Gary, Indiana -- Shipoopi -- Till there was you -- Goodnight, my someone ; Seventy six trombones.
CD 2606
The music man : original Broadway cast / [Meredith Wilson].
Overture ; Rock Island -- Iowa stubborn -- Ya got trouble -- Piano lesson -- Goodnight my someone -- Seventy-six trombones -- Sincere -- Sadder but wiser girl for me -- Pick a little, talk a little -- Goodnight ladies ; Marian the librarian -- My white knight -- Wells Fargo wagon -- It's you -- Shipoopi -- Lida Rose ; Will I ever tell you? -- Gary, Indiana -- Till there was you -- Finale.
CD 2605
Music man. Selections
Overture ; Rock Island -- Iowa stubborn -- Ya got trouble -- Piano lesson -- Goodnight my someone -- Seventy-six trombones -- Sincere -- Sadder but wiser girl for me -- Pick a little, talk a little -- Goodnight ladies ; Marian the librarian -- My white knight -- Wells Fargo wagon -- It's you -- Shipoopi -- Lida Rose ; Will I ever tell you? -- Gary, Indiana -- Till there was you -- Finale.
CD 2605
Music of Afro-American composers.
Three Negro dances / Florence Price -- Summerland / William Grant Still -- The American scene. Berkshire night (from Suite no. 1, The East) ; A New Orleans Street (from Suite no. 2, The South) ; Tribal dance (from Suite no. 3, The Old West) ; Grand Teton (from Suite no. 5, A mountain, a memorial and a river) ; Tomb of the unknown soldier / William Grant Still -- Levee land / William Grant Still -- Essay : for band / Roger Dickerson -- Marche brillante / William Foster.
CD 2577
The music of Alexander Mosolov (1900-1973).
Suite : Soldiers' songs (10:14) -- Front roads : nine choruses (19:49) -- Piano concerto no. 1, op. 14 (23:35) -- Collective farm meadows : eight choruses (16:55) -- Zavod = Iron foundry : op. 19 (2:54).
CD 856
Music of Arthur Berger.
Three pieces for two pianos (7:48) -- Serenade concertante (9:15) -- String quartet (23:14) -- Two episodes (6:30) -- Chamber music for 13 players (9:29).
CD 3273
The music of Bill Monroe : from 1936 to 1994.
Disc one: from 1936 to 1952: My long journey home ; What would you give in exchange for your soul (Monroe Brothers) -- Muleskinner blues -- Cryin' holy unto my Lord -- Back up and push -- Goodbye old pal -- Heavy traffic ahead -- Wicked path of sin -- It's mighty dark to travel -- Bluegrass breakdown -- Can't you hear me callin' -- My little Georgia rose -- I'm on my way to the old home -- I'm blue, I'm lonesome -- Uncle Pen -- Lord protect my soul -- Raw hide -- Brakeman's blues -- Sugar coated love -- Christmas time's a coming -- The first whippoorwill -- In the pines -- Footprints in the snow -- Walking in Jerusalem. Disc two: from 1952 to 1959: Memories of mother and dad -- The little girl and the dreadful snake -- Y'all come -- Sitting alone in the moonlight -- On and on -- White house blues -- Happy on my way -- A voice from on high -- Close by -- Put my little shoes away -- Wheel hoss -- Cheyenne -- You'll find her name written there -- Roanoke -- Blue moon of Kentucky -- The girl in the blue velvet band -- Used to be -- A good woman's love -- Cry, cry darlin' -- I'm sittin' on top of the world -- I'll meet you in the morning -- Scotland -- Molly and tenbrooks -- John Henry. Disc three: from 1958 to 1969: Big mon -- Dark as the night, blue as the day -- Sold down the river -- Little Joe -- Lonesome road blues -- I'm going back to old Kentucky -- Toy heart -- Nine pound hammer -- Big Sandy River -- Darling Corey -- Salt Creek -- Sailor's hornpipe -- Roll on buddy, roll on -- Bill's dream -- Never again -- Dusty Miller -- Midnight on the stormy deep -- Soldier's joy -- Blue night -- Sally Goodin -- Kentucky mandolin -- Walls of time -- I haven't seen Mary in years -- The dead march -- With body and soul -- Walk softly on my heart -- Goin' up Caney. Disc four: from 1970 to 1994: Kentucky waltz -- Get up John -- Lonesome moonlight waltz -- Rocky Road blues -- Jenny Lynn -- My old Kentucky and you -- You won't be satisfied that way -- Jerusalem Ridge (starring Kenny Baker) -- Ashland breakdown (starring Kenny Baker) -- Come hither to go yonder -- My last days on Earth -- My sweet blue-eyed darlin' (with Ricky Skaggs) -- Travelin' this lonesome road (with Mac Wiseman) -- The old brown country barn -- Stay away from me -- The long bow -- The old cross roads -- Southern flavor -- Take courage un' tomorrow -- Pike County breakdown -- I'm working on a building -- You're drifting away -- Boston boy.
CD 1900
The music of George Walker.
Piano sonata no. 2 (10:17) -- Spatials : variations for piano (3:26) -- Spektra (4:29) -- Sonata no. 1 for violin and piano (8:46) -- Prelude [for piano] (2:05) -- Caprice [for piano] (1:32) -- Songs: Response (2:26) ; So we'll go no more a-roving (2:07) ; Hey nonny no (1:10) ; Sweet let me go (1:51) ; The bereaved maid (3:50) ; I went to heaven (1:14) ; A red, red rose (4:29) ; What if I say I shall not wait (2:52) ; I have no life but this (1:29) ; Bequest (1:34) ; With rue my heart is laden (2:35) -- Variations for piano (5:24).
CD 1834
The music of Kenneth Alford : including the complete marches.
Colonel Bogey (3:15) -- The great little army (2:54) -- H.M. Jollies (2:22) -- On the quarter deck (2:52) -- The thin red line (3:06) -- Voice of the guns (2:35) -- The standard of St. George (2:08) -- Cavalry of the clouds (3:09) -- The middy (2:48) -- Holyrood (2:54) -- Army of the Nile (3:01) -- Dunedin (2:58) -- The vanished army (2:55) -- Old Panama (2:43) -- Eagle Squadron (3:08) -- The lightning switch : fantasia (7:53) -- By land and sea : slow march (4:32) -- The Vedette (3:28) -- A musical switch : fantasia (10:23) -- The mad major (2:22).
CD 736
Music of Latin America
Sinfonía india : Symphony no. 2 / Carlos Chávez (12:22) -- Danzón cubano / Aaron Copland (6:53) -- Suite de "La rebambaramba". Final del primer cuadro ; Comparsa lucumi ; Comparsa de la culebra ; Final de la obra / Amadeo Roldán (8:56) -- Sensemayá / Silvestre Revueltas (6:31) -- Tres danzas cubanas. Danza del tambor ; Motivos de danzas ; Danza lucumi / Alejandro García Caturla (8:19) -- Rítmica V / Amadeo Roldán (2:42) -- Tangazo / Astor Piazzolla (14:27) -- Danzas del ballet "Estancia" : op. 8a. Los trabajadores agricolas ; Danza del trigo ; Los peones de hacienda ; Danza final (malambo) / Alberto Ginastera (12:53).
CD 811
Music of Leroy Anderson
Sleigh ride -- Blue tango -- Trumpeters lullaby -- Belle of the ball -- Bugler's holiday -- Forgotten dreams -- Syncopated clock -- Plink, plank, plunk -- Fiddle faddle -- Sandpaper ballet -- The typewriter -- Sarabande -- Song of the bells -- Jazz pizzicato -- Serenata.
CD 261
The music of Louis Gruenberg.
The creation : op. 23 (22:05) -- White lilacs (6:19) -- Four diversions, op. 32 (8:00) -- Six jazz epigrams : op. 30b (9:00) -- Rhapsody, op. 49 (13:12).
CD 1652
Music of Michael Conway Baker = Musique de Michael Conway Baker.
Fanfare to EXPO '86 = Fanfare d'Expo '86 (1:45) -- Suite from Planet for the taking (11:32). I. (1:00) ; II. (0:33) ; III. (1:33) ; IV. (1:06) ; V. (1:33) ; VI. (1:47) ; VII. Newton (2:13) ; VIII. Credits (1:47) -- Concerto for flute & strings = Concerto pour flute et cordes (Marina Piccinini, flute) (14:39) -- Counterplay for viola & string orchestra = Contre-chant pour alto et orchestre à cordes (Steven Dann) (8:09) -- Four songs for Ann = Quatre chansons pour Ann. (Ann Mortifee, vocalist) (10:12). Only to lose (2:27) ; The woods are wet and still (2:40) ; Be still my soul (1:34) ; Awakening (3:19) -- Concerto for piano & chamber orchestra = Concerto pour piano et orchestre de chambre (Robert Silverman, piano) (23:02). Allegro (4:37) ; Adagio (7:10) ; Allegro vivace (11:10).
CD 1629
Music of Richard Danielpour
A child's reliquary : trio for violin, violoncello and piano (26:36) -- In the arms of the beloved : double concerto for violin, violoncello and orchestra (26:20).
CD 3619
Music of Richard Strauss / Strauss.
Festmusik der Stadt Wien (11:15) -- Serenade for winds, op. 7 (9:37) -- Guntram : op. 25. Act 2. Prelude / transcribed by J.B. Claus (4:26) -- Parade-Marsch des Regiments Königs-Jäger zu Pferde : no. 1 / arranged by Fritz Brase (2:41) -- Parade-Marsch Cavallerie : no. 2 / arranged by A. Peschke (3:10) -- Feuersnot : op. 50. Love scene / transcribed by J.B. Claus (6:19) -- Feierlicher Einzug der Ritter des Johanniter-Ordens (6:53) -- Der Rosenkavalier : op. 59. Suite / transcribed by Thomas Knox (22:21).
CD 1894
Music of Richard Wagner.
Das Liebesmahl der Apostel / arr. by M. Pohle (10:00) -- Das Rheingold. Prelude ; Entrance of the gods into Valhalla / transcribed by John Bourgeois (11:55) -- Die Walküre. Die Walküre Fantasie / arr. by Arthur Seidel (17:00) -- Siegfried. Siegfried Fantasie / arr. by Arthur Seidel (21:06) -- Götterdämmerung. Siegfried's funeral march / transcribed by Howard Bowlin ; Finale / transcribed by John Bourgeois (11:09).
CD 247
Music of Santería
Eléggua -- Ogún -- Ochosi -- Obaloke -- Inle -- Babalú Ayé I -- Babalú Ayé II -- Osain -- Osun -- Obatalá -- Dadá -- Oggué -- Agayú -- Orula -- Oricha Oko -- Ibedyi -- Changó -- Yegguá -- Oyá -- Ochún -- Yemayá -- Obba -- Odudua. -- [Alternates:] Inle -- Osun -- Obatalá -- Oggué -- Oricha oko -- Oyá [3 versions] -- Odudua.
CD 1055
The music of Santéria [sic] : the oru del igbodu.
Eléggua -- Ogún -- Ochosi -- Obaloke -- Inle -- Babalú Ayé I -- Babalú Ayé II -- Osain -- Osun -- Obatalá -- Dadá -- Oggué -- Agayú -- Orula -- Oricha Oko -- Ibedyi -- Changó -- Yegguá -- Oyá -- Ochún -- Yemayá -- Obba -- Odudua. -- [Alternates:] Inle -- Osun -- Obatalá -- Oggué -- Oricha oko -- Oyá [3 versions] -- Odudua.
CD 1055
Music of Srul Irving Glick.
Suite hébraïque : no. 1 (10:57) -- Sonata for oboe & piano (17:06) -- Suite hébraïque : no. 5 (15:15) -- Divertimento fror string orchestra (18:58).
CD 1643
Music of struggle, solace, and survival in black America
Ezekiel saw the wheel (3:34) -- Walk together children (2:28) -- By n' by (2:09) -- Ain't a that good news (2:05) -- Obey the spirit of the Lord (3:38) -- John Henry (4:58) -- Rainbow 'round my shoulder. Rocks and gravel (3:45) ; Dink's blues (3:59) ; Rainbow 'round my shoulder (3:05) ; Another man done gone (1:43) -- My Lord what a mornin' (3:47) -- Amen (3:37) -- Let me fly (2:33) -- Hold on (2:24) -- Ride on, King Jesus (2:39) -- Hear the lambs a cryin' (2:46) -- They called her Moses. They called her Moses (3:20) ; Journey (part 1) (5:25) ; To da darlin day (3:04) ; Journey (part 2) (4:21) ; I been in the storm so long (3:59) ; Finale (4:39).
CD 3246
Music of the 20th & 21st centuries
Visions and miracles / Christopher Theofanidis (16:47) -- Manchester miniature / Philip Lasser (8:40) -- Phoenix madrigal / David Gilbert (Jayn Rosenfeld, flute) (6:58) -- So says the wind / Philip Lasser (11:56) -- Starry night / David Amram (Morrie Sherry, clarinet) (8:41) -- Shuo / Chen Yi (11:38).
CD 3588
Music of the Americas
Vem cá, branquinha / Nazareth (2:46) -- Suis moi! Caprice / Gottschalk (3:03) -- Flora's game / Piazzolla (6:46) -- Piano sonata #1 / Ginastera (13:38) -- Chôros no. 5, "Alma Brasileira" / Villa-Lobos (4:31) -- Fire-flies, op. 15 #4 / Beach (3:04) -- Troubled water / Bonds (5:21) -- Nine new bagatelles / Bolcom (9:23) -- Piano sonata, op. 26 / Barber (18:31).
CD 3464
Music of the Brazilian northeast
O fole roncou (Luiz Gonzaga) -- Festa do interior (Gal Costa) -- Tum-tum-tum (Jackson do Pandeiro) -- Danado de bom (Luiz Gonzaga) -- Querubim (Dominguinhos) -- O sucesso da Zefinha (Anastácia) -- É de dar água na boca (Nando Cordel & Amelinha) -- Vou com você (Dominguinhos) -- Asa branca (Gonzaguinha) -- Recordação de vaqueiro (Clemilda) -- Bom demais (Jorge de Altinho & Dominguinhos) -- Tarde nordestina (Marinalva) -- A feira de Caruaru (Luiz Gonzaga) -- Aniversário do seu Vavá (Genival Lacerda) -- Chiclete com banana (Jackson do Pandeiro) -- Rejeição (Trio Nordestino) -- Estrela miúda (João do Vale) -- Sanfoninha choradeira (Luiz Gonzaga & Elba Ramalho).
CD 1083
Music of the Civil War / the Americus Brass Band.
When the cruel war is over and Hoist up the flag quick step / Billy Holmes -- Americus quick step / W.L. Hobbs -- Fireman's polka / Hosea Ripley Music Coll. -- Tenting on the old camp ground / Walter Kiderage ; arr. Leigh Schwartz -- Dixie's land medley quick step / David L. Downing -- Battle cry of freedom and Kingdom coming quick step / George Root & Henry Work -- Excerpt from William Tell / Gioacchino Rossini ; arr. Paul Maybery -- Sumpter light guard march / arr. L. Schwartz -- Bonnie Eloise quick step -- Amazing grace / Carrell & Clayton -- Glory hallelujah grand march / W.K. Batchelder -- Scenes that are brightest and In happy moments quick step / C.V. Wallace -- Kazoodie ko whirl overture / David L. Downing -- Woodman, spare that tree / Henry Russell -- Fireman's quick step -- When Johnny comes marching home / Patrick Gilmore -- Civil war folk song medley: Oh, Suzanna ; Bonnie blue flag ; Jordan am a hard road ; Garry Owen ; The girl I left behind me -- Coronation march from The Prophet / Giacomo Meyerbeer.
CD 2774
Music of the English church
Anthems and introits: Rejoice in the Lord / Anon., 16th cent. (2:45) -- Remember not, Lord, our offences / Henry Purcell (2:25) -- Come, let's rejoice / John Amner (1:38) -- When David heard / Thomas Tomkins (5:02) -- I sat down under his shadow / Edward Bairstow (1:42) -- These are they that follow the Lamb / John Goss (1:35) -- Latin motets: Christe Jesu, pastor bone / John Taverner (3:30) -- O beatum et sacrosanctum diem / Peter Philips (2:16) -- Nunc dimittis / Herbert Howells (3:00) -- O vos omnes / R. Vaughan Williams (5:25) -- Factum est silentium / Richard Dering (3:00) -- Justorum animae / C.V. Stanford (3:30) -- Settings of hymns and other poetry: Hail, gladdening Light / Charles Wood (3:42) -- A hymn to the Mother of God (2:42) ; Hymn for the dormition of the Mother of God (3:30) / John Tavener -- They are at rest / Edward Elgar (2:55) -- A litany / William Walton (3:04) -- Nolo mortem peccatoris / Thomas Morley (2:55) -- O nata lux / Thomas Tallis (1:40) -- Loving Shepherd of thy sheep / John Rutter (3:18) -- The Lord's Prayer / Robert Stone (1:10) -- In manus tuas / John Sheppard (4:02) -- Bring us, O Lord God / William Harris (4:05).
CD 603
Music of the nations / Telemann.
Suite in G major, "des nations anciens et modernes" -- Concerto for two chalumeaux in D minor -- Concerto for viola and orchestra in G major -- Sonata for two chalumeaux in F major -- Suite in B flat major "Völker-Ouvertüre."
CD 2282
Music of the pearl divers
Nahmā I: Tanzīlā (1:24) ; Zheirī (2:54) ; Yā māl, zheirī (4:18) ; Yā hamlé, fjirī (3:53) ; Tanzīlā, fjirī (4:47) -- Nahmā II: Tanzīl (2:52) ; Yā māl (:39) ; Zheirī (2:02) ; Zheirī (2:09) Khaṭfā (:37) ; Fjirī (2:23) -- Nahmā III: Tanzīlā (3:08) ; Fjirī (2:44) ; Yā leil (12:25) ; Khaṭfat al-shirā ̀(2:23) ; Zheirī (mawwāl) (11:24).
CD 1057
Music of the Spheres.
Ground after the Scotch humor / Niccola Matteis (1:53) -- Sonata III in G minor : from Sonatae unarum fidium (6:57) ; Sonata IV in D major : from Sonatae unarum fidium (8:52) / Heinrich Schmelzer -- Sonata I in A major : from 8 sonate a violino solo / Heinrich Iganz Franz von Biber (10:32) -- Toccata in D minor, BWV 913 / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Passacaglia for solo violin : from the Rosary sonatas / Heinrich Iganz Franz von Biber (7:59) -- Diverse bizzarrie sopra la vecchia sarabanda o pur ciaccona / Niccola Matteis (4:13) -- Sonata XII "La folia" from opus 5 / Arcangelo Corelli (10:42).
CD 3511
Music of the veena / National Institute of Multimedia Education.
V. 1. raga malahari : Aalaapana (25:57) -- Thaanam (26:21) -- v. 2. Chalamela : raga nattakurinji tala adi / Srirangam Rangaswamy Nattuvanar (6:19) -- Pranamamyaham : raga gowla tala adi / Mysore Vasudevachar (11:59) -- Ninnenammitinayya : raga simhendramadyamam tala misrachapu / Mysore Vasudevachar (24:00) -- Ragam, thanam pallavi swararagasudha : raga shankarabharanam tala adi / Thyagaraja Swamy (23:08).
CD 901
Music of Thomas L. Read
Night pageantry : 2007 : for bassoon and piano (10:47) -- Piano music, volume II (1979-81, rev. 2000) (18:19) -- Corrente : 1980 : for oboe, clarinet, and bassoon (12:11) -- The dancing air : 1987 : for piano (8:59) -- Christmas variations : 1983 : for clarinet and cello (6:55).
CD 3043
Music of two decades. Vol. II
Grand bamboula (5:57) -- Chamber concerto for cello & ten players (18:24) -- Ringing changes (17:13) -- Concerto for amplified violin & orchestra (21:26).
CD 1332
Music of two decades. Volume II / Charles Wuorinen.
Grand bamboula (5:57) -- Chamber concerto for cello & ten players (18:24) -- Ringing changes (17:13) -- Concerto for amplified violin & orchestra (21:26).
CD 1332
Music of Vai Islam
Mosque Sùkú-nú -- Qur'ānic recitation -- Sùkú and social institutions -- Sùkú and ritual -- Sùkú for holy day celebrations.
CD 2891
Music of William Grant Still
Wailing woman (9:12) -- Swanee River (Old folks at home) / Stephen Foster (2:56) -- And they lynched him on a tree (18:04) -- Miss Sally's party (20:23) -- Reverie (3:56) -- Elegy (5:25).
CD 1819
Music of William Grant Still
Miniatures (flute, oboe, piano) -- Folk suite no. 4 (flute, clarinet, bassoon, piano) -- Incantation and dance (oboe, piano) -- Folk suite no. 3 (flute, oboe, bassoon, piano) -- Quit dat fool'nish (alto saxophone) -- Summerland (flute, piano) -- Folk suite no. 2 (flute, clarinet, bassoon, harp) -- Romance (alto saxophone) -- Vignettes (oboe, bassoon, piano) -- Get on board (instrumental ensemble).
CD 1820
Music of William Kraft
Gallery '83 (12:52) -- Des imagistes (23:40) --Quartet for the love of time (11:05) -- The sublime and the beautiful (8:00).
CD 1347
Music out of Africa and South America
Balarama / Lukas Ligeti (4:23) -- Excerpt from Viento en el viento / Diego Luzuriaga (5:47) -- I wish you strength and inner peace / FELEMA (6:20) -- Electroacoustic samba I / Eduardo Reck Miranda (7:23) -- Excerpt from Wena wendlovu / Daniel Wyman (7:36) -- Palabras 1 (1:52) ; El escrache (3:22) / Damián Keller -- L'épreuve du labyrinthe / Aldo Brizzi (6:48) -- Ihlathi / Jürgen Bräuninger (4:30) -- Excerpt from Dolor en mi : for guitar, tape, and live electronics / Rodrigo Sigal (8:27) -- Closet blues (2:37) ; The phoenix' call (4:17) / Bruce Cassidy, Pops Mohamed -- Aquele que ficou sozinho / Didier Guigue (5:27) -- Brontologik 3.44/ Kurt Dahlke (3:11).
CD 2411
Musica catalana. I.
Batalla de quinto tono / Antonio Martín y Coll -- Tiento de primer tono / Pere Alberch Vila -- Segundo tiento de primer tono / Antonio de Cabezón -- Tiento LIV, Medio registro de dos tiples / Francisco Correa de Arauxo -- Gallardas de octavo tono / Joan Batista Cabanilles -- 16 versos para Te Deum / Antonio Soler -- Tiento de dos manos / Gabriel Menalt -- Tiento partido de dos tiples de octavo tono / Joan Baseya -- Paso en la menor / Narcís Casanoves -- Tiento de falsas de primer tono ; Batalla imperial / Cabanilles.
CD 2513
Música de feria / Silvestre Revueltas.
Quartet no. 1 (10:27) -- Quartet no. 2 : Magueyes (10:22) -- Quartet no. 3 (13:01) -- Quartet no. 4 : Musica de feria (8:55).
CD 3468
Musica Dei donum
CD 535
Musica Dei donum ; Lauda Sion salvatorem ; Missa Puisque j'ay perdu / Orlando di Lasso.
CD 535
Musica electroacustica de compositores latinoamericanos.
Self-portrait / León Biriotti -- Cyclone / José Augusto Mannis -- El encanto de la noche tropical I: El yunque / Carlos Vázquez -- Servicio a domicilio / Roberto Morales-Manzanares -- Zeluob 3 / Pablo Freire -- Catenaria / Andrés Posada -- Vojm / Adina Izarra -- Memorias / Ricardo Dal Farra.
CD 1687
Música electroacústica española. Vol. 1.
Olvidar Pedro / David Alarcón Folgado (6:03) -- 28 diapasones / José Manuel Alloza (7:57) -- El espíritu del agua / Alberto de la Oliva (8:42) -- RIo IRo / Consuelo Díez (2:22) -- Querencia : fragmento / Lola Fernández (5:29) -- Estudio I, al borde del sonido / Carlos G. Cuéllar (5:59) -- Los puentes olvidados / Gregorio Jiménez Payá (4:03) -- Maresmer / Miquel Jorda (2:28) -- Eros y tánatos / Marisa Manchado (with Jane Rigler, flute) (8:14) -- Étude aux disques de Gramophone / Miguel Molina (5:10) -- Caribe / Pedro José Morales (2:58) -- Big piña : fragmento / Fernando Palacios (8:01) -- Le cri étouffé : fragmento / Daniel Zimbaldo (3:52).
CD 1892
Musical about musicals
Light on my feet -- Fountain in the garden -- One more beautiful song -- Friday at four ; Bobby's song -- Charm song -- Paris through the window -- Mona -- Making up ways -- Under separate cover -- Gauguin's shoes -- Follow your star -- Better -- Scintillating Sophie -- Next best thing to love -- Broadway boogie woogie -- One (excerpt from A chorus line) ; Better (reprise) ; I choose you ; Light on my feet -- Say something funny -- When the dawn breaks -- Self portrait.
CD 1289
Musical creativity in twentieth-century China : Abing, his music, and its changing meanings / by Jonathan P.J. Stock.
Abing CD Contents -- Ch. 1. China, and the City of Wuxi, from the 1890s to 1950 -- Ch. 2. Narrative, Ideology, and the Life of Abing -- Ch. 3. Musical Life in Early-Twentieth-Century Wuxi -- Ch. 4. Music for Erhu -- Ch. 5. Music for Pipa -- Ch. 6. Musical Creativity, Identity, and Meaning in Twentieth-Century China -- Appendix 1. Erhu Music -- Appendix 2. Pipa Music.
CD 1748
Musical fantasies
Through the looking glass / Deems Taylor (31:24) -- The pleasure-dome of Kubla Khan (10:48) ; The white peacock (Bernard Shapiro, oboe) (6:06) ; Poem for flute and orchestra (11:29) ; Three tone pictures (Victoria Bogdashevskaya, piano) (8:15) ; Bacchanale (4:24) / Charles Griffes.
CD 1424
The musical fantasies of Charles Griffes and Deems Taylor.
Through the looking glass / Deems Taylor (31:24) -- The pleasure-dome of Kubla Khan (10:48) ; The white peacock (Bernard Shapiro, oboe) (6:06) ; Poem for flute and orchestra (11:29) ; Three tone pictures (Victoria Bogdashevskaya, piano) (8:15) ; Bacchanale (4:24) / Charles Griffes.
CD 1424
Musical heritage of French Canada
Ouverture / Antoine Dessane (7:13) -- L'Aurore : poème symphonique / Alexis Contant (11:57) -- Trois préludes / Rodolphe Mathieu (7:11) -- Pavane / George-Émile Tanguay (4:23) -- Légende : poème symphonique / Hector Gratton (8:43) -- Poème élégiaque : pour violoncelle et orchestra / Rosario Bourdon (5:30) -- Sérénade / Gabriel Cusson (13:45) -- L'Escaouette : (traditional acadien) / Roger Matton (9:37).
CD 482
Musical instruments of the world
Chordophones: Box zither (Madhya Pradesh) ; Board zither (Vietnam) ; Lute (Chad) ; Lute (Azerbaijan) ; Fiddles (Rajasthan) ; Musical bow (Central African Republic) ; Harp (Central African Republic) ; Harp-lute (Guinea) -- Membranophones: Drums ensemble (Benin) ; Variable tension drums (Benin) ; Frame drum (Rajasthan) ; Goblet drum (Egypt) ; Set of drums, tabla (India) ; Drums, cymbals, gongs (Kerala) -- Aerophones: Wooden trumpets (Central African Republic) ; Metal trumpets (Tibet) ; Bamboo trumpet (Madhya Pradesh) ; Flute with vocal drone (Rajasthan) ; Air-duct flutes (Rajasthan) ; Double flutes (Brazil) ; Panpipes (Solomon Islands) ; Mouth-organ (Thailand) ; Accordeon [i.e. Accordion] (Sardinia) ; Oboe (Tibet) ; Double clarinet (Rajasthan) ; Triple clarinet (Sardinia) ; Clarinet ensemble (Guyana) -- Idiophones: Jew's harp (Rajasthan) ; Lamellaphone (Central African Republic) ; Wooden slit-drum (Central African Republic) ; Xylophone ensemble (Guinea) ; Double xylophone (Benin) ; Wooden clappers (Rajasthan) ; Stamping tubes (Solomon Islands) ; Sliding rattle, angklung (Java) ; Metallophone ensemble (Bali).
CD 317
Musical offering, BWV 1079 / Johann Sebastian Bach.
Ricercar a 3 voci -- Canon perpetus super thema regium -- Canones diversi super thema regium -- Fuga canonica in epidiapente -- Ricercar A 6 -- Canon A 2, quaerendo invenietis -- Canon A 4 -- Sonata sopr'il soggetto reale, trio -- Canon perpetus, contrario motu.
CD 2054
Musical table entertainment
Lauten-Suite Nr. 1 / Esaias Reusner ; bearbeitet von Georg Stanley -- Zu Dienst will ich ihr singen / Nikolaus Zangius -- Paduan XXIII ; Galliard XXIII / William Brade -- Paduan VII ; Galliard VIII / Bartolomaeus Praetorius -- Fröhlich will ich singen / Johann Eccard -- Jungfrau ich sag es euch gut deutsch / Zangius -- Paduan II ; Galliard II / Brade -- Unser lieben Hühnerchen / Eccard -- Paduan XIII ; Galliard XIII / Brade -- Paduan XXI ; Galliard XXI ; Paduan I ; Galliard II / Praetorius -- Ade meins Herzens Krönlein ; Fahr hin all Freud / Zangius -- Lauten-Suite Nr. 2 / Reusner ; bearbeitet von Stanley.
CD 883
A musical voyage / Atlantic Brass Quintet.
Concerto in B-Flat Major / G.P. Telemann -- Three Elizabethan dances / A. Holborne -- Canzon I / P. Peuerl -- Suite from "Terpsichore" / M. Praetorius -- Contrapunctus IV / J.S. Bach -- Quintet no. 3, op. 11 in D-Flat Major / V. Ewald -- Three pieces / E. Satie -- Armenian scenes (1984) / A Arutunian.
CD 190
Musicals. Selections
State fair. It's a grand night for singing -- Carousel. If I loved you -- Allegro. Gentleman is a dope -- State fair. It might as well be spring -- Oklahoma!. Out of my dreams -- Allegro. So far -- King and I. Something wonderful -- Happy birthday. I haven't got a worry in the world -- Carousel. Mister Snow -- South Pacific. Some enchanted evening ; There is nothin' like a dame -- Carousel. You'll never walk alone -- Sound of music : film version. Something good.
CD 2726
Musicals. Selections
Overture/I can't be bothered now/Blah, blah, blah (8:50) -- Boy wanted/Soon (4:42) -- Sweet 'n' low down (2:35) -- He loves and she loves (5:00) -- 'S wonderful (5:48) -- Strike up the band (2:28) --Entr'acte/In the swim (2:50) -- Nice work if you can get it (3:33) -- My one and only (3:37) -- Little jazz bird (3:43) -- Funny face (2:16) -- Kickin' the clouds away (4:28) -- How long has this been going on? (4:18).
CD 630
Musicians of Kunduz and Faizabad
Badakhshani Charbaiti (Farkhar) (7:36) -- Charbaiti, Batcha moshi mosh (7:55) -- Tajik Charbaiti (Farkhar) (8:30) -- Tajik Charbaiti and Mondanabosh (10:46) -- Zirbaghali solo (0:51) -- Uzbek-Pashtun-Herati folk songs (6:14) -- Badakhshani folk song (5:45) -- Farkhar: Badakhshani folk song (1) (5:35) -- Farkhar: Badakhshani folk song (2) (7:52) -- Falak (horse driver's song) (3:42).
CD 1730
Musiciens martyres de l'Holocauste
Thème et variations, op. 13 (1910) / Rudolf Karel (26:02) -- Suite, op. 13 (1935) / Pavel Haas (12:58) -- Sonate pour piano (1943) / Gideon Klein (12:05) -- Sonate por piano no. 6, op. 44 (1943) / Viktor Ullmann (14:30).
CD 1697
Musick for the royal fireworks
Water music -- Alchymist -- Musick for the Royal Fireworks -- Three concerti a due cori -- Two arias for wind band.
CD 2279
Musicology / produced, composed, compared and performed by Prince.
Musicology -- Illusion, coma, pimp & circumstance -- A million days -- Life 'o' the party -- Call my name -- Cinnamon girl -- What do u want me 2 do? -- The marrying kind -- If eye was the man in ur life -- On the couch -- Dear Mr. Man -- Reflection.
CD 3329
Musik am Mannheimer Hof = Music at the court of Mannheim.
Quintett D-dur, Op. 11 Nr. 6 / Johann Christian Bach (13:51) -- Quintetto per cembalo, flauto, violino, violetta e violoncello B-dur / Ignaz Jakob Holzbauer (14:22) -- Trio A-dur, Op. 1 Nr. 2 / Johann Stamitz (12:48) -- Streichquartett B-dur, Op. 5 Nr. 2 / Franz Xaver Richter (12:05).
CD 576
Musik am Salzburger Fürstenhof. Vol. II
Angelus Domini / Leone Leoni (4:19) -- Pange lingua / Orazio Vecchi (6:14) -- Super flumina Babylonis / Agostino Agazzari (3:47) -- Magnificat quarti toni a 8 / Johann Stadlmayr (11:50) -- Vide Domine / Leone Leoni (4:04) -- Salvete flores / Orazio Vecchi (3:46) -- Nigra sum / Leone Leoni (2:58) -- Sicut cedrus ; In plateis / Tiburtio Massaini (5:05) -- Magnificat primi toni a 8 / Johann Stadlmayr (6:09).
CD 1196
Musik aus aquitanischen Klöstern, 12. Jahrhundert
Lux refulget (1:50) -- Verbum patris humanatur o o (1:39) -- Ora pro nobis beate Nicolae (2:12) -- Cantu miro summa laude (6:09) -- Instrumental piece (1:44) -- Veri solis radius (9:34) -- Divinum stillant (4:17) -- Instrumental piece (3:36) -- Orienti Oriens (2:18) -- Per partum virginis (5:24) -- Congaudet hodie (2:47) -- Virga Jesse floruit (2:34) -- Senescente mundano filio (2:26) -- Radix Jesse castitatis illium (2:10) -- Omnis curet homo (2:28) -- Benedicamus domino: Stirps Jesse florigeram (3:16) -- Resonemus hoc natali (4:11) -- Resonemus hoc natali (II) (3:48) -- Ad infantum triumphantum (6:25) -- Instrumental piece (3:50).
CD 2689
Musik der Renaissance in Neapel = Renaissance music in Naples = La musique Renaissance a la cour de Naples (1442-1556).
At the court of Alfonso I and Ferdinand I (1442-1494): Zappay (instrumental) / Anon. (1:10)--Viva, viva rey Ferrando / Anon. (3:31)--De tous biens plaine (instrumental) / H. van Ghizeghem (3:08)--Donde estás que no te veo (canción) / J. Cornago (3:47)--Figlie Guilielmin (Basse danse) / A. Cornazano (2:08)--Amor que t'o fat hio (Strambotto) / Anon. (1:56)--Puis fortuna (instrumental) / Anon. (2:52)--Qu'es mi vida preguntays / Cornago ; Ockeghem (4:58)--Collinetto (Ballo) / G. Ebreo da Pesaro (2:02)--Dindirindin (Romance) / Anon. (1:34)--From the reign of Charles V (1516-1556): O Dio se vede chiaro (Villanesca) / G. Domenico ... da Nola (3:23)--Il re di Spagna (Basse danse-Danza alta) / D. Ortiz ; F. de la Torre (2:35)--Dezilde al cavallero (Villancico) / N. Gombert (4:23)--Diferencias sobre el canto del cavallero (instrumental) / A. de Cabezón (2:41)--Cingaro siamo venit'a giocare (Mascherata alla napolitana) / G. Domenico ... da Nola (2:30)--Fantasia I-II, "Salve Regina" (instrumental) / D. Ortiz (2:28)--Ay luna que reluzes (Villancico) / Anon. (3:21)--Gallarda napolitana (instrumental) / A. Valente (2:05)--Vecchie letrose (Villanesca alla napolitana) / A. Willaert (2:06).
CD 30
Musik für Orgel und Bläser = Music for organ and wind instruments.
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme / Krebs, J.L. (5:17) -- Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein / Tag, C.G. (3:46) -- O Heil'ger Geist, kehr bei uns ein / Homilius, G.A. (2:57) -- Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn / Kauffmann, G.F. (2:13) -- Treuer Gott, ich muss Dir klagen / Krebs, J.L. (4:21) -- Komm Heilger Geist, Herre Gott / Homilius, G.A. (3:08) -- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern / Kauffmann, G.F. (2:56) -- Fantasia à 4 in F major / Krebs, J.L. (4:19) -- Nun danket alle Gott / Tag, C.G. (3:18) -- Herr Jesu Christ, meines Lebens Licht / Krebs, J.L. (2:43) -- In allen meinen Taten / Krebs, J.L. (2:51) -- Partita III in D minor / Hertel, J.W. (11:03).
CD 2488
Musik Sprechen.
Ralentissez les cadences. Mégapneume (1972) / Gil J. Wolman (2:30) -- Avril déjà (ca. 1960/70) (2:47) ; Crirythme, Ausschnitt aus Anti-Etude (1960) (1:41) / François Dufrêne -- Turn back nightengale (1972) / Jean-Louis Brau (3:14) -- Hoppa Bock (1970) / Henri Chopin (5:57) -- Musique Concrète. Studie II (1951) (2:21) ; 4 Lautgedichte als Musik zu Samuel Becketts "Spiel" (1964) (2:10) ; Lautgedicht als Musik zu Georg Büchners "Leonce und Lena" (1963) (2:15) ; Folge von Lautgedichten (1977 ff.) (2:24) / Josef Anton Riedl -- expressionen aus lautgedichte (1952/53; Aufnahme von 1988) (2:33) ; atemgedicht (1954; Aufnahme von 1988) (0:37) ; so lange wie möglich (1962; Aufnahme von 1988) (0:29) / Gerhard Rühm -- tongtong (1954/56) (0:38) ; Turmdohlen (1955/56) (0:53) ; Konstellative Artikulation (1955/59) (0:48) ; Konstellative Artikulation (1955/59) (0:55) ; Dynamische Koartikulation (1959) (0:47) ; Dynamische Koartikulation (1959) (0:49) / Carlfriedrich Claus -- erge erekt (1962/70) / Franz Mon (2:26) -- 15 Shakespeare-kaku (1974) / Bob Cobbing (8:58) -- der minister I (1992) (0:50) ; der minister II (1992) (0:41) / Jaap Blonk.
CD 1950
Musik von Komponistinnen für Flöte & Klavier
Concertino op. 107 / Cécile Chaminade (7:44) -- Klänge des Waldes : 1978 / Sofia Gubaidulina (3:13) -- Medieval suite : 1986 / Katherine Hoover (20:00) -- Non astrando : 1982 / Barbara Niewiadomska (7:00) -- Acht Skizzen : op. 5 / Ilse Fromm-Michaels (10:00) -- Diptyque : 1954 / Jeanine Rueff (9:12).
CD 1744
Musikalische Exequien ; Motets ; Petits concerts spirituels / Heinrich Schütz.
Musikalische Exequien : SWV 279-281 -- Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt : SWV 380, motet -- Selig sind die Toten : SWV 391, motet -- So fahr ich hin zu Jesu Christ : SWV 379, motet -- Ich bin die Auferstehung : SWV 324 (Petits concerts spirituels II) -- O lieber Herre Gott : BWV [sic] 287 (Petits concerts spirituels I) -- Die Himmel erzählen : SWV 386, motet.
CD 541
Musikalische Tafel-Erlustigung / Reusner [and others].
Lauten-Suite Nr. 1 / Esaias Reusner ; bearbeitet von Georg Stanley -- Zu Dienst will ich ihr singen / Nikolaus Zangius -- Paduan XXIII ; Galliard XXIII / William Brade -- Paduan VII ; Galliard VIII / Bartolomaeus Praetorius -- Fröhlich will ich singen / Johann Eccard -- Jungfrau ich sag es euch gut deutsch / Zangius -- Paduan II ; Galliard II / Brade -- Unser lieben Hühnerchen / Eccard -- Paduan XIII ; Galliard XIII / Brade -- Paduan XXI ; Galliard XXI ; Paduan I ; Galliard II / Praetorius -- Ade meins Herzens Krönlein ; Fahr hin all Freud / Zangius -- Lauten-Suite Nr. 2 / Reusner ; bearbeitet von Stanley.
CD 883
Musikalisches Opfer
Ricercar a 3 voci -- Canon perpetus super thema regium -- Canones diversi super thema regium -- Fuga canonica in epidiapente -- Ricercar A 6 -- Canon A 2, quaerendo invenietis -- Canon A 4 -- Sonata sopr'il soggetto reale, trio -- Canon perpetus, contrario motu.
CD 2054
Musique berbère du Haut-Atlas et de l'Anti-Atlas
Bu-ganga (9:06) -- Ddrst (8:25) -- Taskiwin (10:54) -- Aḥwaš n-ayt mgun (13:37) -- Amxllf (5:02) -- Tamssust (20:13).
CD 1016
Musique canadienne pour cordes
Partita for strings on Lutheran chorales (1983) / Talivaldis Kenins (18:13) -- Adagio et rondo (1960) / Jacques Hétu (8:45) -- Musique pour Rouen (1971) / Bruce Mather (11:46) -- Illuminations (1987) / Brian Cherney (18:27) -- Hommage (1971) / André Prévost (10:04).
CD 1626
Musique de chambre / Edison Denissov.
Variations on a theme by Schubert (12:02) -- Three pieces for cello and piano (5:32) -- Sonata for cello and piano (6:39) -- Reflets : for piano (11:37) -- Quintet for piano and strings (22:15).
CD 1382
Musique de Michael Conway Baker
Fanfare to EXPO '86 = Fanfare d'Expo '86 (1:45) -- Suite from Planet for the taking (11:32). I. (1:00) ; II. (0:33) ; III. (1:33) ; IV. (1:06) ; V. (1:33) ; VI. (1:47) ; VII. Newton (2:13) ; VIII. Credits (1:47) -- Concerto for flute & strings = Concerto pour flute et cordes (Marina Piccinini, flute) (14:39) -- Counterplay for viola & string orchestra = Contre-chant pour alto et orchestre à cordes (Steven Dann) (8:09) -- Four songs for Ann = Quatre chansons pour Ann. (Ann Mortifee, vocalist) (10:12). Only to lose (2:27) ; The woods are wet and still (2:40) ; Be still my soul (1:34) ; Awakening (3:19) -- Concerto for piano & chamber orchestra = Concerto pour piano et orchestre de chambre (Robert Silverman, piano) (23:02). Allegro (4:37) ; Adagio (7:10) ; Allegro vivace (11:10).
CD 1629
Musique de Srul Irving Glick
Suite hébraïque : no. 1 (10:57) -- Sonata for oboe & piano (17:06) -- Suite hébraïque : no. 5 (15:15) -- Divertimento fror string orchestra (18:58).
CD 1643
Musique des pêcheurs de perles = Music of the pearl divers.
Nahmā I: Tanzīlā (1:24) ; Zheirī (2:54) ; Yā māl, zheirī (4:18) ; Yā hamlé, fjirī (3:53) ; Tanzīlā, fjirī (4:47) -- Nahmā II: Tanzīl (2:52) ; Yā māl (:39) ; Zheirī (2:02) ; Zheirī (2:09) Khaṭfā (:37) ; Fjirī (2:23) -- Nahmā III: Tanzīlā (3:08) ; Fjirī (2:44) ; Yā leil (12:25) ; Khaṭfat al-shirā ̀(2:23) ; Zheirī (mawwāl) (11:24).
CD 1057
Musique et danses de Bali
Tabuh manuk anguci (11:43) -- Nandir (8:23) -- Jauk masal (6:59) -- Baris melampahan (12:26) -- Legong kraton (34:11).
CD 1283
Musique française be ballet
Coppelia : (Suite) (12:00): I. Prélude and mazurka (5:36) ; II. Valse (2:55) ; III. Czárdás (3:27) ; Sylvia : (Suite) (16:00): I. Les chasseresses (3:47) ; II. Intermezzo and valse lente (4:20) ; III. Pizzicati (1:50) ; IV. Cortège de Bacchus (5:53) / Léo Delibes -- Les deux pigeons : (Suite) (23:00): I. Entrée des tziganes (3:38) ; II. Entrée de Popio (2:16) ; III. Pas des deux pigeons (3:15) ; IV. Thème et variations (5:12) ; V. Divertissement (Entrée) (2:31) ; VI. Danse hongroise (3:04) ; VII. Final (2:54) / André Messager -- Faust : (Ballet) (17:00). No. 1 - Les nubiennes (2:24) ; No. 2 - Adagio (4:12) ; No. 3 - Danse antique (1:32) ; No. 4 - Variation de Cléopâtre (1:39) ; No. 5 - Les Troyennes (2:30) ; No. 6 - Variation du miroir (1:52) ; No. 7 - Danse de Phrynè / Charles Gounod.
CD 1186
Musique pour sanza en pays Gbaya
Au village de Ndongué. Soré ga mo 1 (3:06) -- Soré ga mo 2 (4:48). -- Au village de Galo. Séam ko mè 1 (5:42). -- A la ville de Bouar. Yaa-tia 1 (3:24). -- Au village de Ndongué. Ndio 1 (5:54) -- Bondè ko bé hoyo 1 (3:51). -- En campement de pêche, en brousse. Bondé ko bé hoyo 2 (4:05). -- Au village de Galo. Séam ko mè 2 (3:48). -- Au village de Ndongué. Naa-woro 1 (3:57) -- Yaa-tia & Naa-woro 2 (6:00) -- Naa-koro 1 (6:39) -- Naa-koro 2 (4:28) -- Ndio 2 (3:59) -- Ndio 3 (4:01). -- Au village de Zaoro Mambéré. Soré ga mo 3 (5:00).
CD 968
Musique pour voix et cordes
Welcome, Vicegerent of the mighty king : A song to welcome home his majesty from Windsor (1680) (11:34) -- Hark Damon, Hark (Z. 541) : pastoral (6:05) -- Blessed be the Lord my strength (Z. 6) : verse anthem (5:07) -- Praise the Lord, o my soul (Z. 47) : anthem with strings (10:49) -- Let mine eyes run down with tears (Z.24) : verse anthem (8:14) -- Pavan in a minor (Z. 749) (4:44) -- Lord, how long wilt thou be angry? (Z. 25) : verse anthem (3:50) -- Blessed are they that fear the Lord (Z. 5) : anthem with strings (8:35) -- Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes (Z. 136) : spiritual song (5:07) -- If ever I more riches did desire (Z. 544) : cantata (11:29).
CD 537
Musique Renaissance a la cour de Naples
At the court of Alfonso I and Ferdinand I (1442-1494): Zappay (instrumental) / Anon. (1:10)--Viva, viva rey Ferrando / Anon. (3:31)--De tous biens plaine (instrumental) / H. van Ghizeghem (3:08)--Donde estás que no te veo (canción) / J. Cornago (3:47)--Figlie Guilielmin (Basse danse) / A. Cornazano (2:08)--Amor que t'o fat hio (Strambotto) / Anon. (1:56)--Puis fortuna (instrumental) / Anon. (2:52)--Qu'es mi vida preguntays / Cornago ; Ockeghem (4:58)--Collinetto (Ballo) / G. Ebreo da Pesaro (2:02)--Dindirindin (Romance) / Anon. (1:34)--From the reign of Charles V (1516-1556): O Dio se vede chiaro (Villanesca) / G. Domenico ... da Nola (3:23)--Il re di Spagna (Basse danse-Danza alta) / D. Ortiz ; F. de la Torre (2:35)--Dezilde al cavallero (Villancico) / N. Gombert (4:23)--Diferencias sobre el canto del cavallero (instrumental) / A. de Cabezón (2:41)--Cingaro siamo venit'a giocare (Mascherata alla napolitana) / G. Domenico ... da Nola (2:30)--Fantasia I-II, "Salve Regina" (instrumental) / D. Ortiz (2:28)--Ay luna que reluzes (Villancico) / Anon. (3:21)--Gallarda napolitana (instrumental) / A. Valente (2:05)--Vecchie letrose (Villanesca alla napolitana) / A. Willaert (2:06).
CD 30
Musique sacrée espagnole de la Renaissance
Salve regina (11:30) ; O sacrum convivium (4:04) / Tomás Luis de Victoria -- O Domine, Jesu Christe (3:55) ; Salve regina (8:15) ; Ave virgo sanctissima (4:05) ; Magnificat (7:45) / Francisco Guerrero -- O Ildephonse (2:50) ; Duo seraphim clamabant (3:57) / Victoria -- O quam suavis est / Alonso Lobo (4:51) -- Veni Domine, et noli tardare / Juan Esquivel (2:50) -- Hortus conclusus (5:55) / Rodrigo Ceballos -- Quam pulchri sunt Gressus tui (4:24) ; Magnificat (8:26) ; Super flumina Babylonis (5:18) ; Domine non sum dignus (3:25) ; Beati Immaculati (2:56) ; Sancta Maria (4:20) / Victoria -- O Crux, Ave, spes unica (3:40) / Cristóbal de Morales -- Stabat Mater / Sebastian de Vivanco (3:40) -- Laudate Dominum / Juan Pujol (2:36) -- In passione positus / Juan Navarro (6:01) -- Angelus ad pastores ait / Juan de Castro (2:08) -- O sacrum convivum (4:36) ; Senex puerum Portavit (3:20) ; Ave Maria (5:01) / Victoria.
CD 2582
Musiques Bariba et Somba
Bariba music. Praise song for hunters (3:52) -- Music played when setting out for a hunt (2:26) -- Music in praise of Oru Suru (5:53) -- Sambani, music for dancing (2:40) -- Taru, music for dancing (1:47) -- "A poor man has no country" (5:09). -- Somba music. Dinaba, myth of the origins (6:04) -- Song for grinding millet (5:12) -- Musotie, harvest dance (3:08) -- Funeral lament (2:06) -- Song to carry the corpse (2:05) -- Song for grinding karite nuts (2:26).
CD 1006
Musiques francaises d'orgue.
Fugue 12ème en re majeur (3:15) / Francois Roberday -- Suite du Quatrième ton du Premier Livre d'orgue (12:30) / Jacques Boyvin -- Chacone en sol mineur (2:10), Sarabande en canon en re mineur (1:54), Fantaisie en sol mineur (2:01) / Louis Couperin -- Gloria de la Messe solennelle a l'usage des Paroisse" (20:03) / Francois Couperin -- Hymne "Ave Maris Stella" (10:03) / Nicolas de Grigny -- Fond d'orgue du 4eme ton (2:28), Dialogue en ut majeur (9:32) / Louis Marchand -- Dialogue de Hautbois et de chromhorne (2:15) / Antoine Claviere -- La Beatitude (4:35) / Charles Piroye.
CD 2457
Musiques rituelles et théâtre du Kerala
Théâtre dansé Kathakali (17:14) -- Récitation du Rigveda (5:09) -- Récitation du Rigveda: exercice du type ratha (4:13) -- Récitation du Sāmaveda (2:16) -- Théâtre sanskrit Kutiyáttam (4:09) -- Musique des Pulluvar: solo de pullvar kudam (3:56) -- Chant du Gita Govinda (3:50) -- Ensemble cérémoniel panchavādyam (17:21).
CD 308
Musiques sacrées missionnaires. II.
Vol. 1. San Ignacio : l'opéra perdu des missions jésuites de l'Amazonie (Bolivie) -- v. 2. Musique baroque à la royale audience de Charcas (Bolivie) -- v. 3. Québec -- Montréal -- Indiens Abénakis : le chant de la jerusalem des terres froides -- v. 4. Dominique Ferran : orgue historique de Tlacochahuaya (Mexique).
CD 2456
Mustt mustt / Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.
Mustt mustt (Lost in his work) -- Nothing without you (Tery bina) -- Tracery -- The game -- Taa deem -- Sea of vapours -- Fault lines -- Tana dery na -- Shadow -- Avenue -- Mustt mustt (massive attack remix).
CD 2291
Mutamento dell'anima
Alla vita (9:44) -- Alla madre (0:53) -- Nell'imminenza dei quarant'anni (1:46) -- Nel corpo oscuro della metamorfosi (3) (3:41) -- Vola alta, parola, cresci in profondità (2:57) -- Da dove ci chiamano i rimorsi? (2:35) -- Quando mi parli al telefono (4:41) -- Le bricole che noi gettiamo ai passeri (0:53) -- Simone (6:24) -- Via da Avignone (2:48) -- Si approssima Firenze (4:57) -- Dove me porti, mia arte? (0:58) -- Infrapensieri la notte (1:58) -- Pareva fosse dato (4:44) -- Eccola la tempesta (2:43) -- Si fece sera, si strinse (1:32) -- Siamo, infanti, a una soglia di bottega (0:29) -- Il trillo (3:56) -- Dopo la curva (1:08) -- Vanno ai monti (3:01) -- Sangue, sua profusione (1:30) -- Si estenua la lapide de cielo (1:40) -- So da sempre che vieni (2:42).
CD 2464
My country : a cycle of symphonic poems / Bedřich Smetana.
Vyšehrad-- Vltava -- Šárka -- From Bohemia's woods and fields -- Tábor -- Blaník.
CD 863
My dear old southern home / Doc Watson.
My dear old southern home -- The ship that never returned -- Your lone journey -- My friend Jim -- No telephone in Heaven -- Dream of the miner's child -- Wreck of the Number Nine -- Grandfather's clock -- Don't say goodbye if you love me -- Sleep baby sleep -- Signal light -- That silver haired daddy of mine -- Life is like a river.
CD 3555
My dusty road / Woody Guthrie.
Disc 1, Woody's "greatest" hits. This land is your land ; Going down the road (I ain't gonna be treated this way) ; Talking sailor ; Philadelphia lawyer ; Hard travelin' ; Jesus Christ ; The sinking of the Reuben James ; Pretty Boy Floyd ; Grand Coulee dam ; Nine hundred miles ; Going down the road (I ain't gonna be treated this way) ; My daddy (flies a ship in the sky) ; Bad repetation [sic] -- disc 2, Woody's roots. Poor boy ; Worried man blues ; A picture from life's other side ; Buffalo skinners ; Hard ain't it hard ; Stewball ; Stackolee ; Gypsy Davy ; Little darling pal of mine ; What did the deep sea say? ; Chisholm trail ; Put my little shoes away ; Will you miss me when I'm gone? ; John Henry -- disc 3, Woody the agitator. I'm gonna join that one big union (You gotta go down and join the union) ; Hangknot, slipknot ; Gonna roll the union on ; The Ludlow massacre ; Sally don't you grieve ; Harriet Tubman's ballad (part 1) ; Harriet Tubman's ballad (part 2) ; Tear the fascists down ; When the Yanks go marching in ; You can hear my whistle blow ; Union burying ground ; You gotta go down and join the union -- disc 4, Woody, Cisco and Sonny. Train breakdown ; Do you ever think of me (aka At my window) ; Guitar rag ; Square dance medley. Cripple Creek ; Buffalo gals ; Old Joe Clark ; Red wing ; Ida Red ; Chilly winds ; Sandy land ; Guitar breakdown ; Raincrow Bill ; Ain't nobody's business ; Stepstone ; Ezekiel saw the wheel ; Bile them cabbage down ; Danville girl ; Guitar blues ; Brown's Ferry blues ; More pretty girls than one ; Sonny's flight.
CD 3097
My fair lady / book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner ; music by Frederick Loewe ; musical arrangements by Robert Russell Bennett & Phil Lang.
Overture -- Why can't the English? (03:09) -- Wouldn't it be loverly? (03:55) -- With a little bit of luck (03:55) -- I'm an ordinary man (04:38) -- Just you wait (02:41) -- The rain in Spain (02:39) -- I could have danced all night (03:28) -- Ascot gavotte (03:13) -- On the street where you live (02:56) -- You did it (04:25) -- Show me (02:10) -- Get me to the church on time (02:42) -- A hymn to him (03:28) -- Without you (02:01) -- I've grown accustomed to her face (05:14)
CD 2725
My favorite things / John Coltrane.
My favorite things / Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (13:41) -- Everytime we say goodbye / Cole Porter (5:39) -- Summertime / Du Bose Heyward, George Gershwin (11:31) -- But not for me / George & Ira Gershwin (9:35).
CD 2442
My funny valentine and "four" & more
Introduction by Mort Fega (1:40) -- My funny valentine (14:55) -- All of you (14:40) -- Go-go (1:43) -- Stella by starlight (13:03) -- All blues (8:51) -- I thought about you (11:14) -- So what (9:11) -- Walkin' (8:08) -- Joshua (9:31) -- Go-go (1:43) -- Four (6:28) -- Seven steps to heaven (7:46) -- There is no greater love (10:03) -- Go-go (1:21).
CD 1969
My ghetto report card / E-40.
Yay area -- Tell me when to go (featuring Keak Da Sneak) -- Muscle cars (featuring Keak Da Sneak & Turf Talk) -- Go hard or go home (featuring the Federation) -- Gouda (featuring B-Legit & Stressmatic of the Federation) -- Sick wid it II (featuring Turf Talk) -- JB stomp down (skit) -- They might be taping -- Do ya head like this -- Block boi (featuring Miko & Stressmatic of the Federation) -- White gurl (featuring Bun B, Pimp C of UGK, & Juelz Santana) -- part 1 (skit) -- U and dat (featuring T. Pain & Kandi Girl) -- I'm da man (featuring Mike Jones & Al Kapone) -- Yee (featuring Too Short & Budda) -- part 2 (skit) -- Just fuckin (featuring Bosko) -- Gimme head (featuring Al Kapone and Bosko) -- She say she loves me (featuring 8 Ball & Bun B) -- Happy to be here (featuring D.D. Artis).
CD 3302
My life in the bush of ghosts / Brian Eno [and] David Byrne.
America is waiting (3:36) -- Mea culpa (3:35) -- Regiment (3:56) -- Help me somebody (4:18) -- The jezebel spirit (4:55) -- Qur̓an (3:46) -- Moonlight in glory (4:19) -- The carrier (3:30) -- A secret life (2:30) -- Come with us (2:38) -- Mountain of needles (2:35) -- Very, very hungry (3:20).
CD 2772
My one and only : original cast recording / [music by George Gershwin ; lyrics by Ira Gershwin ; book by Peter Stone and Timothy S. Mayer].
Overture/I can't be bothered now/Blah, blah, blah (8:50) -- Boy wanted/Soon (4:42) -- Sweet 'n' low down (2:35) -- He loves and she loves (5:00) -- 'S wonderful (5:48) -- Strike up the band (2:28) --Entr'acte/In the swim (2:50) -- Nice work if you can get it (3:33) -- My one and only (3:37) -- Little jazz bird (3:43) -- Funny face (2:16) -- Kickin' the clouds away (4:28) -- How long has this been going on? (4:18).
CD 630
My own country / Abraham Verghese. Friends / David Konstan.
CD 1606
My street begins at my house : and other songs and rhythms from "The Me Too Show" / Ella Jenkins.
My street begins at my house.--Let's build a street.--Once there was a king.--It's raining cats and dogs.--Rain, rain go away.--What flies.--If I were an animal.--The world of Whickum--Whackum.
CD 75
My time will come / Hubert Laws.
Malagueña -- My time will come -- It's so crazy -- Shades of light -- Valse -- Make it last -- Moonlight sonata.
CD 2193
Mystère de l'instant ; Métaboles ; Timbres, espace, mouvement / Henri Dutilleux.
CD 1918
The mystery of poliphony / Canta u Populu Corsu & A Filetta, Donnisulana, Tenores di Bitti, Coro di Neoneli, Coro di Orune, Coro di Mamoiada, Luigi Lai.
Paghjella (1:37) -- Introitus (2:28) -- Kyrie (1:51) -- Sanctus (1:59) -- Tantum ergo (2:22) -- Diu vi salvi regina (2:32) -- Terzetti (2:11) -- Barbara Furtuna (2:14) -- Paghjella di Ponte Novu (2:18) -- Chjama/Paghjella (3:18) -- Eramu in campu (3:04) -- Punto d'organo (8:22) -- Boghe 'e notte (a corfos) (6:31) -- Su sàrtiu (4:49) -- Anninnia (4:10) -- Boch 'e notte (5:26) -- Su passu torradu (4:15) -- Spinello (7:28).
CD 2581
Mystery sonatas / Heinrich Biber.
The five Joyful mysteries (36:00) -- The five Sorrowful mysteries (44:00) -- The five Glorious mysteries (48:00).
CD 1403
Mystic River : original motion picture soundtrack / music composed by Clint Eastwood.
Mystic River (Main title) (1:53) -- Abduction (2:37) Communion/Katie's absence (2:02) -- Jimmy's anguish (3:08) -- Meditation #1: Piano (2:16) -- Orchestral variation #1 of the music from Mystic River (7:34) -- Escape from the wolves (1:32) -- The morgue (2:03) -- Brendan's love of Kate (1:30) -- Meditation #2: Piano (2:21) -- Dave's past (1:57) -- The confrontation (7:09) -- Resolution (3:15) -- A full heart (2:53) -- Meditation #3: Piano (3:36) -- Orchestral variation #2 of the music from Mystic River (2:26) -- Theme from Mystic River (5:05) -- Cosmo / Kyle Eastwood (5:36) -- Black emerald blues / Kyle Eastwood (2:00).
CD 2776
Mystical songs
CD 1956
Myths and hymns / music and lyrics by Adam Guettel.
Children of the Heavenly King (1:04) -- At the sounding (1:23) -- Saturn returns (3:30) -- Icarus (5:55) -- Migratory V (2:59) -- Pegasus (3:48) -- Link (1:19) -- Hero and Leander (3:18) -- Sisyphus (2:11) -- Come to Jesus (6:28) -- How can I lose you? (3:32) -- There's a shout (3:23) -- Awaiting you (3:35) -- The great highway (1:37) -- There's a land (3:23) -- Saturn returns : (reprise) (3:04).
CD 2928