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New Books Spotlight: International Fiction Beyond English

We’re highlighting a few of our newest popular fiction titles in the languages: Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, and German. Check out the Howe Library stacks or CatQuest to find more!

 繁星若沧海 by 周林
"Due to a trip, Xu I, a doctor of foreign language and literature, accidentally met Ren Jiaoyang, a game genius who mysteriously disappeared many years ago, in Tibet. Once young and frivolous, he has now turned into a taciturn and secretive safari captain, carrying a heavy past and passing by death countless times in the vast desert.
In order to uncover the mystery of this man, and to recover the original intention and dream lost in reality, Xu I unhesitatingly followed this "dangerous person" who had been fighting with poachers for eight years, and pursued the mysterious boss behind the poaching and smuggling gangs." In the process of Tathagata"
"Xu I gradually approached this seemingly indifferent man. At the same time, an old story that was buried in the past is revealed again, and all the lost and trying to bury are slowly gathered, pushing the two people to an unknown future..."

丢掉那少年 by 倪一宁
"The prince and princess lived happily together, and then...
In this story, there are three women with different personalities but the same obsession: Ye Zhenzhen, Su Qingqing and Chen Yizhan. They are very good high school classmates. Ye Zhen Zhen and Zhou Mi fell in love in high school, and after some twists and turns, they got married and became the envy of many people. However, 18-year-old Ye Zhen Zhen would never have imagined that the 32-year-old herself would go through a divorce, gradually become estranged from her parents, lose her best friend in high school, and return to being single. Su Qingqing believes that she is the one who loves Zhou Mi the most, and she also believes that she is unique to Zhou Mi, but she is not the one who finally married Zhou Mi. Chen Yizhan followed step by step, got married and had children, but there was a knot in her heart that remained unopened until she suffered a car accident. Ye Zhen Zhen once asked Zhou Mi with a look of anticipation: "If there is a thread between people's ankles, what is between the two of us?" Zhou Mi thought about it and said, "Let's shackle it". Even though it was as strong as a shackle, it eventually broke"


しのぶ恋 : 浮世七景 by 諸田玲子
"A man and a woman. Encounters and partings. This is a moving work that depicts the expression of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure in a richly detailed manner. Seven stories born from Ukiyo-e."

母影 by 尾崎世界観

"I can't write but I can read. A mother's secret. A girl with nowhere to go touches the world through the curtain. Nominated for the 164th Akutagawa Award."


Nuestra parte de noche by Mariana Enriquez
"Un padre y su hijo atraviesan Argentina por carretera desde Buenos Aires hasta las cataratas de Iguazú, en la frontera norte con Basil. Son los años de la junta militar, hay controles de soldados armados y tensión en el ambiente. El padre de Gaspar trata de protegerlo del destino que le ha sido asignado después de que su madre muriese en circunstancias poco claras: un accidente que quizás no lo fue. Como su padre, Gaspar está llamado a ser un médium en una sociedad secreta, la Orden, que contacta con la Oscuridad en busca de la vida eterna mediante rituales atroces. Para ellos es vital disponer du un médium, per el destin de estos seres dotados de poderes especiales es cruel, y el desgaste físico y mental es rápido e implacable. Los orígines de la Orden, regida por la poderosa familia de la madre de Gaspar, se remontan a siglos atrás, cuando el conocimiento de la Oscuridad llegó desde el corazón de África a Inglaterra y desde allí se extendió hasta Argentina. El lector emprenderá un viaje entre la represión de la dictadura militar argentina y el Londres psicodélico de los años sesenta, done la madre de Gaspar conoció a un joven cantante de aire andrógio llamado David; descubrirá casas cuyos interiores mutan, pasadizos que esconden monstruos inimaginables, rituales con fieros sacrificios humans, enigmáticas liturgias sexuales y la carga de una herencia atroz"
"A father and a son cross Argentina by road, from Buenos Aires to the Iguazu Falls. It's the military regime era, there are controls of armed soldiers and tension in the environment. The son's name is Gaspar and the father tries to protect him from his destiny after his mother died in unclear circumstances."

Páradais by Fernanda Melchor
“Mariana Enríquez En un conjunto residencial de lujo, dos adolescentes inadaptados se reúnen por las noches para embriagarse a escondidas y compartir sus descabelladas fantasías. Franco Andrade, obeso y solitario, adicto a la pornografía, sueña con seducir a la vecina de al lado -una atractiva mujer casada, madre de familia-, por quien ha desarrollado una obsesión malsana; mientras que Polo, su reacio compañero, fantasea con renunciar a su agobiante empleo como jardinero del exclusivo fraccionamiento y huir de su casa, de su pueblo infestado de narcos, y del yugo de su dominante madre. Ante la imposibilidad de conseguir lo que cada uno cree merecer, Franco y Polo maquinarán un plan tan pueril como macabro. Páradais, escrita por Fernanda Melchor, una de las escritoras mexicanas más destacadas de la actualidad, explora la facilidad con la que el deseo puede convertirse en obsesión y, más aún, en violencia, al tiempo que narra la alianza entre los polos opuestos de la sociedad mexicana contemporánea.”

“Inside a luxury housing complex, two misfit teenagers sneak around and get drunk. Franco Andrade, lonely, overweight, and addicted to porn, obsessively fantasizes about seducing his neighbor―an attractive married woman and mother―while Polo dreams about quitting his grueling job as a gardener within the gated community and fleeing his overbearing mother and their narco-controlled village. Each facing the impossibility of getting what he thinks he deserves, Franco and Polo hatch a mindless and macabre scheme.”


Le gosse by Véronique Olmi
"Joseph a sept ans. Il est né après la Première Guerre mondiale dans les quartiers pauvres de la Bastille, à Paris. Grandir entouré de l'amour de sa mère et de sa grand-mère, apprendre et découvrir sont les moteurs de toute sa vie. Mais son monde bascule le jour où sa mère disparaît et où il devient pupille de l'État, un État qui a mis en place tout un système de 'protection' des enfants pauvres, dont les bonnes intentions n'ont d'égal que la cruauté. De la prison pour enfants à la colonie pénitentiaire, la force de Joseph, les coups de dés du hasard, et la découverte de la musique lui permettront de traverser le pire. Dans une France portée par l'espoir du Front Populaire, peut-être retrouvera-t-il sa vie et sa joie. L'écriture intense de Véronique Olmi épouse le regard de ce gamin tendre et courageux confronté à la violence du monde adulte. Jamais, depuis Bakhita, la romancière n'avait trouvé une voix aussi puissante et juste pour raconter la renaissance d'un être à la vie. Un roman déchirant et révolté, un des plus beaux textes sur l'enfance à l'aube du siècle dernier"

"Joseph lives happily with his mother, a feather worker, his grandmother who is gently losing her mind , football friends and people from the suburbs. But life will take care of shattering his innocence and his joy . From La Petite Roquette to the penal colony of Mettray - the very place where Jean Genet was locked up - Joseph's childhood will be a ruined childhood. But fortunately we have to reckon with resilience and hope."


Le livre des heures by Anne Delaflotte Mehdevi
"Marguerite, fille et petite fille d'enlumineurs, vit sur le pont Notre-Dame. Son frère jumeau est épileptique. Marguerite le veille, le maintient littéralement en vie. Sa mère préfèrerait que Marguerite soit malade plutôt que son fils. Elle harcèle et accable sa fille. Pour compenser et conjurer cet enfermement, Marguerite s'arrime à la manifestation primordiale de la vie qu'est la lumière, la couleur. Elle va gagner sa place dans l'atelier familial, non sans peine. Toute sa vie, elle marche sur une ligne de crête, un chemin borné par le pont Notre-Dame et le Petit Pont. Chaque jour elle traverse l'île de la Cité, de l'atelier d'enluminure à l'apothicairerie de son parrain où elle vient s'approvisionner en pigments. Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre Daoud. Un maure - l'ennemi absolu."

"Marguerite, daughter and granddaughter of illuminators, lives on the Notre-Dame bridge. Her twin brother is seriously ill and her mother would prefer it to be Marguerite. Every day, she overwhelms her daughter, and every day, to escape her mother, Marguerite takes refuge in the illumination workshop and its fabulous colors. She will succeed, not without difficulty, in integrating the family workshop. Her life will therefore seem mapped out; until the day when her apothecary godfather introduces her to Daoud."


I bambini del bosco by Romina Casagrande
"Su ogni sentiero riconosco il soffio del vento. Ma solo uno è quello giusto per me." Il sentiero ripido e impervio si snoda tra rocce e crepacci fino alla Cima delle Anime. Unisce due terre di confine, e a tracciarlo sono stati i passi di chi notte dopo notte lo percorre cercando un varco sui crinali. Da sempre protegge il cammino delle contrabbandiere che di nascosto lo solcano quando le primule e gli anemoni richiudono le loro corolle alla luna. Donne per le quali una scelta così difficile è l'unica possibilità di indipendenza. Anche se è pericolosa. Molto pericolosa. Quando Luce scopre la loro esistenza, i suoi desideri prendono finalmente corpo. Suo padre e suo fratello le hanno insegnato che quelle montagne non sono adatte a una ragazza. Che il suo compito è aspettare a casa il loro ritorno. Ma ora è pronta a sfidare quel divieto. A darle forza è Thomas, un ragazzo senza un passato né un luogo a cui tornare, che ha imparato sulla propria pelle che la natura può elargire doni inaspettati, crudele quanto accogliente. Luce sente che con lui esiste un legame speciale, profondo come le radici di un albero. Quello che però non può sapere è che Thomas custodisce un segreto che proietta un'ombra cupa sulla sua vita. Un segreto che appartiene al passato ma che anni dopo, su quello stesso misterioso sentiero, intreccerà la vicenda di Luce e Thomas con quella di un bambino scomparso e di un uomo pronto a tutto per ritrovarlo. In una ricerca nella quale ogni passo, ogni pendio superato è un viaggio dentro sé stessi alla scoperta delle proprie origini e della propria identità. Romina Casagrande torna a fare luce su una pagina della nostra storia rimasta nell'ombra. E lo fa dando voce a donne di cui si è perduto persino il nome e alle loro conquiste. Il suo racconto prende per mano il lettore e lo immerge nella magia delle montagne, che sono maestre di vita generose ma esigenti, che possono dare molto ma molto chiedono in cambio. Un romanzo che ci parla di libertà, di coraggio, di riscatto."

"The steep and impervious path winds between rocks and crevasses up to the Cima delle Anime. It unites two border lands, and it was traced by the steps of those who walk through it night after night looking for an opening on the ridges. It has always protected the path of the smugglers who secretly furrow it when the primroses and anemones close their corollas to the moon. Women for whom such a difficult choice is the only possibility of independence. Even if it is dangerous. Very dangerous. When Luce discovers their existence, her desires finally take shape. Her father and her brother taught her that those mountains are not suitable for a girl. That her job is to wait at home for their return. But she is now ready to challenge that ban. To give her strength is Thomas, a boy with no past or a place to return to, who has learned firsthand that nature can bestow unexpected gifts, cruel as well as welcoming. Luce feels that there is a special bond with him, as deep as the roots of a tree. But what she may not know is that Thomas has a secret that casts a dark shadow over her life. A secret that belongs to the past but that years later, on that same mysterious path, will intertwine the story of Luce and Thomas with that of a missing child and a man ready to do anything to find him. In a quest in which every step, every slope overcome is a journey within oneself to discover one's origins and one's identity."


Cinque sorelle by Cinzia Giorgio
“Quando Maddalena Splendori entra per la prima volta nella boutique della famiglia Fendi, in via Piave, Adele Casagrande Fendi la riconosce subito. Maddalena è una donna nota alle cronache per uno scandalo di cui è stata protagonista prima del matrimonio. Sin dal primo scambio di parole, però, le due donne sentono che qualcosa le lega: è lo spirito anticonformista e passionale che le anima entrambe. Quello spirito che ha consentito a Maddalena di emanciparsi dalla miseria in cui è nata e frequentare ora i salotti buoni di Roma, di ospitare in casa sua scrittori dell'importanza di Luigi Pirandello. Lo stesso spirito che ha spinto Adele Fendi, nella Roma degli anni Venti, ad aprire un negozio di moda insieme al marito, realizzando il suo sogno e diventando una stimata e affermata imprenditrice. Ben presto, infatti, grazie alla sua determinazione, le raffinate pellicce e gli accessori in pelle con il marchio Fendi diventano famosi anche all'estero, nonostante il conflitto mondiale. È solo l'inizio di un successo inarrestabile: l'amore per la produzione artigianale e per la tradizione, unito alla capacità visionaria, si trasmetterà dalla madre alle cinque incredibili figlie. Con loro e grazie al duraturo sodalizio con Karl Lagerfeld, il marchio diventerà una vera e propria icona del lusso internazionale. Tra le pagine di questo romanzo rivive la storia di un'amicizia così profonda da legare più generazioni, insieme a quella di una famiglia il cui nome è in grado di evocare eleganza e bellezza. Un viaggio nel mondo della moda...”

"Spanning ninety eventful years in Fendi’s family life, Five Sisters takes the readers inside the workrooms of Fendi’s maison, following its evolution from a small family business nestled in the splendor of early 20th century Rome to the current global luxury powerhouse famed for its innovation and bold style. A novel about family, womanhood and friendship that revives the extraordinary legacy of a powerful female dynasty."


 Тот, кто ловит мотыльков by Михалкова, Елена
"Богатая женщина уходит ненадолго из своего дома в подмосковном поселке - и исчезает бесследно. Другая, живущая в глухой деревне, идет в лес - и не возвращается. О первой говорят, что она сбежала от нелюбимого мужа.О второй - что она заблудилась. Частным детективам предстоит выяснить, правда ли это. Что скрывают дома пропавших? Почему следы обеих обрываются так странно? О новом расследовании Макара Илюшина и Сергея Бабкина читайте в детективе Елены Михалковой 'Тот, кто ловит мотыльков."

"A rich woman leaves her house in a village near Moscow for a short time - and disappears without a trace. Another, who lives in a remote village, goes into the forest - and does not return. They say about the first that she ran away from her unloved husband. About the second - that she got lost. Private detectives will have to find out if this is true. What is hidden in the homes of the missing? Why do the traces of both break off so strangely? Read about the new investigation of Makar Ilyushin and Sergey Babkin in Elena Mikhalkova's detective story "The one who catches moths."


Обет без молчания by Володарская, Ольг
"Однажды Элизабет узнала, что ее дед Клаус, который счастливо жил в браке с фрау Маргарет, вовсе не любил ее…
Оказывается, его сердце принадлежало другой женщине, некой русской по имени Любовь. Но вот Клаус ее называл, Либе.
Их встреча состоялась, когда они были совсем детьми в послевоенном Берлине. И они гордо пронесли свои чувства сквозь года…"
"Once Elizabeth found out that her grandfather Klaus, who was happily married to Frau Margaret, did not love her at all ...
It turns out that his heart belonged to another woman, a certain Russian named Lyubov. But Klaus called her Liebe.
Their meeting took place when they were just children in post-war Berlin. And they proudly carried their feelings through the years ..."

Der Erinnerungsfälscher by Abbas Khider
"Said Al-Wahid hat seinen Reisepass überall dabei, auch wenn er nur in den Supermarkt geht. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Monica und dem Sohn Ilias lebt er in Berlin-Neukölln. Said möchte Schriftsteller werden und veröffentlicht ertse Texte in Literaturzeitschriften. Auf dem Rückweg von einer Lesung erhält er die Nachricht, seine Mutter liege im Sterben. Zum ersten Mal seit Jahren reist er in das Land seiner Herkunft. Je näher er Said seiner in Bagdad verbliebenen Familie kommt, desto tiefer gehen die Erinnerungen zurück, an die Jahre des Ankommens in Deutschland, an die monatelange Flucht über Afrika nach Europa und schliesslich an die Kindheit im Irak. Welche Erinnerungen fehlen, welche sind erfunden und welche sind verfälscht? Said weiss es nicht. Es ist seine Rettung bis heute"

“Said Al-Wahid takes his passport with him everywhere, even if he only goes to the supermarket. He lives in Berlin-Neukölln with his wife Monica and their son Ilias. Said wants to be a writer and publishes his first texts in literary magazines. On the way back from a reading he received the news that his mother was dying. For the first time in years he is traveling to his country of origin. The closer he gets to his family in Baghdad, the deeper the memories go back, to the years of arrival in Germany, to the months of fleeing to Europe via Africa and finally to his childhood in Iraq. Which memories are missing, which are made up and which are falsified? Said doesn't know. It is his salvation to this day.”


Wo auch immer ihr seid by Khuê Pham
“Sie ist dreißig Jahre alt und heißt Kiều, so wie das Mädchen im berühmtesten Werk der vietnamesischen Literatur. Doch sie nennt sich lieber Kim, weil das einfacher ist für ihre Freunde in Berlin. 1968 waren ihre Eltern aus Vietnam nach Deutschland gekommen. Für das, was sie zurückgelassen haben, hat sich die Journalistin nie interessiert. Im Gegenteil: Oft hat sie sich eine Familie gewünscht, die nicht erst deutsch werden muss, sondern es einfach schon ist. Bis zu jener Facebook-Nachricht. Sie stammt von ihrem Onkel, der seit seiner Flucht in Kalifornien lebt. Die ganze Familie soll sich zur Testamentseröffnung von Kiềus Großmutter treffen. Es wird eine Reise voller Offenbarungen - über ihre Familie und über sie selbst.”

"She is thirty years old and her name is Kiều, like the girl in the most famous work of Vietnamese literature. But she prefers to call herself Kim because it's easier for her friends in Berlin. In 1968 her parents came to Germany from Vietnam. The journalist was never interested in what they left behind. On the contrary: she often wished for a family that didn't have to become German first, but simply already is. Until that Facebook message. It comes from her uncle, who has lived in California since he fled. The whole family is supposed to meet for the reading of Kiều's grandmother's will. It will be a journey full of revelations - about her family and about herself."