The UVM Libraries are proud to introduce selected new resources, purchased in support of learning and research. These include an archive of African-American newspapers, a database of geology data, a comprehensive Shakespeare bibliography, and a new JSTOR collection of sustainability articles.
African American Newspapers (1827-1998)
This unique archive features newspapers written by and for African American communities. It covers major events and social histories of the 19th and 20th centuries, from the Antebellum South to the Civil Rights movement. Publishers describe it as “a one-of-a-kind record of African American history, culture, and daily life."
The Geofacets research database contains over 1.5 million scientifically-sourced maps, figures, and tables that can be integrated into tools such as Excel, ArcGIS, Google Earth and more. With PDFs of accompanying scientific articles, this is a key resource for geoscientists. The publisher claims it cuts research time by up to 50%.
JSTOR Sustainability is a growing thematic collection of academic and policy research on environmental stresses and their impacts on society. By its completion in 2018, it will contain at least 150 journals and 5,000 research reports across more than 30 disciplines.
World Shakespeare Bibliography (1960-current)
Published for Shakespeare Quarterly in association with the Folger Shakespeare Library, this extensive bibliography lists all books, articles, reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, films, and more related to Shakespeare and published between 1960 and 2016. Integration with the UVM Libraries' FindIt@UVM provides direct full-text access to many listed resources.