The Center for Multimedia Development (CMD) relocated to the first floor of Bailey/Howe Library, across from the new Multimedia Services desk. You will need your CatCard handy to key into the new lab space. The new CatCard entry method keeps the CMD secure and makes the facility available all hours the library is open -giving you approximately 37 more hours of lab time per week than we offered last year. If you have trouble accessing the CMD please visit the CatCard office to have your card updated.
The new CMD has a total of 21 new computers – an upgrade from eleven previously offered at the old location. Five of these machines (3 iMac, 2 Mac Pro) are located in cubicles reserved for importing, file conversion, media viewing, and large-scale multimedia projects. Fifteen iMac machines are located in the open lab space for multimedia projects and one iMac will accompany the 3D printer. Like last year, all machines are loaded with the Adobe Creative Cloud and a host of ancillary applications such as Audacity and Handbrake. We recently added a data visualization software called Tableau and the 3D animation application, Rhino 5, to most of the computers.
We expect the 3D printer to be up and running towards the end of the week of September 18. For the time being you can print a file that is stored on a USB stick. User feedback strongly suggested that we move the 3D printer into an isolated space due to the distracting noise the machine makes when in the process of printing. We created a small ventilated room within the CMD for the sole purpose of 3D printing. This should keep noise distractions to a minimum and provide a productive and safe work environment for our creative and adventurous 3D printer users. We are waiting for a few key pieces to arrive before the new 3D printing room is complete. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Help with hardware and software applications will be available from our staff and student employees. We are working on staffing the CMD lab with one student employee during peak hours. Help will be available at the Multimedia Services desk when an attendant is not in the CMD.
Over the course of the academic year we plan on evaluating the services offered at the CMD and the Multimedia Resources desk. For now we encourage you to send us your feedback on the new spaces, technology, and services provided by Multimedia Services. Please contact me directly with your questions and suggestions.
Aaron F. Nichols
Access/Media Services Librarian