UVM Theses and Dissertations
- Albrecht, Eugene Davis (1967) Source of the pheromones causeing estrous synchronization in the laboratory mouse.[MS] Zoology
- Allard, Judith Louise (1969) A new method for raising and maintaining Daphnia in the laboratory.[MS] Zoology
- Anderson, Ronald Albert (1974) Rhabdom changes induced by light and dark adaptation in the mosquito aedes aegypti [MS] Zoology
- Aquadro, Charles Frederick (1978) Evolutionary genetics of insular peromyscus : electrophoretic, morphological, and chromosomal variation [MS] Zoology
- Backus, Vickie Lynn (1992) Allocation patterns in the temperate forest ant, Leptothorax longispinosus [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Bagchi, Mihir (1969) Involvement of protein synthesis in mitotic activation of cultured and injured frog lenses [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Barnett, Alan Leslie (1972) Some interrelationships among optical properties, particulate matter and temperature patterns in Malletts Bay, Lake Champlain [MS] Zoology
- Bean, Daniel Joseph (1962) The LaPlatte River : an ecological study of a polluted stream.[MS] Zoology
- Beaumont, Robert Thomas (1978) Population genetics in muskrats [MS] Zoology
- Benoit, Michael E. (1986) The food habits and food selection of the white perch Morone americana (Gmelin) [M.S.] Zoology
- Berry, William O. (1976) Sublethal effects of water-soluble gasoline fractions on aquatic stages of the mosquito aedes aegypti (L.) [PhD] Zoology
- Bertram, Paul A. (1976) The distribution and abundance of riffle fauna in a bifurcated mountain streaam: Gleason Brook, Camel's Hump, Vermont.[MS] Zoology
- Black, Paul Noble (1983) Immunochemical analysis of a developing insect reproductive accessory gland [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Boles, Debra J. (1984) Chromosomal evolution of populations of Peromyscus boylii from western Durango, Mexico [M.S.] Zoology
- Bongard, Steven Jerome (1963) An investigation of growth inhibition found in crowded Rana pipiens tadpoles.[MS] Zoology
- Booker, Fitzgerald (1980) Rearing tilapia aurea (sarotherodon aureus) and yellow perch (perca flavescens) in a small aquaculture system [M.S.] Zoology
- Bowers, James Arthur (1973) Spatial pattern analysis of limnetic Cladocera using frequency distribution models.[MS] Zoology
- Bowser, Gillian (1988) The phenology of butterflies (Lepidoptera:Rhopalocera) and their adult food plants in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming [M.S.] Zoology
- Brasino, John S. (1981) Effects of additions of acid on phytoplankton and water chemistry i̲n̲ s̲i̲t̲u̲ in Long Lake, Vermont [M.S.] Zoology
- Briggs, Robert C. (1977) Marcromolecular changes associated with the cell cycle of lens epithelium.[PhD] Zoology
- Bromwich, Carl Richard (1984) Reproductive adaptations to a seasonal environment of a lizard malarial parasite (Plasmodium mexicanum) [M.S.] Zoology
- Brooks, A. S. (1967) Environmental factors influencing the distribution of stream insects in the Sleepers River, Danville, Vermont.[MS] Zoology
- Bryan, Burton Barker (1972) Species composition and diversity of cladoceran populations in adjacent areas of Lake Champlain.[MS] Zoology
- Burrill, Evelyn Mekeel (1966) The experimental imposition of a new plane of bilateral symmetry upon the developing egg of Rana pipiens; thermal gradient effect on first cleavage plane.[MS] Zoology
- Cady, Carol (1990) Seasonal differences in the feeding behavior of meadow voles (M̲i̲c̲r̲o̲t̲u̲s̲ p̲e̲n̲n̲s̲y̲l̲v̲a̲n̲i̲c̲u̲s̲) [M.S.] Zoology
- Cannon, Diane M. (1990) Behavioral correlates of nesting success of the pelagic cormorant, P̲h̲a̲l̲a̲c̲r̲o̲c̲o̲r̲a̲x̲ p̲e̲l̲a̲g̲i̲c̲u̲s̲ [M.S.] Zoology
- Chiolino, Battista Barton (1970) Wing dimorphism in some Vermont Carabidae.[MS] Zoology
- Clarin, Bruce Jay (1973) The effects of different wave lengths of light upon the volume of the phabdom in the female mosquito Aedes aegyptii.[MS] Zoology
- Cochran, Velma Anna (1948) Some relationships among mammals as determined by precipitin technique employing the photronreflectometer.[MS] Zoology
- Davidson, Robert Leslie (1980) A taxonomic revision of the genus chlaenius bonelli (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Mexico and Central America : with species revisions of the subgenera callistometus grundmann, agostenus motschulsky, and chlaenius (sensu stricto) [M.S.] Zoology
- Dearing, M. Denise (1988) Are herbivorous lizards nutrient mixers, toxin avoiders, or amount maximizers? : a test of three models of diet selection by Cnemidophorus murinus [M.S.] Zoology
- DeGray, Stephen Alan (1972) Monosomes, polysomes and ribosomal proteins of developing Xenopus laevis embryos [MS] Zoology
- Dowhan, Thomas Peter (1981) Genetic variability and island biogeography of m̲i̲c̲r̲o̲t̲u̲s̲ p̲e̲n̲n̲s̲y̲l̲v̲a̲n̲i̲c̲u̲s̲ [M.S.] Zoology
- Dray, F. Allen (1986) Behavioral drift in the biology of naidid oligochaetes [M.S.] Zoology
- Durant, Thomas Dennis (1977) Feeding rates and assimilation efficiencies for Daphnia Pulex (crustacea ; cladocera) when fed limnetic bacteria and yeast from Lake Champlain [MS] Zoology
- Elwess, Nancy L. (1994) Characterization, cloning, and molecular analysis of the plasma membrane CA² ATPase gene in PARAMECIUM TETRAURELIA [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Facey, Douglas Edward (1980) Food habits, age and growth, and sex ratio of American eels in Lake Champlain, Vermont [M.S.] Zoology
- Feng, Xu (1994) Structure of D-protein gene and SP23 gene in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor and regulation of D-protein gene by insect steroid hormone: 20-OH ecdysone [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Fialho, Roberto Fabri (1993) Thermal biology of transmission of Plasmodium Mexicanum, a malarial parasite of lizards, in its sandfly vector, Lutzomyia Vexator [M.S.] Zoology
- Finlay, Peter S. (1953) The serological relationships of five rodents, using an antiporcupine serum.[MS] Zoology
- Fox, Kevin Archer (1967) The effects of prepuberal habitation conditions on the reproductive physiology of the male house mouse.[PhD] Zoology
- Gaunt, Sandra Louise Lovett (1968) Studies on the preputial gland as a source of a reproductive pheromone in the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus).[MS] Zoology
- Gierthy, John Francis (1970) Studies on the relationship of cell disorganization to genomic and mitotic activation.[PhD] Zoology
- Goff, Peter W. (1993) Factors affecting the evolution of cannibalism in the imported willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera Versicolora [M.S.] Zoology
- Goldman, Robert D. (1963) An investigation of growth-inhibiting substances produced by Kirchnerielle subsolitaria, a green alga.[MS] Zoology
- Gordon, Sheldon Robert (1980) The cell biology of corneal endothelial repair [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Griffiths, Thomas Alan (1976) The comparative anatomy of the hyoid laryngeal, and jaw musculature and of the hyoid apparatus of light genera of phyllostomatid and two genera of mormoopid bats.[MS] Zoology
- Hayden, John Henry (1980) Regulation of the cell cycle and lens morphogenesis : their bearing on the pathogenesis of xray cataract [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Hemley, Robert Harold (1978) The cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of tobacco smoke and tobacco smoke condensate on human diploid fibroblasts [MS] Zoology
- Hessler, Arthur Charles (1974) A re-evaluation of requirements for limb regeneration in the newt, triturus viridiscens.[PhD] Zoology
- Hoagland, Donald B. (1988) Genetic variation and genetic differentiation in introduced insular small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) populations [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Howard, Gale Eleanor (1971) An ecological study of the Gale River Watershed with reference to the environmental factors influencing the distribution of plecoptera.[MS] Zoology
- Hufnagel, Linda Ann () Morphology and morphogenesis of Euplotes plumipes Stokes and Euplotes crassus Dujardin : with special reference to variation in number of caudal cirri.[MS] Zoology
- Johnson, Edward (1981) Supernumerary limb formation in relation to the epimorphic regeneraion field of the limb of the mature newt, notophthalmus viridescens [M.S.] Zoology
- Johnson, Alan Wright (1965) The inductive capacity of axolotl tail muscle, dermis, and epidermis upon undifferentiated ectoderm.[MS] Zoology
- Johnson, Alan Wright (1969) Characterization and activity of amphibian lens histones in relation to the cell cycle.[PhD] Zoology
- Johnson, Alan L. (1975) Effect of wavelength and photoperiod on body weight gain, selected organ weights and pineal lipid in the seven week old cockerel.[MS] Zoology
- Jones, Mary-Sue Tuuri (1979) Functional anatomy of the feeding apparatus in the parulidae [M.S.] Zoology
- Kantor, Jeffrey (1979) The population dynamics of the limnetic crustacean zooplankton of Lake Champlain [M.S.] Zoology
- Kochalka, John Andrew (1980) The taxonomy of the spider family anyphaenidae (araneae) with emphasis on the neotropical genus josa [M.S.] Zoology
- Lacharite, Martha Elizabeth (1985) The spatial and temporal distribution of Trichoptera larvae in Brush Brook, a mountain stream in Camel's Hump, Vermont [M.S.] Zoology
- Landers, Milton H. (1980) Hormonal control of reproduction in drosophila melanogaster / by Milton H. Landers.[NA] Zoology
- Langworthy, Margaret K. (1977) Adaptive mechanisms : renal growth and development in Octodon Degu [MS] Zoology
- Larner, Elizabeth Hester (1973) Similarities in the cytoplasmic proteins in developing embryos of Xenopus laevis (Daudin), the South African clawed toad.[MS] Zoology
- Leibo, Stanley Paul (1961) A study of possible effects of dose volume of an erythropoietic extract on certain hematological values in female albino rats.[MS] Zoology
- Leonard, Jonathan Grafley (1983) Tempo in two species of woodland ant [M.S.] Zoology
- Lewko, Walter Michael (1973) Concentration changes and estrone association in the mucoprotein fractions of golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) with ascites tumor.[MS] Zoology
- Lynch, Thomas James (1953) Serological studies of some rodent relationships employing the photronreflectometer with anti-guinea pig sera.[MS] Zoology
- Madore, Mae M. (1982) Regeneration in denervated-reinnervated amputated limbs of the adult newt Notophthalmus viridescens under growth hormone therapy [M.S.] Zoology
- Marden, James H. (1984) External assessment of floral nectar by bumblebees [M.S.] Zoology
- Marden, James H. (1988) Comparative morphology, physiology, and ecology of maximum powered flight performance [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Martin, Denise A. (1982) The structure of a stonefly (Plecoptera) assemblage in relation to food availabilty [M.S.] Zoology
- Matousek, John Adam (1974) Distribution of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera in Preston Brook, Chittenden County, Vermont.[MS] Zoology
- McClay, David Ross (1965) Effects of ribonucleoproteins on ectodermal explants of Siredon mexicanum.[MS] Zoology
- McEvoy, James Stephen (1980) Comparative myology on the pectoral and pelvic appendages of the north american porcupine (erethizon dorsatum) and the prehensile - tailed porcupine (coendou prehensilis) [M.S.] Zoology
- Mercer, George W. (1972) Ecology of the interface zone on rocky shores in Lake Champlain.[PhD] Zoology
- Metcalf, Russell William (1971) Meristic variation in the eastern-banded killifish, Fundulus diaphanus diaphanus (Lesueur), in Lake Champlain.[MS] Zoology
- Meyer, Diane Hutchins (1973) Characterization of the polynucleotidase activities of insects and their changes during development [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Miller, John C. (1974) The magnesium deficiency syndrome in Xenopus laevis. : Is it a phenocopy of the anucleolate mutant?.[MS] Zoology
- Mongeon, Stephen A. (1980) Cellular defense mechanisms of the freshwater crayfish, orconectes virilis [M.S.] Zoology
- Nunez, Pedro E. (1994) Monophyletic or diphyletic origin of Bats as inferred by DNA-DNA hybridization [M.S.] Zoology
- Pagel, Carl W. (1975) A study of the influence of pulp and paper wastes on the benthos of southern Lake Champlain [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Pagel, Carl W. (1969) Aquatic diptera in Lake Champlain embayments.[MS] Zoology
- Paro, Rhea Dolorese (1963) A test of the capacity of limb regenerates of Triturus viridescens to continue differentiation in lung pockets.[MS] Zoology
- Perrotte, William T. (1971) The structure of benthic protozoan communities at various depths in Lake Champlain, Vermont (1967-68).[PhD] Zoology
- Pierce, Barry Alan (1980) Biotic effects of grazing by a planktivorous fish, tilapia aurea (steindachner), on the phytoplankton of an experimental aquaculture system [M.S.] Zoology
- Pray, Leslie A. (1994) Genetic variation in inbreeding depression in the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium Castaneum: implications for conservation biology [M.S.] Zoology
- Reddan, John Ronald (1965) An autoradiographic study of the cell cycle in the lens epithelium of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Reiss, Charles F. (1989) Chemical and faunal changes in Gleason Brook, Camel's Hump, Vermont, between 1973-74 and 1982-83 [M.S.] Zoology
- Rennert, Paul D. (1986) Biochemical systematics of populations of Peromyscus boylii [M.S.] Zoology
- Resner, Raymond (1966) A histological investigation of the central nervous system of Artemiz (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) employing technique to demonstrate the presence of neurosecretory structures.[MS] Zoology
- Resnick, Gary Stanford (1958) On the Golgi apparatus of Pelomyxa carolinensis and Pelomyxa illinoisensis with special reference to osmium tetroxide techniques.[MS] Zoology
- Ressel, Stephen Joseph (1987) Sexual color dimorphism, sexual selection, and malarial parasitism in the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis [M.S.] Zoology
- Rich, Stephen M. (1993) Distribution, biogeography and population genetics of Peromyscus Leucopus and Peromyscus Maniculatus in New England and maritime Canada [M.S.] Zoology
- Romano, Michael Anthony (1980) Biochemical systematics of new and old world natricine snakes [M.S.] Zoology
- Rosen, Richard C. (1978) Metabolic ecology of Microtus Pennsylvanicus and Microtus Chrotorrhinus [NA] Zoology
- Rosen, Richard C. (1974) Ontogeny of the homeothermic response in Microtus Pennsylvanicus and Octodon Degus.[MS] Zoology
- Sage, Louis Enos (1969) A comparative study of the vertical migration of crustacean zooplankton under three thermal water column conditions.[MS] Zoology
- Sasner, J. Michael (1989) Biochemical, immunological, and genetic studies of the folate chemoreceptor of Paramecium [M.S.] Zoology
- Schlichtherle, I. Martha (1994) Cloning and molecular analysis of the bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase gene in the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Schulz, Stephanie (1987) Folate-binding proteins of Paramecium tetraurelia relationship to chemoreception [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Schwalje, Dorothy Marie (1970) A neoplasia-induced serum change in the golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus.[MS] Zoology
- Scott, Nancy Jean (1963) A test of the inductive capacity of axolotl tail tissue upon undifferentiated axolotl ectoderm.[MS] Zoology
- Sherman, Elizabeth (1977) Cardiovascular responses of toads to thermal stress and water deprivation [NA] Zoology
- Simpson, Sharon F. (1976) The functional adaptation for feeding and the taxonomic relationships found in the suborders Meropes and Alcedines in the order Coraciiformes.[MS] Zoology
- Smith, Peter Belmont (1972) Seasonal distribution of several small mammal species on Camel's Hump Mountain, Vermont with special regard to climatic, edaphic, and vegetative influences [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Snyder, Laura Elizabeth (1988) Colony subdivision and sex ratios in the ant Myrmica punctiventris : an analysis of queen-worker conflict [M.S.] Zoology
- Snyder, Mark A. (1993) Asymmetric distribution of a sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein in lobster claw muscle [M.S.] Zoology
- Sonneborn, David Walter (1967) Incorporation of actinomycin D into the cell nucleus : effect on nucleic acid synthesis and cell division.[MS] Zoology
- Spence, John Richard (1974) The comparative niche biology of Nebria Lacustris (Casey) and Nebria Pallipes (say) in Vermont.[MS] Zoology
- Stabler, Timothy Allen (1969) The naturally occurring adrenal corticoids of the newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, and a reevaluation of their possible role in limb regeneration.[PhD] Zoology
- Staro, Francis Louis (1965) Effects of thioacetamide on population growth of Tetrahymena pyriformis, GL.[MS] Zoology
- Stein, Gary S. (1969) The role of the DNA template in mitotic activation of lens epithelial cells.[PhD] Zoology
- Stein, Peter Jeffrey (1976) The influence of light and dark adaptation on protein metabolism in the eye of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti.[PhD] Zoology
- Strauss, Richard Jeremy (1969) The hormonal control of the preputial glands of the male laboratory mouse (Mus musculus).[MS] Zoology
- Sullivan, John M. (1990) Biochemical systematics of the Peromyscus aztecus assemblage [M.S.] Zoology
- Sundberg, Sander Edward (1972) Thermal properties of Malletts Bay, Lake Champlain.[PhD] Zoology
- Theriault, Judith Marie (1973) An analysis of acidic nuclear proteins during the development of Xenopus laevis.[MS] Zoology
- Wainwright, Norman R. (1978) Pituitary regulation of the cell cycle in the lens epithelium of the frog [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Webb, David K. (1993) Genetic and morphological variation in Burying Beetles (Coleoptera:Silphidae) [M.S.] Zoology
- Weiner, Edward D. (1984) Seasonal niches of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Lewis Creek, Vermont [M.S.] Zoology
- Weinsieder, Allan (1973) Growth in the cultured and injured crystalline lens : the role of genomic control [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Werbitsky, Darrin (1987) Population genetics of Megadontomys thomasi and the biochemical systematics of Habromys, Megadontomys, Osgoodomys and other peromyscine rodents [M.S.] Zoology
- White, Richard Thomas (1979) An electrophoretic analysis of the interrelationships among selected new world hystricognath rodents [M.S.] Zoology
- Whitney, David E. (1965) The relationship between inorganic nitrate and chlorophyll concentrations in standing fresh waters [M.S.] Zoology
- Wilson, David James (1983) The effect of fibronectin in substrate adhesion of chick embryo chondrochytes in vitro [M.S.] Zoology
- Wimmer, Harold Peter (1979) An anatomical and phylogenetic study of trichoptera, including a partial check-list of Vermont species [NA] Zoology
- Worgul, Basil Vladimir (1974) Investigation of radiation cataract by hormonal manipulation of lens growth [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Yan, Guiyun (1994) The ecology and evolutionary biology of a host parasite interaction : the tapeworm Hymenolepis Diminuta and its intermediate host, Tribolium beetles [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Yang, Wan Qing (1995) Identification and characterization of glutamate and IMP receptors and their signal transduction in paramecium tetraurelia [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Ybarrondo, Brent Anthony (1993) Respiratory physiology, diving performance, and habitat selection in two species of water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) [Ph. D.] Zoology
- Young, Ruth Ann (1975) The woodchuck, Marmota monax, as a biomedical model for the study of obesity [Ph. D.] Zoology