UVM Theses and Dissertations
Lax, Lisa Kenwyn
College of Education and Social Services
Ed. D.
Title IVE Child Welfare Trainee Programs provide professional education to current and future social worker employees in public child welfare practice in order to improve the quality of service and outcomes for vulnerable children and families. Prior research that evaluates the impact of these programs tends to focus on employment retention of Title IVE educated social workers, identifying supportive factors in the retention of social workers with a BSW or an MSW degree and factors that contribute to their undesirable job exit. This mixed methods study, conducted within Vermont's small rural state locale, utilized a population survey and qualitative interviews. Instead of focusing solely on employment retention as an outcome, the impact of the Title IVE trainee-ship and subsequent child welfare employment experience on the respondents' career paths was also studied. The findings suggest that workload and other organizational factors, in addition to personal circumstances, were the most powerful influences in the decision to leave employment. A majority continued to practice social work with children and families and valued their experience in child welfare after their job exit from Vermont's Department for Children and Families.