UVM Theses and Dissertations
Sheradin, Meghan Jane
Community Development and Applied Economics
Researchers at the University of Vermont have used the strategic planning tool, Concept Systems, to identify critical resources and qualities needed to establish a successful New England dairy processing facility. This study combines the expertise of current dairy processors and specialist, who support the industry, with the qualities and resources of community members who are investigating the feasibility of starting a dairy processing facility. The results identify areas of need and areas of strength that will assist the group in making an informed decision as to whether or not they will proceed with the project. If they decide to proceed with the endeavor, the analysis provides the foundation for a strategic plan. This study assesses the current state of dairy production in Vermont, examines consumer interest in buying local, small-scale dairy products, and reviews strategic planning methodology. It then explains the process of using Concept Systems to identify the critical qualities and resources needed for the establishment of a dairy processing facility and compares them to the qualities and resources possessed by the inquiring organization. The researchers interviewed current dairy processors and grocery store owners, analyzed two years of polling data from Vermonters, and met with the inquiring group in order to understand the extensive aspects of developing a dairy processing facility.
Vermont has a variety of experts in the dairy processing industry, a supportive consumer base for local products, and an excellent reputation for quality products. All of these characteristics make Vermont an ideal environment for small producers aspiring to develop market share and make a living. Nonetheless, there are barriers for any new business to overcome. The inquiring group, if they decide to proceed with the development of a dairy processing facility, will use the results to create working committees focused on company structure and finance, marketing and distribution, and product and plant logistics. These committees will review the contents of the analysis to help identify areas or tasks of greatest need and those of greatest strength.
Vermont has a variety of experts in the dairy processing industry, a supportive consumer base for local products, and an excellent reputation for quality products. All of these characteristics make Vermont an ideal environment for small producers aspiring to develop market share and make a living. Nonetheless, there are barriers for any new business to overcome. The inquiring group, if they decide to proceed with the development of a dairy processing facility, will use the results to create working committees focused on company structure and finance, marketing and distribution, and product and plant logistics. These committees will review the contents of the analysis to help identify areas or tasks of greatest need and those of greatest strength.