UVM Theses and Dissertations
Heath, Sarah Lynn
College of Education and Social Services
M. Ed.
Welcome to an epic journey of self-discovery, outdoor expedition, and (most of all) learning from, with and about others. This is a philosophical development of one approach to teaching and learning what we will hence forth refer to as education. Most concisely, it is a consideration of the words and warning of Mahatma Ghandi: The things that will destroy us are: Politics without principle; Pleasure without conscience; Wealth without work; Knowledge without character; Business without morality; Science without humanity, and Worship without sacrifice. - Mahatma Ghandi In addition to my academic research, this paper relies heavily upon the experiences of my life as a student, educator, scholar and adventurer. I have drawn specifically on a recent sea kayaking expedition I took through Outward Bound in Baja, Mexico; and have included several photographic entries which, of course, are worth a thousand words each. My intention here is to expound on some thoughts regarding education, its purpose, its place and its relevance. Am I writing not to be understood, as my high school English teacher, would say, but to understand. While others may find meaning in my story, no one needs for it to be written more than I. Through the process of compiling my research, experiences and reflective thoughts, I hope to emerge on the other side with a vision of the kind of education I can offer those around me. This is not prescriptive - I hold no claims that the formats, methodologies, or philosophies I write about herein are The Way (the only or even the best way) to go about educating - in deed the very beauty of education is that it happens everywhere, all the time, in endless forms. I hope not to limit such a limitless wonder. I hope only to more fully embrace the ways of education that speak to me, that I may realize my purpose in this life. I endeavor to contribute something subtly different and important to the field of education. It is not earth shattering or entirely original. It is rather, a new amalgamation of previously identified and successfully proven approaches aimed at meeting emerging needs in our students and societies. It is 100% authentic as it holds ultimate meaning for me - guiding my actions and thinking - personally and professionally. My writing is highly philosophical, personal and experiential. I write using Robert Nash's Scholarly Personal Narrative method. Just as Richard Bach (in his profound book, Illusions) concluded with: "everything in this book may be wrong," proceed knowing that everything on these pages may likewise be wrong for your experience of reality. I welcome you, dear reader, to take from this what you will, leave behind that which does not serve you, modify that which might, and have fun with it.