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Library Hours for Friday, September 13th

All of the hours for today can be found below. We look forward to seeing you in the library.
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Films & Other Videos

Actor, director & writer names starting with F

Fab 5 Freddy (3)

Faber, George (2)

Fabian, Françoise (5)

Fabian, Patrick (4)

Fabray, Nanette (2)

Fabre, Saturnin (2)

Fabrizi, Franco (3)

Facinelli, Peter (10)

Fackeldey, Gisela (2)

Fagbenle, O-T (3)

Fahey, Jeff (3)

Fairbanks, Douglas (9)

Fairey, Shepard (2)

Fairfax, Ferdinand (2)

Fairley, Michelle (4)

Faison, Donald (3)

Faison, Frankie (10)

Faithfull, Marianne (4)

Faivre, Bertrand (2)

Falchuk, Brad (2)

Falco, Edie (18)

Falcone, Ben (2)

Falk, Penelope (3)

Falk, Peter (11)

Fall, Melanie (2)

Falla, Manuel de (2)

Falvey, Justin (3)

Famuyiwa, Rick (3)

Fan, Bingbing (2)

Fan, Lixin (2)

Fan, Roger (2)

Fancher, Hampton (3)

Fanning, Dakota (8)

Fanning, David (5)

Fanning, Elle (9)

Fantoni, Sergio (2)

Farago, Ladislas (2)

Farāhānī, Gulshīftah (8)

Farber, Jeff (4)

Färberböck, Max (2)

Fardoulis, Monique (2)

Fares, Fares (2)

Fares, Nadia (2)

Fargas, Antonio (2)

Fargeau, Jean-Pol (5)

Farhādī, Aṣghar (3)

Farias, Roberto (2)

Farina, Dennis (6)

Faris, Anna (2)

Faris, Valerie (3)

Farjeon, J. Jefferson (2)

Farmer, Art (2)

Farmer, Frances (2)

Farmer, Gary (6)

Farmer, Mimsy (2)

Farmiga, Taissa (3)

Farmiga, Vera (11)

Farnsworth, Richard (4)

Farocki, Harun (6)

Farr, David (2)

Farr, Felicia (2)

Farr, Jamie (4)

Farrar, David (2)

Farrar, Geraldine (2)

Farrell, Colin (18)

Farrell, Glenda (2)

Farrell, Leslie D. (3)

Farrell, Mike (2)

Farrell, Nicholas (5)

Farrell, Timothy (2)

Farrelly, Bobby (3)

Farrelly, Peter (4)

Farrow, John (2)

Farrow, Mia (21)

Farthing, Jack (3)

Farwell, Suzanne (2)

Fasano, Walter (2)

Fassbender, Michael (16)

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner (18)

Fassler, Margot Elsbeth (2)

Fast, Howard (2)

Fastvold, Mona (2)

Fauchois, René (2)

Faulkner, William (9)

Faura, Óscar (2)

Fauré, Gabriel (3)

Favino, Pierfrancesco (4)

Favreau, Jon (13)

Fawcett, Farrah (4)

Fawcett, John (2)

Fearing, Kenneth (2)

Featherstone, Jane (3)

Fecan, Ivan (2)

Fechner, Christian (2)

Feder, Sam (2)

Federspiel, Birgitte (3)

Fegley, Oakes (2)

Feher, Friedrich (2)

Fehr, Oded (2)

Fei, Zhao (2)

Feifel, Martin (2)

Feiffer, Jules (4)

Feig, Paul (7)

Feige, Kevin (17)

Feild, J. J. (3)

Feinbloom, Sarah (2)

Feitshans, Buzz (3)

Feldman, Ben (3)

Feldman, Charles K. (3)

Feldman, Corey (4)

Feldman, Edward S. (3)

Feldman, Marty (2)

Feldon, Barbara (2)

Feldshuh, Tovah (3)

Feldstein, Beanie (2)

Felix, Bruno (2)

Fell, Norman (2)

Feller, Michel (2)

Fellini, Federico (20)

Fellner, Eric (27)

Fellowes, Julian (11)

Felsberg, Ulrich (4)

Felton, Tom (7)

Felton, Verna (3)

Fenby, Eric (2)

Fendelman, Joel (2)

Fengyi, Zhang (2)

Fenn, Sherilyn (2)

Fennell, Emerald (3)

Fenneman, George (2)

Fenton, George (9)

Feore, Colm (13)

Ferber, Edna (3)

Ferch, Heino (5)

Ferguson, Charles (2)

Ferguson, Frank (2)

Ferguson, Jay R. (5)

Ferguson, Niall (2)

Ferguson, Rebecca (4)

Ferguson, Scott (3)

Ferilli, Sabrina (3)

Ferland, Guy (2)

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (3)

Ferlito, Vanessa (4)

Fernán Gómez, Fernando (4)

Fernandez, Juan (2)

Fernandez, Shiloh (2)

Ferran, Pascale (3)

Ferrari, Michelle (6)

Ferrell, Conchata (2)

Ferrell, Will (11)

Ferrer, José (9)

Ferrer, Mel (2)

Ferrer, Miguel (5)

Ferrera, America (6)

Ferreri, Marco (6)

Ferrero, Aleshka (2)

Ferretis, Alejandro (2)

Ferretti, Dante (6)

Ferris, Pam (8)

Ferrucci, Frank (3)

Ferzetti, Gabriele (5)

Fessenden, Larry (2)

Fest, Joachim C. (2)

Festinger, Rob (2)

Fetchit, Stepin (2)

Fetters, Will (2)

Fettig, Tad (5)

Feuchtwanger, Lion (2)

Feuer, Cy (2)

Feuillade, Louis (2)

Fey, Tina (8)

Feydel, Sandrine (2)

Feyte, Jean (3)

Ficarra, Glenn (4)

Fichman, Ina (2)

Fichman, Niv (7)

Fichtner, William (6)

Fiedler, John (5)

Field, Betty (2)

Field, Connie (12)

Field, Sally (13)

Field, Shirley-Anne (3)

Field, Ted (2)

Field, Todd (4)

Fielding, Jerry (5)

Fields, Adam (2)

Fields, Dorothy (2)

Fields, Joel (2)

Fields, Joseph A. (2)

Fields, W. C. (8)

Fienberg, Gregg (2)

Fiennes, Joseph (11)

Fiennes, Ralph (27)

Fiennes, Sophie (2)

Fierberg, Andrew (2)

Fierlinger, Paul (2)

Fierlinger, Sandra (2)

Fierstein, Harvey (5)

Fieschi, Jacques (5)

Fifer, Sally Jo (5)

Figgis, Mike (4)

Figueroa, Gabriel (2)

Figueroa, Tolita (2)

Figura, Katarzyna (2)

Filac, Vilko (2)

Filippou, Efthimis (3)

Filler, Martin (2)

Fillieres, Helene (2)

Fillion, Nathan (4)

Fimmel, Travis (4)

Finch, Peter (5)

Fincher, David (9)

Findlay, Deborah (3)

Fine, Alan (3)

Fine, Larry (2)

Fine, Russell Lee (2)

Fine, Sean (2)

Finerman, Wendy (2)

Finestra, Carmen (2)

Finfer, David (2)

Fink, Bernarda (2)

Fink, Richard Paul (2)

Finkel, Abem (2)

Finkel, Fyvush (2)

Finklehoffe, Fred F. (2)

Finlay, Frank (9)

Finlayson, James (4)

Finley, Gerald (2)

Finnell, Michael (4)

Finney, Albert (18)

Finney, Jack (2)

Finocchiaro, Donatella (2)

Fiore, Mauro (4)

Fiore, Robert (2)

Fiorentino, Linda (4)

Firth, Colin (27)

Firth, Jonathan (2)

Firth, Peter (4)

Fischer, Bradley J. (2)

Fischer, Corey (2)

Fischer, Gunnar (2)

Fischer, Jenna (2)

Fischler, Steven (2)

Fišer, Luboš (2)

Fishburne, Larry (14)

Fishburne, Laurence (9)

Fishel, Deirdre (3)

Fisher, Carrie (7)

Fisher, Frances (2)

Fisher, Gerry (2)

Fisher, Isla (5)

Fisher, Lucy (5)

Fisher, Sanford H. (3)

Fisher, Steve (4)

Fisher, Terence (3)

Fisk, Jack (4)

Fiske, Pat (2)

Fitoussi, Grégory (6)

Fitzgerald, Barry (7)

Fitzgerald, Benedict (2)

Fitzgerald, Ella (4)

Fitzgerald, F. Scott (5)

Fitzgerald, Geraldine (4)

Fitzgerald, Glenn (2)

Fitzgerald, Michael (3)

Fitzgerald, Tara (2)

Fitzgerald, Walter (2)

Fitzmaurice, Geo (2)

Fitzpatrick, Leo (3)

Fix, Paul (4)

Flack, Sarah (3)

Flagg, Fannie (2)

Flaherty, Frances Hubbard (2)

Flaherty, Robert Joseph (5)

Flahive, Gerry (3)

Flahive, Liz (2)

Flaiano, Ennio (9)

Flamand, Didier (2)

Flamant, Georges (2)

Flanagan, Fionnula (7)

Flanagan, Tommy (2)

Flanery, Sean Patrick (2)

Flannery, Peter (3)

Flaubert, Gustave (2)

Flea (6)

Flebotte, David (2)

Fleck, Ryan (4)

Fleder, Gary (2)

Fleet, James (3)

Fleetwood, Kate (2)

Fleischer, Bernhard (3)

Fleischer, Richard (5)

Fleiss, Mike (2)

Fleming, Gabriel (3)

Fleming, Ian (14)

Fleming, Renee (6)

Fleming, Rhonda (5)

Fleming, Victor (5)

Flemyng, Jason (5)

Fleshler, Glenn (3)

Fletcher, Bramwell (2)

Fletcher, Dexter (4)

Fletcher, Louise (2)

Fleurot, Audrey (11)

Flick, Donald (3)

Flippen, Jay C. (4)

Flockhart, Calista (2)

Flon, Suzanne (4)

Florelle (2)

Flores, Magdalena (2)

Florey, Robert (4)

Flórez, Juan Diego (2)

Floyd, Jami (2)

Flynn, Barbara (5)

Flynn, Errol (7)

Flynn, Gillian (4)

Flynn, James (5)

Flynn, Jerome (6)

Flynn, Jim (2)

Flynn, Johnny (3)

Flynn, Neil (2)

Foch, Nina (2)

Foer, Jonathan Safran (2)

Fogelman, Dan (7)

Foldager, Meta Louise (3)

Foley, Dave (4)

Folk, Robert (3)

Follett, Ken (2)

Follows, Megan (2)

Folsey, George (3)

Fon, Christina (2)

Fonda, Bridget (5)

Fonda, Henry (25)

Fonda, Jane (16)

Fonda, Peter (9)

Fong, Larry (2)

Fons, Jorge (2)

Fontaine, Anne (3)

Fontaine, Joan (7)

Fontaine, Stéphane (3)

Fontana, Tom (5)

Foote, Horton (4)

Foran, Dick (4)

Forbes, Bryan (7)

Forbes, Maya (2)

Forbes, Michelle (6)

Forbes, Stefan (2)

Forbstein, Leo F. (4)

Ford, Christopher (2)

Ford, Glenn (9)

Ford, Harrison (26)

Ford, Jeffrey (3)

Ford, John (31)

Ford, Louise (2)

Ford, Luke (3)

Ford, Paul (2)

Ford, Roger (3)

Ford, Tom (2)

Ford, Wallace (6)

Foreman, Carl (4)

Foreman, George (2)

Foreman, Jamie (3)

Foreman, John (3)

Forest, Michael (3)

Forester, C. S. (2)

Forlani, Claire (4)

Form, Andrew (2)

Forman, Miloš (12)

Forrest, Frederic (8)

Forslund, Bengt (2)

Forster, E. M. (7)

Forster, Marc (6)

Forster, Robert (10)

Forsyth, Bill (2)

Forsyth, Frederick (2)

Forsythe, John (7)

Forsythe, William (3)

Fort, Garrett (2)

Forte, Lori (2)

Forte, Will (4)

Fortunato, Milos (2)

Forward, Leslie (2)

Forza, Roberto (2)

Fosha, Diana (3)

Fosse, Bob (6)

Fossey, Brigitte (3)

Foster, Ben (10)

Foster, David (2)

Foster, Gary (3)

Foster, Giles (2)

Foster, Jodie (25)

Foster, Julia (2)

Foster, Kathleen (2)

Foster, Meg (5)

Foster, Preston (4)

Fotopoulos, James (4)

Fouce, Paula (2)

Fouquet, Marie-Claude (2)

Fournier, Monique (2)

Fowlds, Derek (2)

Fox, David (2)

Fox, Edward (15)

Fox, Emilia (5)

Fox, Eytan (2)

Fox, James (12)

Fox, Jennifer (11)

Fox, John (3)

Fox, Josh (4)

Fox, Julia (2)

Fox, Kerry (6)

Fox, Laurence (3)

Fox, Louise (2)

Fox, Matthew (2)

Fox, Michael (2)

Fox, Michael J. (7)

Fox, Olly (2)

Fox, Robert (3)

Fox, Virginia (7)

Fox, Vivica A. (3)

Foxx, Jamie (14)

Foy, Bryan (2)

Foy, Claire (6)

Frady, Marshall (2)

Fraiman, Ed (2)

Frain, James (6)

Fraisse, Robert (3)

Fraker, William A. (2)

France, Cécile de (4)

Francella, Guillermo (2)

Francia, Luisa (2)

Franciosa, Anthony (3)

Francis, Anne (5)

Francis-Bruce, Richard (4)

Francis, Clive (2)

Francis, Freddie (3)

Francis, Malcolm (2)

Francis, Marc (3)

Francis, Nick (2)

Francis, Sage (2)

Franck, Dan (2)

Francks, Don (3)

Franco, David (4)

Franco, Germaine (2)

Franco, James (19)

Franco, Jesus (2)

Franco, Larry J. (6)

Franco, Vicente (5)

Frand, Harvey (3)

Franju, Georges (2)

Frank, Barney (3)

Frank, Darryl (3)

Frank, Harriet (5)

Frank, Melvin (5)

Frank, Scott (6)

Frank, Thomas (2)

Franke, Christopher (2)

Franke, Vince (12)

Frankel, Benjamin (2)

Frankel, Davey (2)

Frankel, David (3)

Franken, Al (3)

Frankenheimer, John (14)

Frankeur, Paul (2)

Franklin, Aretha (3)

Franklin, Carl (3)

Franklin, Marcus Carl (2)

Franklin, Pamela (2)

Franklin, Scott (6)

Franklin, Sidney A. (5)

Franti, Michael (2)

Frantz, Jacques (2)

Franz, Arthur (3)

Franz, Eduard (2)

Franz, Veronika (4)

Franzoni, David (3)

Frappier, Roger (2)

Fraser, Brendan (8)

Fraser, Greig (3)

Fraser, Hugh (6)

Fraser, John (4)

Fraser, Laura (4)

Fraser, Ronald (2)

Frawley, William (5)

Frazen, Robert (2)

Frazer, Rupert (3)

Frears, Stephen (16)

Frechette, Mark (2)

Frecheville, James (2)

Frederickson, Gray (3)

Freed, Arthur (10)

Freeland, Thornton (3)

Freeman, Al (4)

Freeman, Everett (2)

Freeman, J. E. (2)

Freeman, Jonathan (3)

Freeman, Kathleen (2)

Freeman, Martin (19)

Freeman, Morgan (36)

Freeman, Paul (2)

Frees, Paul (3)

Freĭndlikh, Alisa (2)

Freiss, Stéphane (3)

Fremont, Thierry (2)

French, Dawn (4)

Fresnay, Pierre (5)

Fresson, Bernard (5)

Freund, Karl (7)

Frey, Leonard (2)

Frey, Sami (3)

Freyd, Denis (3)

Frías, Carmen (3)

Fricke, Ron (3)

Fricker, Brenda (6)

Fried, Gerald (5)

Fried, Robert N. (2)

Friedberg, Mark (2)

Friedel, Christian (3)

Friedhofer, Hugo (3)

Friedkin, William (11)

Friedlander, Erik (2)

Friedlander, Judah (3)

Friedle, Will (2)

Friedlob, Bert E. (2)

Friedman, Bruce Jay (2)

Friedman, Daniel (2)

Friedman, David F. (2)

Friedman, Jeffrey (4)

Friedman, Liz (2)

Friedman, Peter (2)

Friedman, Thomas (2)

Friedman, Thomas L. (2)

Friedrich, Georg (3)

Friedrich, Götz (2)

Friedrich, Su (3)

Friend, Rupert (9)

Friesen, Eugene (2)

Friesen, Tracey (3)

Friðrik Þór Friðriksson (2)

Fritch, William Ryan (2)

Frith, Fred (3)

Fritsch, Willy (2)

Frizzell, John (3)

Fröbe, Gert (3)

Froemke, Susan (6)

Froeschel, George (3)

Frogatt, Joanne (3)

Froggatt, Joanne (3)

Frogley, Louise (2)

Fröhlich, Gustav (2)

Frohman, Clayton (2)

Fröling, Ewa (3)

Fromkess, Leon (2)

Fromm, Hans (2)

Front, Rebecca (3)

Frost, Joe (3)

Frost, Mark (3)

Frost, Nick (6)

Frot, Catherine (3)

Fruchtman, Lisa (3)

Fry, Stephen (14)

Frye, E. Max (2)

Frye, William (2)

Fryer, Robert (3)

Frykberg, Jonas (2)

Fuchs, Daniel (3)

Fuchs, Fred (5)

Fucile, Eli (2)

Fuentes, Carlos (2)

Fugard, Athol (3)

Fugit, Patrick (4)

Fujimoto, Masumi (3)

Fujimoto, Tak (7)

Fujisawa, Shūhei (3)

Fujita, Susumu (5)

Fujiwara, Kamatari (4)

Fujiwara, Tatsuya (3)

Fukasaku, Kenta (3)

Fukasaku, Kinji (4)

Fukunaga, Cary Joji (3)

Fukuyama, Francis (2)

Fulford, Christopher (2)

Fuller, Brad (4)

Fuller, Bryan (2)

Fuller, Dolores (2)

Fuller, Graham (2)

Fuller, Kurt (2)

Fuller, Leland (2)

Fuller, R. Buckminster (3)

Fuller, Samuel (10)

Fulton, John P. (2)

Fumusa, Dominic (3)

Funari, Vicky (2)

Fundal, Karsten (2)

Funès, Louis de (2)

Funt, Allen (2)

Fuqua, Antoine (3)

Furankī, Rirī (2)

Furjanic, Cheryl (3)

Furlong, Edward (5)

Fürmann, Benno (4)

Furneaux, Yvonne (3)

Furse, Roger (2)

Furstenberg, Hani (2)

Furthman, Jules (9)

Furuta, Arata (2)

Fusco, Giovanni (5)

Fusco, John (2)

Futterman, Dan (4)