Tag Archives: christmas

Happy Holidays from VTDNP!

Happy holidays, everyone, from the Vermont Digital Newspaper Project! May you have a warm (emphasis on warm!!), happy, and safe holiday in whatever form that may take.

An advertisement for a radio from the Caledonian-Record in 1922.


Here’s to a fantastic 2014 and an even better 2015.  In honor of the holiday season, we put together a small  album of assorted holiday newspaper clippings from Vermont (all found on                              Chronicling America).


View the album on Flickr

View the album on Pinterest


“The Arrival of the New Year” in the Spirit of the Age out of Woodstock, Vermont.



The VTDNP team

P.S. Also, a note on holiday craft ideas: old newspaper clippings make for great holiday cards!

P.P.S. Have you seen the Chronicling America Topics Pages for “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus”?