Our first French-language title, Le Patriote Canadien

Patriote-banner Now available on Chronicling America, our first French-language title, Le Patriote canadien! Published from 1839 to 1840 by the well-known French-Canadian printer and VT-Phoenix-Duvernayjournalist, Ludger Duvernay, Le Patriot!
e canadien
is an enduring chronicle of the ties between Vermont and Québec during an important period of history.  The Rebellion in Lower Canada / La rébellion du Bas-Canada in 1837-1838, marked the culmination of a long political conflict  between the civil population of Lower Canada (now Québec) and the forces of the colonial British government. As tensions mounted, armed clashes erupted between the rebels or ‘patriotes’ and the British. Martial law was declared, and many patriots were exiled under pain of death. Claiming civil rights and the establishment of an independent Canadian Republic, many of the exiles fled across the border to Vermont. In the wake of these circumstances, in August 1839, Le Patriote canadien emerged in Burlington, published by Duvernay, a prominent exile and consummate journalist, as an organ of dissemination and communication to flame the fire of rebellion again!
st the injustices of the colonial regime. Continue reading Our first French-language title, Le Patriote Canadien

Titles Available

Newspapers digitized as part of the Vermont Digital Newspaper Project are listed below by place of publication. The dates following the title indicate the years covered. Click on a title to be taken to its page on Chronicling America. BARRE Barre Daily Times (1898) Barre Evening Enterprise (1898-1902) Barre Evening Telegram (1903-1911) Cronaca Sovversiva (1903-1919) … Continue reading Titles Available

General Tutorials

There is a lot that you can do with historic newspapers on           Chronicling America–you just have to know how and where to look! There are numerous tutorials in a variety of formats out there to help with getting you started on the website with confidence. General How-to Search Guides: Brief search tips: Helpful Tips on … Continue reading General Tutorials

Expressions: The Newspaper Masthead in Vermont, 1836-1922

The masthead: it’s the very first thing one sees when reading a paper. It contains its title, aims to encapsulate its identity, and draws readers to its pages. From refined fonts to hand-drawn sketches, Vermont’s historical newspaper masthead designs are a visible representation of the story of our state’s media past and the art of … Continue reading Expressions: The Newspaper Masthead in Vermont, 1836-1922