Tag Archives: chronicling america

150 Years Ago: Lincoln’s Second Inauguration (as retold in the newspapers)

Saturday, March 4, 1865:

Abraham Lincoln’s second term commenced on “a day of gloom and tempest,” ever so near to the close of the bloodiest war in American history: the Civil War. The streets were muddy from a heavy rain, “rendered almost impassable for foot passengers,” but Lincoln’s procession trudged on despite the mucky and wet conditions toward to the Capitol in the late morning, where he was to make his second inaugural speech in the afternoon.

lincolns inauguration
“Crowd at Lincoln’s second inauguration, March 4, 1865.” Photo from the Library of Congress.

By the time he made his way to the stage, the skies had apparently settled to a murky gray color, with the rain desisting.  Lincoln’s speech was brief and to the point, and characteristically his own: “In pithy brevity, sagacity and honesty of purpose, the address is Lincolnian all over” (Evening Star, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1865). Two excerpts follow that this author found particularly poignant:

“With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured. On the occasion corresponding to this, four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it; all sought to avoid it…Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came…

…With malice toward none, with charity for all, …let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wound, …to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

 Read the whole speech.

Following his speech, an account of the remaining portion of the ceremony was relayed in the Lamoille Newsdealer:

an account

The New York Tribune offered a hopeful summation of the day’s events: “May the President’s two terms of service together reflect the day of his second inauguration–so dark and angry in the morning–halcyon and radiant in the evening.”

Indeed, the Civil War was soon to end in April of that year. As Lincoln’s inauguration took place, Union troops were enclosing on Richmond, in a “coiling serpent of bayonets.”march4civilwar

Lincoln’s leadership, however, would be tragically cut short, and scarcely a week after the end of the war.

-K. Norwood

Save the Date: Genealogy & Chronicling America Class on March 7

Are you interested in genealogy? We’re pleased to announce we’ll be offering a class at the Vermont Genealogy Library on how to use Chronicling America for genealogy research on Saturday, March 7, 2015, from 10:30 am to 12 pm.

The cost is $5 and no registration is necessary.

Visit the Vermont Genealogy Library’s website to learn more.

In the meantime, visit our genealogy tab on our website!

Hope to see you there & happy searching!


New Flickr & Pinterest Album: Vermont Historic Architecture

Historic newspaper content can be invaluable for local history           research, particularly in regard to historic buildings in a community. Often newspapers would publish supplements about a town, its          industries, or businesses.  Articles would also be published on new construction, cornerstones being laid, dedication ceremonies, or other news about buildings in a community. We created an album showing just some of the different architecture found in Vermont’s historic newspapers on Chronicling America. Are these buildings still standing in your community? Enjoy!

Baxter National Bank in Rutland, Vermont. Image from the Vermont Phoenix, February 4, 1910.

See the album on Flickr

See the album on Pinterest

Read our how-to on using Chronicling America to research historic buildings

Educators: Download a lesson plan using this album!

Have you had success using Chronicling America to research a             Vermont building? Share your story below and include a link! We’ll add it to our collection of images.

User Spotlight Series: Egbert Stolk

Egbert Stolk examining a wall at New York’s Tenement Museum, while an intern there this summer. Photograph by Alexandra Brown.


Egbert Stolk writes as a guest blogger for our User Spotlight Series this month. Egbert                recently graduated from the University of     Vermont’s Historic Preservation Program with a Master of Science. Below he shares his experience of using Chronicling America to research immigrant stories for The Burlington Edible Food Tour.


In my work for the edible food walking tour in Burlington, Vermont, we strive to gather immigrant stories who were working directly or indirectly in the food industry in Burlington. The different ethnic groups that came to America, and in our case specifically Burlington, also brought their food traditions with them. Sometimes traditional food was sold in shops or otherwise immigrants sold American food, while cooking ethnic food at home. In The Burlington Edible Food Tour we try to uncover immigrant and food stories, and places that relate to these stories. We used the online newspaper database Chronicling America to find more stories for the tour. For example: to locate street vendors and restaurants owned by immigrants and events pertaining to those businesses. It was very helpful as history is sometimes lost forever, but with the help of century-old journalism we are able to reconstruct part of Burlington’s immigrant              history. Continue reading User Spotlight Series: Egbert Stolk

Save the Date: Webinar & Workshop for Librarians Coming Up!

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering a webinar and workshop for librarians on Chronicling America through the          Vermont Department of Libraries (VTLIB) this winter and spring!

Both are free and open to librarians. As an extra bonus: attending each program provides credits toward VTLIB certification!

Below, a quick description of the webinar and workshop, as well as a link for signing up for each. Many thanks to VTLIB for this                  opportunity.


Friday, March 6, 2015, 10:00-11:00 am: Chronicling America Webinar with the Vermont Digital Newspaper Project (VTDNP)

If you haven’t heard about Chronicling America before or you want to know more about it, now’s your chance! Chronicling America is an online, searchable database of historic American newspapers from 1836-1922 on the Library of Congress website. It provides free access to over 8.4 million newspaper pages from across the country, including 250,000 pages and 59 titles from Vermont! Learn about how Chronicling America works, gather ideas on how you and your patrons can use it effectively, and find out how VTDNP can help you and your library community utilize this invaluable primary source tool.

  • Other Information: VTLIB certification credits: 1
  • Contact: Mara Siegel
  • Contact Number: 802.828.2727
  • Presenter: Karyn Norwood/Erenst Anip

Link to sign up: Register for this Webinar!


Friday, April 17, 2015, 9:30-11:30 am: Chronicling America Workshop with the Vermont Digital Newspaper Project (VDTNP)

In this hands-on workshop explore the opportunities that Chronicling America holds for you and your library patrons. Chronicling America is an online, searchable database of historic American newspapers from 1836-1922 on the Library of Congress website. It provides free access to over 8.4 million newspaper pages from across the country, including 250,000 pages and 59 titles from Vermont! We’ll learn about how Chronicling America works, practice search strategies on Vermont topics, explore online resource guides, and learn about ways to re-purpose and reuse content.

  • Location: Midstate Library Service Center, Berlin – Conference Room
  • Registration Ends: 4/3/2015 at 12:00 AM
  • Other Information: VTLIB certification credits: 2
  • Contact: Mara Siegel
  • Contact Number: 802.828.2727
  • Presenter: Karyn Norwood/Erenst Anip

Link to sign up: Register for this Workshop!