UVM Theses and Dissertations
Shand, Christine
College of Education and Social Services
Spirituality is the solution to alcoholism and addiction. When alcohol or drugs are removed from an addict's life and replaced with spiritual practice, such as prayer, meditation, and being of service to others, it has a positive effect on the individual, the family, the community, and beyond. Spirituality is also the remedy for many of our societal problems such as poverty, global warming, and hunger. Spiritual practice impacts everyone, directly or indirectly, and I contend if more people lived by the 'golden rule' and treated others as they want to be treated, there would be less crime, violence, poverty, and hunger. In addition, fewer divorces would happen resulting in more families staying intact thereby reducing the number of displaced children in our country. There would also be a significant decline in the number of reported cases of child abuse and neglect.
Spirituality means having a personal relationship with a Higher Power. Spirituality connotes love, not hate. It unifies, it does not separate. It is accepting, not intolerant. It is peaceful, not vengeful. Spiritual practice involves living virtuously: to be kind, compassionate, respectful, and generous towards others. If more people lived by spiritual principles our world would undoubtedly be a safer and more joyful place to live for all of humanity.
Spirituality means having a personal relationship with a Higher Power. Spirituality connotes love, not hate. It unifies, it does not separate. It is accepting, not intolerant. It is peaceful, not vengeful. Spiritual practice involves living virtuously: to be kind, compassionate, respectful, and generous towards others. If more people lived by spiritual principles our world would undoubtedly be a safer and more joyful place to live for all of humanity.